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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 Repayment of Debt

Erin smiled awkwardly, “Yes, I only have that one best friend.”

Caleb sighed and said, “Well, I guess we’ll have to do it another day. I’ll eat alone today. I won’t keep

you any longer.”

“Thank you, Mr. Grant.”

When Erin was taking the elevator up to the highest floor, her phone rang. She had a look and saw that

it was from an unknown number. She picked up, thinking that it might be her mother.

“Hello, am I speaking to Erin Lane?”

When she heard a rather unfriendly man’s voice on the phone, she said in detest. “Yes, I am. Who are


“You can call me Tony. Your parents are with me right now. Your father owes me ten million dollars from

gambling, yet your mother only. brought two million over, naively thinking she could take him away. If

everyone who owes me doesn’t repay me, my reputation will be


Tony was clearly unhappy. Although he wasn’t speaking fiercely, his cold tone still frightened Erin. She

didn’t need to guess that Tony was

no saint!

Also, Tony had mistaken Grayson Lawrence to be her father. She did not feel like explaining herself at

that moment, so she cautiously and calmly asked, furrowing her brow. “Tony, how do you want to settle


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“It’s only logical to pay up your debts! I have a legal casino in Aunder, so don’t you think of trying to call

the cops? Even if they show up. they won’t interfere.” He added, “But don’t worry. Things like broken

limbs or fingers won’t happen here. If you don’t cough up the other eight million dollars, I won’t let your

parents go. I’ll make them stay and work as a janitor in the casino until they can clear their debt!”

Tony sneered, then said, “But I’m sure you know that even if they lived up to 800 years old, they still

wouldn’t be able to pay me back! The

most likely outcome is they die from overworking. They might not live until 60! Their lives are not worth

any money to me, but since they’re your parents, don’t say I’m not treating you all nicely. I’ll give you a

week to gather the eight million dollars! If you can’t get me the money by then, don’t blame me if they

die from overworking.”

Erin forced herself to stay collected while listening to Tony finish what he had to say, even if she was

already bursting with rage. She calmly said, “I want to talk to them to know they’re still alive and well!”

At that point, Tony’s voice sounded a little far away. “Hey, you two! Bring the old couple here.”

Two minutes later, Erin heard her mother’s voice on the phone. Cherry choked up, saying, “Erin, I’m so

sorry! I lied to you! Grayson got tricked by his friend and owed a casino 10 million dollars! How are we

going to live through this? Just let me and him die! Please, take good care of Gavin-”

“Mom! Don’t be silly! How are you and Mr. Lawrence now? Are you all hurt?” Erin sounded agitated, but

she tried not to get angry at Cherry.

Cherry sobbed and said, “I’m fine, but Grayson seems to be in shock. He’s in a daze and hasn’t said

anything in the past two days. He was beaten up by them before!

“That’s enough chit–chat! Lock them back up!” Tony’s voice rang through the phone once more.

At that point, Erin was already so frightened she was sweating profusely. Never in her life would she

imagine having to encounter people from the casino! Thinking about how that unscrupulous Grayson

had dragged her mother into this, she wanted to slap him a few times.

However, it was pointless getting angry at that moment. Even if Grayson wasn’t her real father, he had

paid for her education and brought her up since she was young. She was indeed indebted to him. More

importantly, her mother also has to suffer with him.

“Erin, you’ve talked to your mother already. Go get the money!”

Before Erin could say anything. Tony hung up. She immediately redialed. The moment the call

connected, Tony said impatiently. “I’m telling you. Don’t call if you can’t get me the eight million dollars!

I won’t pick up!”

When she heard the call disconnected, her legs turned to jelly, and she slumped to the floor by the

elevator. She had exited the elevator for quite a while already. Looking at that long corridor heading to

the president’s office, she got up and re–entered the elevator, choosing to head back down.

At that moment, the only thing that mattered was to solve the problem of getting the money. Erin

returned to the design department, found

Mr. Jones, and took an emergency leave of absence before leaving the office.

When she left, she ran to the side of the road to hail a taxi. At that moment, the only person she wanted

to see was Holly. Only she was

able to lend her the money!

Erin didn’t even think of lan, her ex–husband, at all.

As for Chandler, she hesitated for a few seconds, thinking whether she should ask him for money, but if

she failed at doing so and he humiliated and insulted her in return, she would want to kill herself.

Half an hour later, a tall, attractive young lady stepped into the president’s office. At that moment,

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Chandler’s back was facing her. He

barked coldly. “Erin Lane, are you trying to seek death? Do you know what time it is-”

He stopped in mid–track and turned around to look at his visitor in surprise. He said. “Angela, why are

you here?”

Angela Wood was 5‘ 7“, dressed in a professional suit, looking lall and gorgeous. Her red lipstick

looked dangerously lethal, which intimidated most people. Her four–inch heels clicked when she

walked over to Chandler. She said teasingly, “What a look! Seems like

you’re disappointed I’m not Erin!”

Chandler’s eyes glimmered a little. He smiled and said, “When did you come? Why didn’t you call me

beforehand? I could have treated you

to a meal.”

Angela saw the two luxurious lunch sets on the coffee table. She walked over to the sofa and took a

seat, saying. “Let’s stop with the act. It looks like you’re waiting for Erin to have a meal together, but

she didn’t come?”

Seeing her continuing this topic, Chandler took one look at her before heading over to the sofa to sit.

He said casually, “Yes, I was waiting for her. She’s the woman that I’m currently quite interested in.”

“Oh, you sure are interested in her. You even got me to seduce lan so that he would divorce Erin, but

your suspicions were right! lan sure is a man who likes someone way beyond his league.” Angela

continued, detested, “He’s just a programmer that started from nothing. His family wealth is not even

one percent of my family’s, yet he shamelessly tried to pursue me.”

With delight in his eyes. Chandler said calmly, “Even if his wealth is as great as your family’s Soaring

Electronics, you won’t be with him.” Angela smirked. “You’re right! It’s not my fault I don’t like men.”