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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 623: Rudra Vs Scar-Face (3)
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" Is he a necromancer ? ". Thought billions of Citizens watching worldwide as they saw Rudra summon the dead.

In Omega it was public knowledge that only the dark faction class - necromancer could summon and control undead , whereas there was no such ability within the light faction classes.

In theory the dark faction players had better class abilities than light faction players but they were ostracized by society and lived a dog eat dog life.

Overall the gaming experience of the dark faction was more geared towards loneliness and solo levelling whereas the light faction gaming experience was a life of friendship and adventure.

Hence why Rudra summoning the undead looked unfair at many levels . The strength that the dark faction players had gained through solitude was the only thing that justified their path filled with loneliness .

At first the netizens thought that Rudra must be using some sort of artifact to summon the undead , however looking at the strength and capabilities of the undead , especially the liches that could summon even more undead their conceived notions were broken.

The entire event was so bizzare that nobody could come up with even a half decent conspiracy theory as to why Rudra could do what he did . However since he was the highest ranking light faction player of all time , the support for him gaining this powers was also high.

' Shakuni is the GOAT! , He can even summon undead better than Nero ! '.

' Shakuni the necromancer !!! '.

' Is there anything this guy can't do ? '.

' His undead can summon undead , he is like the lord of death himself '.

' So cool!!!! Big brother shakuni may i please warm your bed? '.

' If Shakuni Oppa needs a massage , he can get a special one for free in my department store '.

The entire forums were in chaos over Rudra's capabilities . But the man himself was laser focused on his fight .


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( The nothern battlefront )

Only about 7 minutes of sunlight was left for the day and the fighting was reaching its climax .

Since there would be no system obligation to retreat to the camps once the day ends anymore , the blood merchant troops were trying one last push to gain as much ground as they could before the short 10 minutes break while the elites were holding onto the lines with their dear lives.

The dark shaman was irritated to no limits as the undead summoned by Rudra kept swarming him and pinning him down as to his absolute shock the quality of undead summoned by Rudra were no less than his own capabilities.

It was the shaman's lifelong dream to be able to control the dead , however he did not have the strength required to do it , but now Rudra could do it with a casual flick of his finger and this enraged him to no end.

On top of that , Rudra was essentially an assaulted who did not specialize in the way of the dead at all , yet his capabilities were comparable to his own. Someone who had been practicing the dark arts for over a century.

The shaman without the human blood and the runic summonings could only summon tier 3 beasts at best and with Rudra able to rival that in his own liches , he essentially equalled the shaman's power.

With the shaman suppressed Rudra could finally focus on giving scar-face a piece of his mind and use a few undead as his own sacrificial lambs to create an opening for attack!

He used the move [ Twin blade cross slash ] followed by [ One Legged Leap ] and [ Claymore ]

To create the perfect trap for Scar-Face as two tier 2 undead pushed at him from two opposite sides .

The timing of the attacks was such that Scar-Face could only defend against one successfully and since he chose to block the attacks of the two undead and the twin blade cross slash , he was left vulnerable for the aerial attack ' Claymore '. As Siege breaker landed a strike right at his temple!

- 150,000

A massive amount of damage was registered as scar-face staggered and recieved a brand new scar to his face as blood dripped from his open wound.

[ You have stunned the enemy for 1 second ]

Rudra saw his opening way before the system notification ever appeared as he instantly used blink to close in on scar-face and used his favoured attack [ Solar Beam ] to blast him at point blank range.

Rudra's attack sent Scar-Face flying as he punched a hole through the nothern wall and was sent outside the city with a ton of wall debris falling over his body as he was buried behind rubble.

Although he was sent away , Rudra knew that the guy had put up a defensive barrier at the last second and did not take the entire brunt of the attack , losing only 12% of his max HP to both attacks combined.

Nonetheless , as the man dusted himself off from the rubble , Rudra returned the sny remark that Scar-Face had told him only a few moments ago.

" NOT BAD ....



Scar-face was no fan of such trash talking as he immediately gripped his sword hard and it started to hum with incredible power as he prepared a big move.

Unfortunately for him however right at this moment the war conch's sounded as the sun went down completely as the war entered a 10 minute cooldown period.

Although Scar-Face was seething internally , he did not follow through with the move as he toned his powers down and gave a deadly glare to Rudra.

Pointing his sword towards him scar-face said "

You dare call me ? The glorious servant of the almighty Lucifer a b***** . Hahahaha , HOW INSOLENT!

Although I'm no scum and would usually never go this far .... You ... You have forced out the evil inside me.

Let it be known that when i conquer this city , the women of this city will be playthings for my men and the men would be slaves without rights while the children will be forced to do manual labor.

Tales will be told of how because of the mad King Shakuni who antagonized the one man who he should not have antagonized and the city of Purplehaze suffered for his sins , for an eternity! ".

Scar-Face delivered a bone chilling threat to Rudra . He was completely riled up.


Let me tell you at this very moment boy , not even your emperor Cervantez dares to fight me . I AM UNRIVALLED in this continent and wayy out of your league.

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When this stupid war contract expires , which it will in a few short minutes . Then you will see the true might of this warrior who has killed more men than the breaths you have taken since birth.


Scar-face kept rambling but after listening a little rudra just plain waved him off as he walked inside the city completely ignoring the ramblings of the madman as he drunk a MAX stamina potion followed by a MAX HP potion , followed by a MAX mana potion.

Thinking about the fight with scar-face , Rudra started to think about how to use his anger to his advantage and end his life for once and for all .

Having done everything he could as a commander , now he was needed as a warrior who could deliver the enemy leaders head on a silver platter.

The elites had no more cards to play in this war and no more hidden tactics.

At this very moment hundereds of thousands of elites were rushing out of the church of life as they took advantage of the 10 minute reset period and rejoined the war again and with their rebirth the last ace in the elites pocket was used.

With a total of 1.5 million troops respawning after being killed in the war in the last 2 days the elites boasted a final army strength of 7.5 million troops against an 13 million strong blood merchants.

Through sheer will and hardwork in the last 3 days , the elites had managed to bring down the huge disparity of being outnumbered 3:1 to being outnumbered only 1.7:1

It was a monumental achievement to bring down the enemy numbers advantage to less than 2:1 as now alongside having a defenders advantage the odds of an elite victory could be said to be at 50/50 .

With 13 sectors and an inner city to fall back to it was clear that once the war restarted the final push would begin.

The moment the war contract expired , mayhem and carnage could be witnessed on all ends of Purplehaze city , as the last and final phase of the war began with the elites now being in the endgame.

[ War Recap Counter ]

Blood merchant deaths in this chapter : 200,000

Elites death in this chapter : -1.4 million

Total force strength left alive

Merchants : 13/ 30 million

Elites : 7.5 / 9.2 million

/// We enter the final phase of the war!!!

A boost in GT and PS would really be appreciated at this point of time ! ///