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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 684: Making his presence known
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Rudra's return to vanaheim was legendary . The news that the dark elves nation had been conquered by the to be husband of the princess , sent the country of vanaheim into a celebration mode as when Rudra came flying on his bone dragon into the city , the entirety of vanaheim came to greet the hero.

The feud between the two elven nations ran very deep , and with the other side increasing terror activities in the nature elven territory things had came to a boiling point now.

Hence Rudra conquering the nation brought them great joy and happiness , and with the princess set to marry such a capable man , the nation naturally approved of its in laws.

When Rudra flew into the palace and landed in the garden , Legolas , the elven king , Ruby and thousands of other elves stood waiting for him as they were in awe of the power that Rudra exuded

Dragons were sacred creatures for the elves , they worshipped them and throughout the history of elves those who were able to interact with them were hailed as legends , but Rudra actually rode one as a summon.

As he walked towards his wife with a bleeding dark elven prince on his back , chills went down the spines of the elven soldiers , as they realised that Rudra was not someone anyone could offend at all.

When Ruby came in Rudra's line of sight , everything else seized to exist for him , as he did not care about anything else but his wife , as mentaining eye contact he came near her and lowered the broken dark prince infront of her.

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Rudra said in a soft voice " I toppled his country , i emancipated his manhood and my brother's broke his bones.

My revenge for him daring to think about causing you harm is completed , now i present him to you for you to pass a judgement of his fate.

He made you suffer Ruby .... He made your life difficult , he is your offender . Pass his verdict".

Everyone present sucked a breath of cold air as they looked at Ruby with anticipation . What would the kind elven princess chose? Would she let the criminal go ? Would she demand his life ? Would she give him a unique punishment?

Ruby stared into Rudra's eyes and stayed silent for a long time. In her heart she did not want this , she did not want her husband to fight her battles for her , however she could not deny that she felt immensely happy that he did.

She was kind and did not like to see people suffer , however she was the to be queen of Rudra's kingdom , no longer the kind princess of vanaheim . She needed to act like the queen of a powerful kingdom like the True Elite kingdom and a woman worthy of Rudra's affection.

Ruby said " Legolas , your bow! ".

Ruby demanded Legolas to hand over his bow as the elven commander obeyed immediately .

Legolas was worried that the bow he used was too tight for someone as gentle as Ruby to pull back , however his worry was for naught.

When Rudra saw that Ruby struggled to pull the string back he matched her arm for arm as he pulled it back for her.

Ruby docked 3 arrows and perfectly penetrated the elven prince on his heart , temple and navel to end his life then and there infront of the thousands of nature elves present.

No words were exchanged , no mourning was done , Ruby acted as coldly as Rudra did to her enemies , and while it was the first life she had ever taken she was not shaken by it at all , as she looked into Rudra's eyes for approval.

Looking at the affirmation in her fiance's eyes Ruby smiled , as only then she looked at the reaction from the crowd as everyone was staring at her mouth agape.

Especially her father , who had only seen her lovely daughter chase rabbits and pet cats uptil this moment , and now suddenly saw her delivering the death verdict to a dark elven prince.

Although it was not a bad change , the suddenness of the change came as a shock to him.

However the statement was passed , that Ruby was no longer the weak woman that could be bullied , she was the to be queen of True Elite kingdom and needed to be treated with respect.

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While word that Rudra toppled the dark elven kingdom because the dark elven prince covetted his wife spread like a wildfire too.

The world realised that Rudra was fiercely protective of his women and that it was a bottom line that they should never be crossed , as this resounding act of conquering a kingdom became a romantic tale for the ages .

With him generously donating close to 100 million gold coins to the nature elves as spoils of his exploits , roughly equal to a year's worth of tax revenue , the banquet held in his honor was extra enthusiastic at the night .

However while everyone else enjoyed the banquet , somewhere through the middle of it , the stars of the banquet Rudra and Ruby went missing as sounds of giggles and moans could be heard from the princesses bedroom.

Although what happened inside could be left to one's imagination , it was said that the princess could not walk for 2 days after the banquet due to feeling weak in her legs.

Apparently the couple had gone extremely wild in passion that night.

Rudra went onto spend 3 more days in vanaheim before returning a heroic return alongside the raid party in Purplehaze city , as a similar heroes welcome greeted him back home as well with the entire city covered in resounding sounds of

' Long live king Shakuni '.

/// Chapter 20/20 , i fulfill my promise for all bonuses , although it took me 24 hours more than i promised to do it in . I did fulfill it in the end!

Hopefully you all enjoyed the bonus days , and this washes away the lack of chapters that you all got during my exams.

From tommorow onwards we go back to the normal routine . With bonuses for every single target .

Thankyou for your patience and support ///