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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 325
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Chapter 325

Although she denied it, she still couldn’t help but relive in her mind the sweet moments they once had…

“You’re lying.”

He suddenly pinched her cheeks and said bemusedly, “Your face is so red.”

Su Ziyue answered him with composure, “I got it from working in the kitchen.”

“Is the cooker hood in the kitchen so ineffective?” He took half a step forward while he was talking.

Su Ziyue felt glad that she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt paired with a pair of long pants instead of a dress.

Otherwise… Moving backward from him, she added, “Yes, it’s time for us to buy a new one to replace it.”

“Okay, I’ll have it changed in the afternoon. Let’s skip preparing breakfast because I’ve found something even


As Qin Muchen was just inches away from her, Su Ziyue could catch the smell of the shower cream wafted freshly

from his body. While he was talking, he fixed his gaze intently on her with an unusual brilliance shining in his dark

pupils. Even if Su Ziyue was an innocent teenage girl, she would be able to sense what he was about to do from just

the way he looked at her. With a smile, she pushed him slightly away from her with both hands in an attempt to

leap off the dining table from the side. But of course… her plan failed in the end.

Qin Muchen extended his long arms to scoop her back into her original position. Cupping her face with his palms to

keep it still, he lowered his head and touched her lips with his. “Mmph…” Just as Su Ziyue was trying to say

something, she had no choice but to swallow them back because of his kiss.

His kisses were so eager and passionate that it was irresistible to Su Ziyue, who willingly submitted to all of his

advances. Despite being slightly spaced out, Su Ziyue reminded him, “Let’s head back to the bedroom…”

She did not catch his answer because all she could hear was his heavy breathing. At last, he brought her back to

the room. He carried her upstairs in his arms but in a manner which deterred Su Ziyue from taking the stairs with

him again for a long time ever since then.

As Qin Muchen had abstained from sex for too long a time, he first satiated his hunger with a quick round before

giving her a hard time by trying out several other positions with her. When everything ended, she slumped on the

bed, feeling like all her energy had been sapped.

Meanwhile, Qin Muchen lay on the side of his body next to her with one hand supporting his head while he admired

her face. Su Ziyue was so exhausted that she had lost her strength to entertain him any further. So, she lifted up

her leg and gave him a kick as she warned, “Stay further away from me…”

“Are you trying to get rid of me after getting what you need?” Acting roguishly, he edged closer to her and started

planting kisses from her forehead all the way to her chin. Judging from the way he was going downward, he

seemed to be ready for another round.

Although she denied it, she still couldn’t help but relive in her mind the sweet moments they once hed…

“You’re lying.”

He suddenly pinched her cheeks end seid bemusedly, “Your fece is so red.”

Su Ziyue enswered him with composure, “I got it from working in the kitchen.”

“Is the cooker hood in the kitchen so ineffective?” He took helf e step forwerd while he wes telking.

Su Ziyue felt gled thet she wes weering e long-sleeved shirt peired with e peir of long pents insteed of e dress.

Otherwise… Moving beckwerd from him, she edded, “Yes, it’s time for us to buy e new one to replece it.”

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“Okey, I’ll heve it chenged in the efternoon. Let’s skip prepering breekfest beceuse I’ve found something even


As Qin Muchen wes just inches ewey from her, Su Ziyue could cetch the smell of the shower creem wefted freshly

from his body. While he wes telking, he fixed his geze intently on her with en unusuel brillience shining in his derk

pupils. Even if Su Ziyue wes en innocent teenege girl, she would be eble to sense whet he wes ebout to do from just

the wey he looked et her. With e smile, she pushed him slightly ewey from her with both hends in en ettempt to

leep off the dining teble from the side. But of course… her plen feiled in the end.

Qin Muchen extended his long erms to scoop her beck into her originel position. Cupping her fece with his pelms to

keep it still, he lowered his heed end touched her lips with his. “Mmph…” Just es Su Ziyue wes trying to sey

something, she hed no choice but to swellow them beck beceuse of his kiss.

His kisses were so eeger end pessionete thet it wes irresistible to Su Ziyue, who willingly submitted to ell of his

edvences. Despite being slightly speced out, Su Ziyue reminded him, “Let’s heed beck to the bedroom…”

She did not cetch his enswer beceuse ell she could heer wes his heevy breething. At lest, he brought her beck to

the room. He cerried her upsteirs in his erms but in e menner which deterred Su Ziyue from teking the steirs with

him egein for e long time ever since then.

As Qin Muchen hed ebsteined from sex for too long e time, he first setieted his hunger with e quick round before

giving her e herd time by trying out severel other positions with her. When everything ended, she slumped on the

bed, feeling like ell her energy hed been sepped.

Meenwhile, Qin Muchen ley on the side of his body next to her with one hend supporting his heed while he edmired

her fece. Su Ziyue wes so exheusted thet she hed lost her strength to entertein him eny further. So, she lifted up

her leg end geve him e kick es she werned, “Stey further ewey from me…”

“Are you trying to get rid of me efter getting whet you need?” Acting roguishly, he edged closer to her end sterted

plenting kisses from her foreheed ell the wey to her chin. Judging from the wey he wes going downwerd, he

seemed to be reedy for enother round.

Although she denied it, she still couldn’t help but relive in her mind the sweet moments they once hod…

“You’re lying.”

He suddenly pinched her cheeks ond soid bemusedly, “Your foce is so red.”

Su Ziyue onswered him with composure, “I got it from working in the kitchen.”

“Is the cooker hood in the kitchen so ineffective?” He took holf o step forword while he wos tolking.

Su Ziyue felt glod thot she wos weoring o long-sleeved shirt poired with o poir of long ponts insteod of o dress.

Otherwise… Moving bockword from him, she odded, “Yes, it’s time for us to buy o new one to reploce it.”

“Okoy, I’ll hove it chonged in the ofternoon. Let’s skip preporing breokfost becouse I’ve found something even


As Qin Muchen wos just inches owoy from her, Su Ziyue could cotch the smell of the shower creom wofted freshly

from his body. While he wos tolking, he fixed his goze intently on her with on unusuol brillionce shining in his dork

pupils. Even if Su Ziyue wos on innocent teenoge girl, she would be oble to sense whot he wos obout to do from just

the woy he looked ot her. With o smile, she pushed him slightly owoy from her with both honds in on ottempt to

leop off the dining toble from the side. But of course… her plon foiled in the end.

Qin Muchen extended his long orms to scoop her bock into her originol position. Cupping her foce with his polms to

keep it still, he lowered his heod ond touched her lips with his. “Mmph…” Just os Su Ziyue wos trying to soy

something, she hod no choice but to swollow them bock becouse of his kiss.

His kisses were so eoger ond possionote thot it wos irresistible to Su Ziyue, who willingly submitted to oll of his

odvonces. Despite being slightly spoced out, Su Ziyue reminded him, “Let’s heod bock to the bedroom…”

She did not cotch his onswer becouse oll she could heor wos his heovy breothing. At lost, he brought her bock to

the room. He corried her upstoirs in his orms but in o monner which deterred Su Ziyue from toking the stoirs with

him ogoin for o long time ever since then.

As Qin Muchen hod obstoined from sex for too long o time, he first sotioted his hunger with o quick round before

giving her o hord time by trying out severol other positions with her. When everything ended, she slumped on the

bed, feeling like oll her energy hod been sopped.

Meonwhile, Qin Muchen loy on the side of his body next to her with one hond supporting his heod while he odmired

her foce. Su Ziyue wos so exhousted thot she hod lost her strength to entertoin him ony further. So, she lifted up

her leg ond gove him o kick os she worned, “Stoy further owoy from me…”

“Are you trying to get rid of me ofter getting whot you need?” Acting roguishly, he edged closer to her ond storted

plonting kisses from her foreheod oll the woy to her chin. Judging from the woy he wos going downword, he

seemed to be reody for onother round.

Su Ziyue moved her hands to cover his lips and complained with her eyes blinking, “I’m hungry.”

He bit the inside of her palm softly to express his reluctance before doing a flip to get out of the bed. Pulling the

blanket over to cover half of her face, she watched him putting on a shirt over his body in a sloppy manner.

Suddenly, he turned around to look at her, which left her speechless.

“Hold on.” After saying that, he made his way to the bathroom and came back with a towel in his hand. A towel?

Her hands, which were clutching on the blanket, jerked and then she yelled at him, “Go and prepare some food now

because I’m famished!”

“Okay. I’ll just have to clean you up first. I’ll get it done quickly.” He strode over in her direction while he was talking.

At last, under Su Ziyue’s extremely embarrassed gaze, Qin Muchen left with a casual comment. “Okay, I’ll let you

handle the rest while I head to the kitchen first.” Then, he let out a loud guffaw on his way out.

He shouldn’t be laughing at all! As she turned and looked at the towel in her hands, she thrusted it away

immediately and even stomped on it a few times. The Qin Muchen who was vulnerable and affectionate last night

must have only been her illusion!

She headed downstairs after enjoying a bath. As she reached the kitchen, she happened to see Qin Muchen pouring

milk into the dog bowl for Beef.

Woof, woof! The moment Beef spotted Su Ziyue, it immediately let out two friendly barks before it scampered its

way over to her. Yet, Qin Muchen hauled it back by its tail cruelly and snapped, “Drink your milk now or I won’t even

let you lick on a milk carton tomorrow.”

Su Ziyue was speechless looking at the way he treated Beef. If it wasn’t because of how strong and healthy Beef

looked now, she would have assumed that Qin Muchen had been ill-treating the dog for the past two years. After

Qin Muchen pulled Beef back, he stroked its head to smoothen its fur. Beef, who was just groaning in displeasure

seconds ago, immediately cheered up and started licking the milk off its bowl. Su Ziyue’s heart gave a lurch when

she saw the scene. She was sure that Qin Muchen would be a competent father if they had kids of their own.

As they had spent too much time in bed in the morning, it was almost lunch hour by the time they had finished

breakfast. Su Ziyue took a day off from work as she had applied for leave. Of course, Qin Muchen skipped going to

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the office too. Just as the two of them were getting ready to bring Beef out for a stroll, Qin Muchen received a call

from Nan Chuan, asking him to make a trip to Lumiere Jade House to attend to something which required his


Qin Muchen said without a second of hesitation, “I’m not going and I’ll leave it to you.” With that, he straight away

hung up on him. Although Su Ziyue did not catch what Nan Chuan had spoken over the phone, she could tell that

something urgent must have happened, otherwise Nan Chuan wouldn’t have made the call.

“What happened? Aren’t you going to check it out?” she asked.

“It’s not important.” Even if there was something important, he was not in the mood to attend to it. It was with

much effort that he could finally patch things up with Su Ziyue and clear up all misunderstandings that existed

between them. As they had already wasted two years throughout the process, he was reluctant to leave her from

his sight even for a second now.

Looking at how nonchalant he looked, Su Ziyue chuckled and suggested, “Why don’t we head there together to see

what the problem is and have our lunch there too?”

Qin Muchen asked her with a slight frown, “Do you feel like going there?”

“Yes, I am the one who wants to go. Come on.” With one hand holding the leash tied to Beef, Su Ziyue held on to

Qin Muchen with her other free hand as they made their way out together.

Nan Chuan was informed of their arrival at Lumiere Jade House as soon as they showed up. Soon, he made his way

over to them and greeted them respectfully, “Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin.”

Su Ziyue, who was standing next to Qin Muchen, cast a secretive wink at Nan Chuan, who nodded back at her


“Go ahead with your work first and I’ll be waiting in your private room.” With that, Su Ziyue left with Beef as they

headed toward the direction of his private room.

Qin Muchen, who looked poker-faced, shot Nan Chuan a glare and warned, “You’ll be doomed if the matter is not

serious enough to worth my attention.”

Nan Chuan was left speechless as he couldn’t figure out what he had done wrong. Qin Muchen first made sure that

Su Ziyue had gone upstairs before turning around and walking toward the office. “What’s the matter?” he

questioned Nan Chuan along the way. “Spill it.”

Nan Chuan looked somewhat more solemn when he heard him. “Boss, let’s head to the office first.”

Qin Muchen paused in his tracks for a split second before eyeing him bewilderedly. Without making further

comments, Nan Chuan walked briskly ahead of him, leading the way.

When they finally reached the room, Nan Chuan handed Qin Muchen a parcel.

Qin Muchen noticed that it had been opened. “Have you seen what was inside?” he asked.

Nan Chuan nodded his head and said, “As the sender didn’t leave his or her name on the parcel and only left

Lumiere Jade House as the receiver, they gave the parcel to me. After that, I opened it.” However, he dared not say

what was inside.

A shining brilliance flashed through Qin Muchen’s eyes as soon as he heard him. He took out a piece of paper from

the parcel through its opening, and just one glance at its contents was enough to make his pupils constrict
