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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 143
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Avery's pov tasted way better I admit the raw sausage than the cooked one. After we got done with the omelet, Xade washed the plate and the forks we used, and even though I told him I could help he insisted, warningthat if I did cto help he'd not Med god RÅLowto orgasm next the love to me.

When he was done, he wiped his hand dry and sauntered over tolike a wolf trapping its prey. My thighs are pressed together tightly, my annoyance clear on my face. I didn't like to be seen as a porcelain doll, easily broken and damaged.

His eyes flashed amused as he near, his hand going straight to my knees to unlock them. I press harder and he pouts. "V," he whines, eyes beggingto part my legs so he could once again cbetween them.

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Even though he look so adorable, I stand my ground, rising my chin in defiance. His pout deepens and I bit the inside of my cheek to not laugh. I will let you help next tbut you're still recovering, you can't do much," he pointed out softly.

I am well aware that Xade had more strength thanand if he really wanted to he could easily part my thighs.

I could have dried the plate," I pointed out and Xade's eyes lit up as he chuckled low. I pouted and he leaned forward to plant a small soft kiss on my pout causing the pout to turn into a smile and forto part my thighs.

He wasted no tto cbetween them, his bigger form engulfingas he pulledcloser to him, kissing the top of my head. His fingers trace comforting circle on my back, his head tucked between my shoulder and neck where his hot breath fanned against the sensitive mark.

I shivered as he lean closer and kissed just under the mark, making my nails scrap against his scalp lightly. "I love you," he whispered, kissing the mark tenderly. "You're healing perfectly." he sighed in relief, his hot breath fanning over the mark.

at swirled I haven't seen it yet but I did touch it earlier. The feel was strange since there was still a bit of swelling around the area. But the pain around the area had stopped completely which was a relief.

Xade suddenly yawned, pressing his head closer to my neck, his nose rubbing against my skin. I played with his soft hair, listening to his soft breathing and feeling the vibration of a purr coming from him.

"We should head back to bed now," I suggested, running my other hand down his naked back. He shuddered, moaning as he press closer.

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I can sleep right here," he sighed, kissing my neck softly. "I'm comfortable." I raised a brow, stopping my actions. He protested, beggingto continue" Standing up?" He pulls away, his eyes sleepy as he stared at me." Anywhere with you is comfortable.” he admits, yawning once more. My eyes soften and I lift my hand to cup his jaw, running my thumb over his light stubble.

He looks so exhausted.

"Let's go to bed," I whispered to him, needing to make sure he'd get enough sleep that he clearly needed.

He sighed and nod. "Will you continue running your hand through get into my hair when we deyir tinto bed?" his eyes shone hopefully, smile growing when I giggled at his adorableness.

I nod and he scoopedup in his arms rushing to the bedroom where he setdown gently on the bed and settle beside me, his arm Down slinging around my stomach as his head press against the crook of my neck.

He sighed in content, chest purring when I begin to run my fingers through his hair. "Thank you for Hot leavinghe whispered just before he fell asleep. As I listen to his soft breathing against my neck, I smile and kiss his head. "I love you too."