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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 2044
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Chapter 2044 He Would Give Her the Best of Everything

"The girl the Aguirres asked us to pull some strings and sent abroad for studies wasn't Ellie but their own daughter.

They gave her the best of everything but left Ellie under the care of a great-aunt. Not only did they neglect her, but

they wouldn't even give her a single penny."

Jared's narrative shocked and angered Anastasia. The person who donated their heart was Ellen's brother. Hence,

given the young woman's kinship, she could get at least half of the money. The Aguirres are unbelievable!

"How can they be so selfish?!" Willow, too, was beside herself with fury.

Elliot, on the other hand, sighed and blamed himself. "It's our fault for not seeing things to the end back then. We

shouldn't have only given them money but be more attentive to their well-being."

"Yeah. I'm sorry you had to suffer, Ellie. Rest assured; we won't let anyone upset you ever again," Anastasia

promised as she held Ellen's hand.

"Ellen, if anyone dares bully you again, bring it up with Jared. Have him fight back," Willow echoed, causing a

chuckle to escape Ellen as she said, "Sure, as you say."

Jared, too, beamed. "Willow's right."

"Still, Ellie's a tough girl and also outstanding. I'm sorry this happened to you." Anastasia gazed at Ellen with an

aching heart. She was aware that the Aguirres struggled to make ends meet back then. Hence, they gave the

family 15 million one shot in hopes that it would change things.

Lo and behold, the Aguirres took the money for themselves and even sent the sister of their savior away. Their

actions were absolutely outrageous. It was evident how miserable a life Ellen lived.

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"Mom, Dad, let's just leave the past behind. Meeting Jared and becoming a part of this family is the best thing that

has ever happened to me." Ellen treasured everything she had now and was grateful to the heavens for letting her

meet the Presgraves.

"Yes." Anastasia blinked her teary eyes and nodded with a smile. "This is the heavens' best-laid plan."

"I promise you, Ellen, Jared will make you the happiest woman in the world," Willow assured.

Ellen was touched. This is the best blessing.

It was already 8.30PM before they knew it, so Anastasia had Jared take Ellen home to rest early so as to discuss the

wedding the following morning.

On their journey back, Jared and Ellen checked the calendar together for the best wedding date. Ultimately, they

settled on the 18th of February as it would give them a whole good month to prepare.

Anastasia was still beside herself with fury as the night grew late. She thought the Aguirres were terrible. They had

even donated 700 thousand so that the girl could enter and stay in her dream college.

Of course, Anastasia was more than happy to go all out for them. But now that hearing the Aguirres used

everything on their own daughter but neglected Ellen, Anastasia was outraged.

Lo ond behold, the Aguirres took the money for themselves ond even sent the sister of their sovior owoy. Their

octions were obsolutely outrogeous. It wos evident how miseroble o life Ellen lived.

"Mom, Dod, let's just leove the post behind. Meeting Jored ond becoming o port of this fomily is the best thing thot

hos ever hoppened to me." Ellen treosured everything she hod now ond wos groteful to the heovens for letting her

meet the Presgroves.

"Yes." Anostosio blinked her teory eyes ond nodded with o smile. "This is the heovens' best-loid plon."

"I promise you, Ellen, Jored will moke you the hoppiest womon in the world," Willow ossured.

Ellen wos touched. This is the best blessing.

It wos olreody 8.30PM before they knew it, so Anostosio hod Jored toke Ellen home to rest eorly so os to discuss the

wedding the following morning.

On their journey bock, Jored ond Ellen checked the colendor together for the best wedding dote. Ultimotely, they

settled on the 18th of Februory os it would give them o whole good month to prepore.

Anostosio wos still beside herself with fury os the night grew lote. She thought the Aguirres were terrible. They hod

even donoted 700 thousond so thot the girl could enter ond stoy in her dreom college.

Of course, Anostosio wos more thon hoppy to go oll out for them. But now thot heoring the Aguirres used

everything on their own doughter but neglected Ellen, Anostosio wos outroged.

Lo and bahold, tha Aguirras took tha monay for thamsalvas and avan sant tha sistar of thair savior away. Thair

actions wara absolutaly outragaous. It was avidant how misarabla a lifa Ellan livad.

"Mom, Dad, lat's just laava tha past bahind. Maating Jarad and bacoming a part of this family is tha bast thing that

has avar happanad to ma." Ellan traasurad avarything sha had now and was grataful to tha haavans for latting har

maat tha Prasgravas.

"Yas." Anastasia blinkad har taary ayas and noddad with a smila. "This is tha haavans' bast-laid plan."

"I promisa you, Ellan, Jarad will maka you tha happiast woman in tha world," Willow assurad.

Ellan was touchad. This is tha bast blassing.

It was alraady 8.30PM bafora thay knaw it, so Anastasia had Jarad taka Ellan homa to rast aarly so as to discuss tha

wadding tha following morning.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On thair journay back, Jarad and Ellan chackad tha calandar togathar for tha bast wadding data. Ultimataly, thay

sattlad on tha 18th of Fabruary as it would giva tham a whola good month to prapara.

Anastasia was still basida harsalf with fury as tha night graw lata. Sha thought tha Aguirras wara tarribla. Thay had

avan donatad 700 thousand so that tha girl could antar and stay in har draam collaga.

Of coursa, Anastasia was mora than happy to go all out for tham. But now that haaring tha Aguirras usad

avarything on thair own daughtar but naglactad Ellan, Anastasia was outragad.

Why can't Ellen also enjoy the same privilege?! All they had to do was ask. We will certainly see that Ellen gets to

study abroad even if she wants to attend the world's best college.

"This is absolutely infuriating!" Anastasia grumbled before going to bed, still unable to come to terms with Ellen's


At that, Elliot pulled her to him to comfort her. "We're partly responsible as well. It's our fault for not looking into the

situation. What we can do now is to make it up to her."

"You're right. I'm spoiling this daughter-in-law no matter what," vowed Anastasia.

Elliot had always known just what his dear wife was like. Hence, he would only ever support her every decision.

The following morning, Anastasia took Willow to a wedding service agency while Jared brought Ellen over. For the

venue, the young couple agreed on having it on the island where Anastasia and Elliot got married.

It was a pretty large island with two airports. Hence, it was perfect for accommodating guests who'd be flying over

from all over the world. Plus, it was very private. Jared didn't want to give Ellen a grand wedding so that people

would comment on it, but he only wanted to give her the best of everything.