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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1036
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Chapter 1036

When Tyler ignored her warning, Vicky finally snapped and cast all senses aside.

She gripped the knife with all her might and stabbed Tyler in the chest.

Blood trickled down the knife and slowly tainted his white shirt.

Tyler seemed to believe that Vicky would not harm him and did not make any effort to dodge her attack.

He lowered his gaze to look at the knife that was buried into his chest.

Just then, footsteps approached the kitchen and Aurora strode inside. "Vicky, do you have a spare hair band I can-


As soon as she stepped foot into the kitchen, a shrilling scream came out of her mouth.

She hurriedly walked up to Vicky and took the knife from her hand. "Vicky, put that knife down immediately!”

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All her rage was put out, and Vicky suddenly snapped back to reality.

When she saw the knife sticking out of Tyler's chest, her eyes widened and her face turned pale. ’

Her lips trembled, but she stood frozen in place, unable to speak.

Aurora, in a panic, searched for her phone. 'Til call an ambulance."

After the chaos, Tyler was finally rushed to the hospital.

The hospital corridor was illuminated by harsh white lights and the Operating Room's logo stood out like blood.

Vicky lowered her head, stood motionless at the entrance of the operating room, and had a vacant expression.

Footsteps echoed from the other side of the corridor, indicating that Aurora had returned after signing the papers

and paying the fees.

Seeing Vicky's numb expression, Aurora hesitated for a moment, before approaching Vicky. "The doctor told me

that Tyler's stab wound didn't hit any vital organs. You have nothing to worry about." She whispered.

Upon hearing Aurora's words, Vicky's eyelashes fluttered, and she lifted her gaze. "I..." She tried to speak, but her

voice came out hoarse and barely recognizable.

Aurora interrupted her before she could finish. "Vicky, this isn't your fault. It's all my fault..."

Vicky looked at Aurora. "How is this your fault?"

Aurora lowered her head in guilt. "Before I came to you, I had an argument with Tyler. You know how I'm afraid I

can become when I'm alone... So I wanted Tyler to stay with me,

but he said he was too busy with work and couldn't come... I got angry and said I would come to you, so he must

have come here to find me. I don't know what happened between you two, but it must be because of my

relationship with him that things turned out like this... I'm so sorry." 1

Vicky was taken aback. "He came to find you?"

Aurora seemed puzzled by Vicky's question. "Yeah, why?"

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Vicky lowered her gaze. "It's nothing."

Aurora studied Vicky's pale face and continued, "I haven't informed Mister and Missus Hart about this yet, not even

his assistant..." She lowered her voice. "The less they know, the better. I'll try my best to explain everything to


As Vicky gazed at Aurora's fair and beautiful profile, a lump formed in her throat as an overwhelming sense of

shame threatened to consume her.

She always held a negative impression of Aurora because of Tyler.

Although they had some unpleasant moments in the past, she could not deny that Aurora had never done anything

substantial to harm her. Even when she made such a huge mistake of stabbing her fiance, Aurora did not seem to

blame her. Instead, she comforted her and considered her well-being, which only pushed Vicky deeper into her


They were not close friends, but at this moment, she felt horrible for stealing her friend's husband.

At that moment, Vicky's guard fell and she could not hide the truth any longer, she made up her mind to tell Aurora
