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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 664: Jhonny being Jhonny
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( Dronacharya's Pov , On the day of the heist )

Dronacharya infected the Dog master , the tunneler that he knew from his past life knowledge with a life threatening poison whose antidote was only available with dronacharya.

It was a 100% d*** move by him to threaten an NPC with his life to make him comply into doing his schemes as this was a new low for even someone as shameless as dronacharya.

Nonetheless his shamelessness paid off as the Dog master had to accede to his wishes and comply . Using his sniffing dogs to open a hidden tunnel that he had found during his days as a drugs smuggler in the holy city , which apparently went right upto the heart of the church's vault.

The passage was barely wide enough for one man to crawl while laying flat on their belly , and it was only discovered because of some dog puppies accidentally falling into it , and since that day the dog master had fiercely protected it's information from outsiders as he wanted to use it and stick it to the church himself someday.

In dronacharya's past timeline it was because he met a player that hated the church as much as he did that he revealed it's existence , however this time it was by force and hence he hated dronacharya equally as much as he hated the church.

Hence he did not provide his valuable insights to dronacharya when the duo parted after dronacharya handed the antidote over and signed a system contract that said that the duo could not harm each other in any form for next 3 days.

Crawling on all fours , as the raw mud and hard stones rubbed against his belly , dronacharya held a sunstick in his mouth for illumination as he started his crawl down the 200 meter long passage.

With high concentration acids and sound suppressing devices in his inventory , dronacharya was set to attempt the heist of the century.


( Meanwhile Jhonny English )

It was the day of the heist and all eyes were on Jhonny English , and the man was absolutely freaking out because he could not find a single manhole in the city.

" Where the f*** are the manholes , how do these people do drainage ? ".

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jhonny questioned as he realised that all the sides of the roads were paved with a narrow covered sewage drain that collected rain water and house waste and washed it down to the collection centre.

Apparently the city was having ancient architecture that did not have proper underground sewage system and hence Jhonny was completely fuc***.

" That's it , today is the day my reputation as the worlds greatest mercenary goes to dust . Help me god please ... ". Jhonny looked towards the heavens and sighed .

He felt slightly sad and hence to cheer his mood up decided to buy some milkshake and bread from a roadside stall nearby.

Jhonny was casually eating his food relishing the taste when an unattentive priest bumped into Jhonny spilling the milkshake all over his clothes.

" Absolutely fantastic ". Jhonny said as he looked at his soiled robes and thought the day could not get any worse than this , however little did he know that it was actually a blessing in disguise for him.

" Im terribly sorry sire please pardon me , i was not looking where i was going ". The female priest apologised profousely to Jhonny for this mishap.

The female priest was actually an extremely high ranking church official who was being groomed to become the next pope of the church and had the same rank as Rudra in the church equalling an archbishop.

She was touring the holy city as a common priest trying to understand how people perceived and observed the church to gain better perspective of the image of the church.

However while she was intently watching a young toddler running happily across the streets she accidentally bumped into Jhonny English. .

Jhonny looked at the woman and realised that she was a world-class beauty.

Smooth , white jade like skin with absolutely magnificent brown hair and brown eyes . Her voice was sweet and melodious and although she wore lose clothing , one could easily makeout the magnificent figure underneath.

Jhonny looked at her and instantly could smell that she is trouble hence he said " It's alright ". And started to walk away.

However the priestess feeling bad for what happened followed Jhonny as she said " Please let me pay for your drycleaning and buy you a new pair of robes , as Apology ".

Jhonny wanted nothing to do with the woman , however he could not tell her that he was richer than her seven generations combined , because looking at her face he was sure that she was a gold-digger , however he did not want to say that he was poor either because then the woman would insist on buying him a new pair of robes.

Hence Jhonny said " I am a pious beleiver of the goddess beniogre , a celibate who abhors feminine touch . Do not follow me woman , my heart already belongs to beniogre ".

Jhonny thought that by using her relegion against her he could savagely shake her off , however that was not the case at all , as his answer made the woman feel even more impressed with Jhonny as she said " For such a great beleiver an ordinary robe would not do . Please follow me into the church and let me give you a fine robe made for the church's honoured guests , made from the finest silk and lined with gold.

Wear it when u pray to beniogre , please sire".

Jhonny could not understand why this woman was so intent on rewarding him as he coldly refused and said " The goddess appreciates one's heart .... Not ones clothing . You dissapoint me priestess ".

Saying so Jhonny started to madly sprint away from the location , as the priestess was left baffled on the spot hearing the profound words of wisdom by Jhonny.

As she went back to the church to tell the all-mighty pope about this incident , Jhonny had already sped a long way away from the woman.


( Meanwhile Bo and Skyla )

Bo and Skyla decided to silently follow Jhonny to see how he would pull of the heist and what his plan was to try and learn from his art .

However they were baffled to see him taking a stroll in the city and drink milkshakes when it was time to execute the heist.

When a priestess bumped into Jhonny and spilled milkshake all over him they could not understand how someone with the reflexes of Jhonny English could even be bumped into , and thought that it was intentional.

They heard the conversation between the duo and when Jhonny was invited into the church that's when Bo snapped his fingers and said .

" Sir Jhonny must have scouted this woman since long , and decided to bump into her so that she would invite him into some special chamber in the church! , He is a genius ".

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As Skyla and Bo looked on in anticipation , Jhonny actually rejected the invitation and delivered a cold line about as to how dissapointed he was in her as a priestess and sprinted away from the location.

In the end they were left scratching their heads as to what the flub was going on as in their minds this was the perfect opportunity to strike.

" Why did Jhonny refuse the invite ? " Skyla asked Bo who looked baffled as well

But after lot of contemplating he said " The schemes of Jhonny are very profound , although i don't understand much of it , i think he did it because he wants the priestess to come find him again.

She will most likely talk to someone in the church about this incident and a higher up will come looking for Jhonny .

Then the master will strike! ".

Skyla nodded her head as she looked at Bo and said " You are indeed learning from Jhonny ".

Bo however shrugged it off as he said " I'm not sure and i cannot really comprehend how his mind works . He is the master of human psychology and creating miracles.

Even if i can learn 5% of his skills I'll still be the second best spy in the world ".

Skyla smiled when she heard this as she said " Indeed ... That man is something else , we can only hope to understand what goes on in his mind. Quick let's run after him or we will miss how he weaves his plot ".

/// Guys this is the last chapter before the 20 chapter haul starts , hopefully you all enjoy.

It's the one year anniversary for rebirth of the strongest guild master tommorow and i have the ultimate typing hat on , so i suggest you guys prepare your reading hats as starting from 12:00 am Shanghai time on 15th June we start with the mass release and the goal is to achieve 20 chapters.

Two mini arcs will be covered in those 20 chapters , one is the heist arc by Jhonny and second one will be Rudra's revenge arc on the dark elves.

You don't want to miss any single chapter , so don't skip

It will be nonstop high intensity action ? ///