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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198


A little while later, we were pulling up to Lanie’s cottage in Stillwood.

Memories flooded back immediately. Those early days with Stella, just the three of us bonding and

hanging out together.

Until I got the call about Alice and everything changed. I’d been blinded by grief and revenge, not

realizing that leaving this place and bringing Lanie with me would change both of our lives forever.

I heard her suck in a deep breath next to me, then sigh deeply. I reached over and took her hand. She

squeezed mine gratefully.

We’d both dreamed of coming back here one day, of returning to our normal, easy life, but I wanted it to

happen under better circumstances.


good, another tiny house,” Xander said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. He had to be a d ick about everything. He couldn’t help himself.

“I doubt anyone will be sleeping very much tonight anyway.” Gabriela said. “You guys get settled in

while Rhiannon and I gather a few supplies. We won’t be gone long.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Lanie, Xander, Zane, and I walked inside. Zane had grabbed Stella out of the car seat before I could

while Xander brought in her bassinet.

I felt a pang of jealousy as they tended to her-l’d been away from her and wanted to hold her and let

her know that I’d never wanted to leave her, but I knew if I tried, Xander and Zane would bite my head

off, and to be honest, I had no leg to stand on right now.

I’d run out on Stella and Lanie, and now the twins were gone, too. I was lucky Xander hadn’t literally

bitten my head off yet.

Once inside, Xander set up Stella’s bassinet in the living room while Lanie headed straight for her old

bedroom. Lanie’s place was still small, but we had much more room to breathe than we did in the

cabin, and thank the go ds for that

“Mason, can I talk to you for a minute?” Lanie’s voice traveled from the back room.

Xander and Zane glanced up at me, then at each other, and I wondered briefly what they were saying

about me. But then I decided it didn’t f ucking matter. Lane was calling for me, not them.

“I’m glad you called me in here,” I said as I closed the door behind me. Lanie was sitting on the bed

staring off into space while she mindlessly stroked the comforter.

I came and sat next to her. “I can’t even express how sorry I am,” I admitted. “Running away from you


Stella was the s tupidest f ucking thing I’ve ever done. I don’t know what I was thinking”

She sniffed and turned away, but I could tell she was crying. My chest tightened. 1/2

“I know it was complicated,” she said shakily. “Xander and Zane keeping the twins from you was f

ucked on so many levels, but running away from the problem, running away from me….you broke my


She turned back to me, her cheeks stained with tears.

“I didn’t know how to feel, what to do…I didn’t recognize myself,” she said. “…I have to tell you


My breathing got shallower and a pr ickle of heat crept up my neck. I hoped this wasn’t about what I

thought it was about.

“What happened while I was gone?” I asked, but I wasn’t sure I actually wanted to know.

“I took advantage of the contract with Xander and Zane,” she said. “I was angry at you and at Xander

and Zane, but also scared out of my f ucking mind and sad that you’d all lost your pups.”

She swallowed hard and finally looked into my eyes. “We were cooped up inside that tiny cabin, and

everyone was about to lose it. So we put our energy into each other, and we forgot about our problems

for a while.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

So while Orion was torturing me and taking away my pups, Lanie was f ucking Xander and Zane in the

safety of the cabin?

1 felt my face get hot, anger and jealousy churning deep in my gut.

“Look, you told me to be honest, so here I am, telling you everything,” Lanie said. “I forgive you for

walking out, and I hope you can be okay with this, too.”

I wasn’t, I never would be, but what could I say without pushing her away?

I’d missed her, and I wanted her. all I could do was channel that rage into f ucking away the memories

of Xander and Zane in her bed.

All I could do was claim her again like she belonged to me and me alone.

I took her chin in my hand. “Sure,” I said, and then I kissed her, hard and desperate, pushing her back

onto the bed and mounting her, pressing my swelling c ock between her legs.

She cupped it and squeezed slightly. I shivered,

“Mason, please. Will you…?” she asked, her voice whiney with need.

“Can you stay quiet?” I whispered in her ear.

When she spoke, her voice was low and husky with desire.

“Yes. I won’t make a sound.”