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Master Of None

Chapter 2100: Broken items
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"Brother." The single word was right next to Walker's face. He felt a rough push on his shoulder a second later and had no choice to wake up.

"Midnight, I known I said we could walk around the city, but you don't have to shapeup." Walker tried to catch Midnight but she jumped back. She had been spending a lot more tin the dragonkin form lately. But that was so she could more easily wander around. She didn't have to be on the look out for a battle right now. They had made it home. Back to Genesis. Theta dh no pressing matters. No memories that were plotting to destroy the world. They had everything at peace which meant that it was their chance to enjoy things. Especially since they were all still somewhat healing from their wounds. Midnight's scales were still a bit rough and she didn't have the energy to fly until the muscles under those scales healed better. Walker was the swith how he was stuck at a weaker level than everyone else. However, he had been amazed that he was gaining more experience from the general sewage of his other skills. He had managed to cook a little bit in the morning and noticed hse gained a decent chipmunk of experience. Not that it would be a lot if he was higher level. Regardless, it was nice to see this new world flow working better than ever. He liked his class, the jack of all trades. It was the sas his system but he was definitely able to see the bonus of it better now. Every single thing he did fit in to sother class to sdegree. So, even while he was tying a knot around the string of his pants, he felt that he had gained sexperience points. This would have been the sfor someone like a sailor who tied knots of wooden ships to maintain the sails and other aspects of the ship.

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"No, blacksmith." Midnight knew that Walker had mentioned seeing the wandering blacksmith in his forge the next morning after they had all spent a lot of teating. The celebration had not gone late. Everyone had been tired when it cto the work they had done for literal days on end. While it was mostly mental, the ideas and the paperwork were enough to put anyone at their weakest. That was the danger of paperwork. A hidden enemy to combat as much as possible, Or to run from if you're fast enough. The entire city was still celebrating though. Most businesses were open. Many merchant still selling their wares. However, the city was in a state of joy due to the victory. Family members that were able to return hcelebrated. Those who had lost their loved ones in this long term war against the demon lord and chaotic mana, created monuments to them. The largest square in Genesis now had the addition of various statues. While they were small, they stood for every single being lost in this battle. Their names carved. Their features described by their families so that they could always visit them as they remembered them. The history of this twould not be forgotten. What had really pushed Walker to tell the wandering blacksmith that he would visit him, wasn't that Walker wanted to pass off all the random materials and monster materials that he had gained while adventuring in his battles. No, there was an issue. Or at least Walker felt like it was one. The eternal codex had stopped listening to him. While he had thought it was because he was unable to use the sskills and was weaker, he realized that there was a small crack on it. Pen that should have been repaired when the eternal codex changed its shape and form. When the mana was influenced around, within, and through it, the eternal codex could change forms. But when it had been used to channel the true mana, it had somehow cracked. The small crystal like center had cracked, but also the metals within it. This seemed impossible since it should reform. Whoever, Walker couldn't tell it to since his mana was just being pushed back away from it. Since the wandering blacksmith knew that Walker would be coming to see him, he ignored heading to his workshop that had plenty of his tools in it. Instead, he had stayed in the mansion while taking over the mansion workshop again. The forge was known to him, and still had all the tools he needed. So it was a fine change of pace for what he was needing to work on. The sound of rapidly scribbling on paper made its way in to Walker and Midnight's ears. They watched as they cinside the forge to see a tall piece of paper on the wall. From what it looked like, the wandering blacksmith was making a large metal staff of ssort, no, a large human sized metal hammer blueprint. 'Magma hammer blueprint

This is being made by a grandmaster blacksmith, it is using the best method of metal and strengthening to create an ideal hammer with dual earth and fire manas. The runes grafted on this blueprint will be able to channel the earth and fire mana to be able to create spans of magma with the right addition of mana. The weight will be very high due to the dense material needed…'

Walker wanted to keep reading about the blueprint. However, he noticed that this was clearly one of a series. Multiple large rolled up blueprints like this were nearby. Ones that had their own elemental mana labels. A light and ice one was sitting right on the table waiting for more details later.

"You're back." The wandering blacksmith set down the tools he was using to draw and measure the blueprint on the wall. Instead, he was now focused on Walker entirely.

"I know that you won't be happy with this. So I am sorry in advance. But when I used true mana. it might have been too powerful. The eternal codex cracked and won't do what I want it to do any more. Walker took the eternal codex which was just floating beside him. He was unsure why that aspect ifo it worked, but it didn't really strike Walker as being that important right now. He was more worried about the weapon he could sense and was his literal lifeline was broken. The wandering blacksmith took the eternal codex in to his hands. His delicate movements making the orb turn and shift to show him every single aspect. It was odd that the metal was sitll able to float at the side of the sphere core of the entire thing. But even weirder that the manas within were somehow halted from flowing normally.

"I try to put my mana in to it, but it just bounces back.. I think whatever part of it broke was the part that allowed it to listen to my will." his voice sounded defeated. The eternal codex had literally acted as an extension of himself/. More like another limb since it was perfectly in tune to everything he did with mana or otherwise.

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"It's fine." The wandering blacksmith threw it back to Walker. But Walker had not expected it to be thrown at all. He tried to catch it but the eternal codex fell to the ground.

The sound of metal hitting the ground and a cracking sound made it feel that this was the end of it all. The mana that might still be condensed within the eternal codex could be dangerous. But, how had it been floating before and now suddenly falling to the ground as a breakable item?

"The metal broke off!" Walker tried to reach down to pick up the eternal codes. However, he froze as he picked up the pieces of metal. Something had caught Walker's eyes. It wasn't something normal either. 'Origin influenced metal

This metal was accidentally tempered by true mana. The being welding it also allowed for the mana to greatly refine the metals making this up. Making them closer to the true source of mana and making them manipulable by all manas. Due to the influx of mana when being reforged, it is currently still unstable. It will require another six days to stabilize before it is able to properly flow with mana again. At that, the mana efficiency of the metal will double what it could perform before. There is also a small chance that this metal can be reused if forged with every mana once again. The rate of failure is exceptionally high though due to the difficulty…'

The wandering blacksmith had no idea what to say. He hadn't seen an issue, let alone an astounding metal! he had just seen the layer of metal that had to fall off to show the real metal underneath. like rust, not an amazing new alloy!


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