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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 637: Nobody can stop him
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Rudra laughed when he saw the four tier 4 generals approach the lane that he was holding down in the eastern battlefield as he well understood their motives.

The lane he was holding was the highway ticket to reaching the walls of the inner city and the best shot that the merchants had at winning this war.

Ontop of that , killing Rudra would also restore morale within the army and while the four of them could not take Rudra on at his full strength the four of them beleived that in his significantly injured state they could gang-up and kill him.

Internally Rudra had long expected such a situation to arise , however it was something he wished to happen and not something that he wanted to avoid.

For him , the only tangible way to end this war was to completely defeat two fronts of the attack before redirecting the forces from these fronts to the others to route the enemy forces completely.

The nothern side where scar-face was leading the charge was mission accomplished as in the vaccum of a leadership figure the army fell into dissaray there .

Now If he could just accomplish the same on the eastern front , he could finally change the tide of the war completely and end this useless slaughter for once and for all.

For this purpose it was ideal that the enemy came at him with all that they had , as once he dealt with this wave of attack it would be over.

It was not the best plans made by Rudra however , he was mentally and physically exhausted after fighting and managing the situation day in and day out.

This was going to be the last push .....

Pointing Grim Reaper towards the approaching generals , Rudra said with a cold smile " Come ".


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( Meanwhile Cuber Corporation )

" Shakuni defeated scar-face? " A cuber official asked shocked at the presented report.

" But Scar-Face is an A ranked mercenary in planet #6674 , His Combat skills are Legendary .... How did he fall in battle to one of our own? ". The cuber officials were absolutely baffled.

" Nothing about shakuni makes sense , Gaia notices no foul play involved and his battle skills are the real deal . Maybe with him around earth stands a chance .... ". A third official said with a wishful voice.

" No , one guy cannot support the weight of the entire race . It's not possible , we need atleast a thousand more players like him before we can even hope to enter the galactic stage , but the players are breaking through very quickly but none of them are really maturing , as of this moment there are over 180,240 cultivators but only 36 of them have reached tier 4".

Everyone in the room became silent hearing this news. Nothing was going as planned for the cuber corp and while a lot of players were showing promise not many were mature enough yet to take on the responsibility that was to come ahead.

Humanity was heading towards a very precarious situation as they were approaching a threat that they did not even knew existed .

The world was on a clock , and the game Omega was not as simple as it seemed.


( Back at the battlefield )

The current situation was such that Rudra had about 300,000 Soldiers at his back alongwith Furball and the bone dragon , while the enemy had about 850,000 soldiers and 4 tier four generals marching towards him .

Furball instantly used the move [ Fire Wave ] when she saw the approaching Reinforcements , as the four tier 4 generals had to repel the move using their weapons by cutting through the tidal wave of fire to prevent major casualties on their camp.

As Rudra provocated them to attack , the generals looked at the Decapitated head of scar-face mounted on a pike and felt digust build up in their stomachs.

One of the four said " You barbarian ! How dare you put our leaders head on a pike ! We will have you butchered!! ".

Rudra snorted hearing this , as he said " Okay bigmouth .... TRY ".

The elite soldiers cheered at this , as chants of Shakuni started to well up once more at the battlefield.

The four generals felt like they were losing face hence they rudely cut in and said " Such arrogance from an injured man .... You can't even move your left arm anymore , can't use your dual sword style , in such a state where do you get the confidence of beating us four at once? ".

The elite army felt their spirits dampen when they heard such facts .... When one looked at shakuni they could clearly see the bleading and broken left arm that was as limp as a block of wood as it was a fact that Rudra had lost 90% mobility in that arm.

Even so , Rudra had no signs of fear on his face as he bared his teeth to his enemy and said " If I'm so easy to beat , why don't you guys try me? Or do you all need to ask your dead leader permission first? ".

Rudra's confidence deterred the four as they felt like something was amiss , nobody could be so confident at the face of their doom. However with having no better options the four of them nodded to each other and started the assault.

Two of them charged straight towards Rudra while two flanked him , as the four of them unleashed long range moves towards him from three different directions.

Rudra's bone Dragon blocked one attack for him , while Rudra calmly sidestepped the other before blocking the frontal attacks with grim reaper.

At this moment however the four of them had closed in enough to engage in short distance combat as they attacked Rudra with their weapons all at once.

One of the four generals used the spear and his reach was the longest .

Two of them used a sword while one of them used a scythe.

The first one to reach Rudra was the spear user as he thrusted his spear aiming for his heart which Rudra had to sidestep to avoid.

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However this was exactly what the generals were hoping for as in the direction that he sidestepped , two swords were incoming towards his neck at extremely fast speeds and Rudra barely ducked in time to avoid them , as the swish took a few strands of his hair from his head.

Finally as he was balled on the ground the scythe user used an overhead slash aimed at his skull however using the grim reaper Rudra managed to block it , although he was knocked down on his butt.

It was at this moment that he would have been completely fu**** had he not have the bone dragon protecting him , as down on his butt he no longer had a way move fast enough to evade the second round of attacks.

However thankfully the bone dragon tail swiped all four of the generals at once as they were sent flying back towards their soldier mass.

The flying generals each knocked over a dozen troops before regaining stability , as they saw Rudra calmly on his feet and leaning on his sword once more as he awaited their return.

To make matters even worse , he was even yawning as if the fight bored him to death.

The disrespect was real and the generals could not stand it , however just as they tried to charge at him once more , three blocks of wood shout out from the ground towards the spear user as Rudra used wood manipulation to keep one of the three busy.

Although scythe and spear were both of a long range , Rudra needed to keep the spear user at bay more in his current condition as his mobility was not enough to deal with long range attacks at the moment.

His back was aching as hell and although he was not showing the pain on his face , dodging and turning was excruciating to perform.

For Rudra life would be much more simpler if he only had to deal with the sword users , as his proficiency in swords was high enough to be more than a match for the generals in hand to hand combat .

Attempting to conceal him in a woodprison , Rudra focused on him completely as he let the other three close in the distance in him once more.

However with Furball standing guard , she created a firewall to provide Rudra with the necessary time to prepare for the incoming enemies as the flames stopped the momentum of the attackers.

To the world watching , this style of supported fighting appeared extremely weak and cowardly for a player like shakuni , however little did they know that it was all a part of his masterplan.

The tiger was maimed , he was weak and injured , however an injured beast was the most ferocious.

Shakuni being injured did not mean that his danger level had dropped , it only meant that he needed to pick his spots to attack more wisely .... As he was only but biding his time , waiting for that opportunity to strike !