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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 312
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Chapter 312

Under everyone’s gaze, Gaffar Dai’s eyes sank and he said in a clear voice, "After discussion, we, the

Dai family, the An Family, and the Qian family have decided to establish a Chamber of Commerce

together in Dragonville and invite all members of the business circle in Long City to join us." "A

Chamber of Commerce There are already so many chambers of commerce. What’s the point of

establishing a new chamber of commerce?" "Is there anything special about this Chamber of

Commerce? Is it just another organization that has no purpose except to hold meetings?" "President

Dai, I’m a straightforward person and I won’t beat around the bush. I want to know what’s the

advantage of joining this Chamber of Commerce?" a man named Old Liu asked. Hearing this, Gaffar

smiled and said, "Director Liu’s question is good. I was just going to explain on this issue. I think it’s

what many people want to know." Everyone nodded, and their eyes were full of curiosity and

excitement On the other hand, Charles Wu and Quin Lin’s expressions didn’t look that great. Evidently,

they had realized something Looking around at everyone, Gaffar immediately said in a clear voice,

"This Chamber of Commerce will be led by the Dai family, the An family, and the Qian family. I believe

that all of you are aware of our power and might." Everyone nodded. These three giants were like three

ferocious dragons in the business circle of Long City." If everyone trusts us, we will of course not allow

anyone to suffer losses. We would like to officially make a promise that anyone who joins our Chamber

of Commerce now, will receive 20% discount from all 3 of us in all business dealings. This discount

period will last for two years. At the same time, the partners of the Chamber of Commerce will set up a

platform for sharing resources. The exchange of goods and resources will be given priority ." As soon

as these conditions were stated, the eyes of many businessmen in the venue suddenly lit up. They had

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expressions of joy and eagerness No matter what kind of business they were running, it almost had

something to do with these three families. For example, The Dai family was involved in the restaurant

and catering industry. Every employee in any company would need to eat and drink, so they would

naturally have to deal with restaurants. Many companies also had to get involved with The

An Family’s media advertising company. The development and production of TV advertisements, as

well as all types of publications, were related to the An Family. As for the energy industry that the Qian

Family was involved in, it was considered fundamental for the existence of many companies. As long

as someone ran a business, they could not escape the need for energy. Especially factories, they relied

even more on energy. Many merchants were so excited that they raised their hands and signed up on

the spot to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Of course, even if most merchants were

interested, they were not too hasty. They wanted to know more about the situation regarding the

Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, someone asked, "President Dai, if we don’t join the Chamber of

Commerce, are there any other differences other than not getting a discount?" When it came to this

matter, Gaffar looked serious and his voice became low. He gazed faintly at the crowd and then said in

a deep voice," If you don’t join our Chamber of Commerce, then I think you will not be able to do

business with the business members of our Chamber of Commerce in Dragonville. Everyone’s

expression changed when they heard that. Gaffar’s words were harsh and the requirements he

stipulated were also considered demanding. If they didn’t join the Chamber of Commerce, then they

couldn’t do business with them. This almost meant that if you didn’t join the Chamber of Commerce,

you wouldn’t be able to gain a foothold in Dragonville. These words almost forced the merchants to

choose their side. They would either join the Chamber of Commerce, do business together, and make

a fortune together, or be a lone ranger in the business field without any contact with the members of

this Chamber of Commerce. These options forced people to respond on the spot, and the situation

caused everyone to panic. They began to think thoroughly about how they should make this choice.

Once they considered the matter slightly, many merchants realized that they had no choice but to join

the Chamber of Commerce. The three of them had too much influence in the Long City business circle.

At that moment, when they had united to do this, it was as though they had formed a monopoly over

the business circle. It was nearly impossible for these small-scale merchants to exist on their own. Just

as everyone was hesitating. Gaffar dropped another bombshell. He said, "If you want to join our

Chamber of Commerce, you can sign up now. Of course, we don’t have much time. We only have half

an hour. If you miss this opportunity now, you’ll have no chance in the future to sign up." As soon as he

said that, the venue suddenly became lively. A few merchants, who had been hesitating a moment ago,

immediately expressed their willingness to join the Chamber of Commerce.

Even many of the merchants who had previously made a deal with Charles and Quin decided to join

the Chamber of Commerce at this moment. Instantly, Charles and Quin looked worried concerned.

Their faces fell. and Although they had expected that the three families would attempt something, they

did not expect that they would resort to such a vicious move, which was almost like a death sentence to

them. And now, without a doubt, they had almost won over 70% of the merchants in the venue, gaining

the upper hand. Charles and Quin were faced with a dilemma. With the power and might of both their

families and businesses, they could choose not to join the Chamber of Commerce and perhaps

survive. But obviously, without the business and support of so many members of the Chamber of

Commerce, their business dealings in Dragonville would be an uphill battle, and their cost of production

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and investments would increase many fold. If they joined the Chamber of Commerce, it almost meant

that they had surrendered and were defeated. In the future, everything within the Chamber of

Commerce could only be decided by these three families. All of a sudden, the atmosphere became

tense. Almost everyone’s eyes were focused on Charles and Quin, and they waited for them to make a

decision. Of course, Quin was the one getting the attention, because everyone knew that Charles’s

relationship with the three families was not very good. However, it was definitely not considered bad

either. If he had not stood on Quin’s side, the Wu family would have probably become a member of the

new chamber of commerce. Therefore, Quin’s decision right then almost represented the most crucial

battle in this business war. In the face of such a situation, Quin was also confused. She certainly did

not want to join the Chamber of Commerce. But now, if she did not join, the company’s development in

Long City would become a difficult matter, and it would also involve Charles and many other people

who believed in her company For a moment, Quin felt a sharp headache. As for Gaffar and his

companions, they would certainly not let go of this golden opportunity. They were still urging her,

saying, "President Lin, we don’t have much time. There is only less than ten minutes left. It’s better to

make a decision as early as possible!" Quin’s expression changed and she looked even more anxious

As time went by, the atmosphere became more and more tense. Gaffar spoke again, with a hint of a

threatening tone. "President Lin, you have to think about the matter carefully. Our Chamber of

Commerce has assembled 70 percent of the businesses in Long City as our members. You will not

benefit from opposing us!" "I.." Quin felt a sense of urgency as she furrowed her brows even more

tightly. Right at this critical moment, under everyone’s nervous gaze, Fade Chen walked up to Quin. He

grabbed her hand gently, and said with a smile, "Dear, if you feel that it’s a difficult choice, then don’t

make any choice. No one said that you have to choose between these two options.".