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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 560: A brilliant move
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( The war : Day 1 )

The sun rose ominously over the horizon of the dimensional battlefield.

In a few minutes time the central barrier was to disappear and the war was to begin.

It was hard to say if anyone got a good night's rest the previous night as just by looking at the faces of the troops Max could see that hardly anyone looked fresh.

Max glanced at his inventory, made sure that he was stocked with health, stamina, mana potions alongside vials of blood and spell bottles like haze, acid and poison.

He brought out his armour and strapped it tight over his cotton robes and put on his helmet for added protection.

His sword and staff in the inventory he felt ready for a big fight if it broke out.

Both his hearts beat rapidly as he watched the sun rise higher and higher until the sombre silence of the camp was broken by a system notification.

[ System Notification - Warriors, welcome to the dimensional battlefield.

The dispute between the dark and light faction has become too deep to resolve peacefully and the sovereigns have decided to settle it by blood.

The war shall end when one side is either fully eliminated to the last soldier or all 10 discs are destroyed.

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This plane is a Battle-Zone and the deaths happening here shall have no soul barriers to protect the degeneration of dead souls.

The use of dimensional teleportation is prohibited and to get in or out of the battlefield one must use the pre-established gates.

Good luck warriors.

May the faction with the strongest beliefs in their style of life win ]

[ System Notification - The central barrier will be removed in 10..9…8.. 7 ]

Max calmed his breath as his eyes turned towards the centre.

About 75 kilometres from where he was right now he could see a massive pink barrier separating the light faction to the dark.

That barrier seemed to go all the way up in the sky which was the only reason it was visible even from such a far away distance.


The barrier disappeared and the protection period had officially come to an end.

The greatest war that had ever been fought in the past 5000 years had officially begun.

A few seconds after the barrier disappeared, A massive meteor the size of a city could be seen hurtling towards the light faction a few hundred kilometres to the right of where Max was standing.

Every soldier from every legion watched with bated breaths as the flaming giant mass moved towards the battlefield at breakneck speed.

' That's where the Hazelgrove Empire forces are holding ground ' Max thought as he hoped that their gods would be able to counter this attack, because otherwise the impact from this attack would probably destroy a few hundred orbs in the vicinity and kill at least a few hundred million soldiers.

While it was invisible to the naked eye from such a distance, Rudra who was watching the scene with his omniscient eyes could clearly see a small man flying towards the incoming meteor.

' Ho- This should be fun ' thought Rudra as he recognised Emperor Cervantez to be the one who had personally stepped upto the challenge.

A glowing purple sword in his hand, the tier8 god hacked into the air between himself and the meteor with incredible speed and precision.

[ Atomic Obliteration ]


The meteor was sliced by a series of purple slashes that sliced through the massive object like it was made of paper and cut through it so precisely that it was reduced to nothing but sparkling dust as it exploded with great power mid-air.


A loud cheer erupted across the Bloodfall clan legion as everyone felt their lungs being refilled with air after the air was sucked out of it at the sight of the meteor.

The despicable attack by the dark faction had been neutralised and although they had nothing to do with it, it felt damn good to see the enemy attack fail.

The cheers had not only erupted in the Bloodfall clan, the meteor was observed by everyone and the entire light faction was celebrating its destruction.

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This was a must counter situation for the light faction as if the meteor did hit the ground and kill hundreds of millions it would have sent the morale of the rest of the light faction troops to an unprecedented low.

But because it was neutralised so beautifully, everyone felt their blood pumping and their spirits soaring.

So what if the dark faction could conjure such attacks?

The light faction had monarchs of their own!

As Max saw his troops hugging and slapping each other in joy he could not help but feel the rush himself.

This atmosphere of adrenaline charged air could give even the most stoic man goosebumps.

Was this the real thrill of the war?

As Max pondered on this question, Rudra silently clapped while looking at the sky.

His clap was only partly for Emperor Cervantez and his beautiful swordsmanship, it was more for the enemy strategist who thought about deploying this tactic.

The dark faction were not dumb, they knew that the meteor was bound to be neutralised.

No monarch was going to let such a move of mass destruction land.

It was in fact a distraction. A move meant to rile up the light faction and get every soldiers eyes up there as it gave the dark faction scouts a brief few minutes of time to infiltrate the light faction side while everyone was distracted.

Rudra could see Max still celebrating on the ground, while the dark faction flying scouts were already about 15 kilometres into the light faction airspace.

He couldn't help but shake his head, his brother had about 1 minute to realise what was actually going on here before the enemies would be close enough to spot the Fort from high up in the sky.

' Come on Max, snap out of it, the show is for the soldiers not for you ' Rudra thought as he watched on with a big smile on his face, wondering when his brother would realise as to what the hell was actually going on.