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Martial Arts System

Chapter 140: Surgery.
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"Grah!" Avery shouted angrily and threw Seiji away from him.

"Ugh!" Seiji was sent flying dome distance away, and he crashed with other Iceland members.

Avery stood up angrily and looked at the arena.

"Ichiro…" He muttered hatefully— he wiped his blood coming from his nose.

He looked at the blood with a hateful gaze, "He dared to make me bleed…."


The ground below him cracked, and it looked like a massive spiderweb appeared around him.

"RAA!" Avery shouted and appeared in the arena.

"MATCH IS OVER!" Lyon shouted angrily, but Avery didn't listen.

Ichiro was about to help Liam get out of the arena, but then he saw Avery approaching with a murderous gaze.

Avery's muscles bulged monstrously, and finally, he showed a fraction of his true power.


"DIEEE!" Avery shouted and punched towards Ichiro.

[Steel Edge – Universe Stop!]

Ichiro lowered his stance and thrusted his palm forwards.


Avery's fist and Ichiro's palm contacted.

Ichiro gritted his teeth and was buried meter in the ground.

But… Ichiro's palm was holding Avery's fist effortlessly.

"?!" Avery widened his eyes.

[Steel Smash!]


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A fist contacted Avery's cheek, making him slide a few meters backward.

Ichiro jumped towards the sky and landed on the ground, while a small hole where he was buried was next to him.

Avery cracked his neck, "That didn't even hurt!"

He wasn't lying.

He didn't feel any pain from Steel Smash.

Iron Destruction made him have slight pain, not much.

But Steel Smash did nothing except push him back.

Avery started chuckling, "I really want to see your face when I send videos of Azura's first night." He licked his lips, "I admit… She is a beautiful one, but her naked body must be even more beautiful."

Ichiro's face was calm.

But this is Ichiro's most dangerous state.

Avery sighed and left the arena, "I need to calm myself— otherwise, I might kill you… I still need to humiliate you." After those words, Avery left the stadium.

Ichiro looked at his palm, which he used to defend against Avery's punch.

His palm was red in color with a fist print on it.

Ichiro turned around and went towards Liam.

But before that, he saw a few of the audience members chuckling while looking at the replay on the screen.

The replay showed the ending moments of the fight, and some thought it was amusing to see Liam trying to give up while blood flew from his mouth.

"Is something funny?" Ichiro's calm voice echoed in the stadium.

Few of the audience members raised their eyebrows.

"IS SOMETHING FUCKING FUNNY?! ANSWER ME!" Ichiro roared angrily.

The audience members flinched and didn't dare to look Ichiro in the eye.

"Fucking cowards." Ichiro snarled, he went towards Liam.

"Need a hand?" Ichiro asked.

Liam was trying to push himself up, but his body was shaking too much to do that.

Ichiro helped him up and helped him to get out of the arena.

Liam started to limp towards the medical bay while Ichiro helped him stay standing.

Sariel appeared next to Liam and helped him as well.

"Thanwks…" Liam said.

"No problem," Sariel replied.

Giron looked at the scene and smiled, 'Previous Kings wouldn't have helped…'

Shortly afterward, they arrived at the medical bay.

Sariel opened the door, and Ichiro helped Liam get into one of the beds.

"Is he alright?" Michael asked with worry.

"Sariel, can you get a doctor?" Ichiro asked.

Sariel nodded and left the medical bay.

Ichiro scanned Liam's body, and it seemed that his injuries were far worse than they seemed.

There are dozens of bruises all over his body.

'How…' Ichiro thought.

He started remembering the match, and he always thought that the way Avery dodged was weird.

'I see now… That bastard.' Ichiro was getting angrier.

Every time Avery dodged, he poked at Liam's vital points. It isn't enough to kill him but enough to make Liam suffer in excruciating pain.

Now, Liam is suffering the aftermath of over a hundred pokes to his vital points.

He can't even lay on the bed without twitching.

Avery didn't plan to kill him— he planned to make him suffer in agony.

Soon, the doctor and nurse arrived.

The doctor instantly paled after seeing Liam's condition.

"Call an ambulance." The doctor whispered towards the nurse.

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The nurse paled and nodded shakily.

She went to call for an ambulance.

The medical bay in the stadium has limitations.

'He needs to have surgery…' The doctor thought with a pale face.

The pokes to the vital points made his inner organs slightly shifted, and there is a danger of his broken bones piercing his organs.

Ichiro sat next to Michael's bed and finally saw Alice sitting next to Michael's bed.

Before they arrived, Alice and Michael finally could talk normally, and they became close very quickly.

"I am sorry, am I interrupting something?" Ichiro said with awkwardness.

"No!" Alice and Michael said at the same time.

They awkwardly scratched their cheeks with slight blushes on their cheeks.

'They grow up so fast…' Ichiro wiped his imaginary tear.

Half an hour later, two men came and took Liam away with them.

"Will he be alright?" Alice asked with worry.

"I hope so…" Michael muttered.

"I am sure he will be fine." Ichiro said with a smile.

"Are you fine?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean?" Ichiro asked with a frown.

"Your meeting with Avery…" Michael said.

Ichiro sighed, "I am fine… It's just that… I am quite nervous."

"I am sure you will win!" Alice cheered.

Ichiro smiled slightly— he turned on his Interface and looked at one specific ability.

[Kurogami Ichiro's Legacy: The Legacy of Earth's Strongest Warrior – You can use one attack per week with the same strength as Kurogami Ichiro had in his prime!]

Ichiro sighed and looked at the ceiling, 'I can't lose this match… I will do anything to win…'

His Martial Arta mentality doesn't allow him to use any cheat methods to win his matches.

It is different when it's a battle of life and death— then it doesn't matter if you use trickery— the only thing that matters is that you survive.

But… This is an only ordinary tournament, and so far, Ichiro has never cheated in his fights…

But he is ready to throw away his mentality and do anything to win this match.