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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 109
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How had this becmy life? "Are you sure you want to do this?" Marco asked, his voice soft and understanding as he watched me.

I let myself grieve for a moment longer; I let my body shake and quiver as I sobbed. But now it was tto becstronger and a better version of myself. I straightened myself and forced a smile on my lips as I nodded my head. "Yes," I answered, more confidently than I felt. "I just needed a moment. I'm ready." He pushed the divorce agreement across the coffee table and towards me; his eyes showing nothing but sympathy. I took a deep breath and with a shaky hand, I managed to sign along the dotted line.

Once the deed was done, I dropped the pen and sobbed into my hands.

Elliot's POV "There isn't a probable reason why her leg isn't healing, Alpha," the doctor said, his face pale after I confronted him about Shirley's condition. "Her wolf is Alpha and very healthy. She should have been healed a couple of hours ago." "Well, something is wrong because she's feeling severe pain still. Run more tests and find out why she isn't healing properly," I said through my teeth.

"Yes, sir," he said, walking away quickly.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I walked back into the hospital room where Shirley sat. She immediately straightened her posture and gavea soft smile.

"Elliot, you've returned," she said batting her lashes. "Have you spoken to Silver? Is she well?" I ran my fingers through my hair. I hadn't spoken to Silver since a few hours ago when she was here. I was planning on driving her home, but something happened with Shirley, and I got a bit distracted. By the tI returned to Silver, I was told that Gamma Erik had already taken her home.

I tried to call her a couple of times, but it went straight to voicemail. I was assuming her phone was probably dead, or maybe she lost it when she was taken. The thought of anything happening to her sent a pain in my chest. I'm not one to scare easily, but it was terrifying when Erik toldshe had been taken by my rogues.

I was beyond grateful to Shirley for saving my wife's life. I owed her more than I could pay. I owed it to Shirley to make sure she at least recovered after getting hurt in this battle. But I also didn't like the fact that Silver was out of my sight.

"I'm going to return hso I can see her," I informed both Shirley and my Beta. "Will you stay here with Shirley?" I asked Beta Leo.

"Yeah, of course," Leo said, nodding his head.

"What?!" Shirley gasped. "You're leaving?? But..." "I need to see my wife," I said, my eyes blazing My wolf was in perfect agreement that we needed to return hto Silver and spend stwith her. We needed to know for sure that she was actually okay. I needed to touch and feel her, I needed to smell her. Most importantly, I needed to taste her.

My wolf practically purred at the thought.

"But I'm hurt," Shirley pouted. "I got hurt saving your wife. Shouldn't you be tending to me?" "Miss Shirley, I'll be there to-" "It's Alpha Shirley," she snapped at Leo.

"I apologize, Alpha," Leo said, lowering his gaze.

I stepped between them before anyone got hurt and I put my hands on her shoulders.

"I will be back in the morning; I promise," I assured her. "But I need to see my wife. She's been through a lot too." Shirley sniffled but then nodded.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I smiled and looked at Leo. He gavea head nod, understanding that I didn't want him to leave the hospital until I returned tomorrow. On that note, left the hospital and called one of my drivers to bringhome.

It didn't take long forto get home, but as soon as I walked into the palace, something felt off.

Silver's scent was faint, like she was once here, but now she's not. The om atmosphere had changed as well; it almost seemed dark and gloomy around here when it was otherwise filled with light, laughter, and love. Love.

That word again.

Why did I associate that word with Silver so often? Could I truly be falling in love with my wife? I walked into the parlor, and I froze when I saw a familiar face sitting on the couch. Mariah was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, and it was clear she'd been crying.

"Marco?" I asked the lawyer, who also happens to be a good friend from al different pack. He noticedfor the ve first tand stood up, givinga sheepish smile as he shoved his hands in his pocket. "Hey, man," he said, almost awkwardly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, not meaning to sound rude, but it madenervous that a fucking lawyer was sitting in my 117 palace and my chef was crying in the corner. "We need to talk. You should sit down...." X