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My British Empire

Chapter 370: big storm
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  Chapter 370 Big Storm

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  On the sea, the green waves hit the moving ship layer by layer, as if they wanted to destroy the ship, very stubborn.

  Suddenly, the light of the sun in the sky became darker and darker, the original scorching feeling gradually disappeared, and patches of dark clouds suddenly began to entangle, making people feel very irritable.

   "My God, I finally had a sunny day, just enough for me to dry my poor, moldy quilt, why suddenly there are dark clouds! Almighty Lord! Pity Duck!"

On the deck of a dilapidated ship that seemed to have been repaired a lot, a man with a musty smell and a scar on his face raised his neck and howled continuously to the sky, his voice was so miserable , chilling.

  Besides, the other people who were lying on the deck basking in the sun also sat up one by one, cursing at the sky, looking extremely annoyed.

   "It's been a whole week, we've been away from Moscow for a week, and we haven't encountered a single good weather, and our clothes are all moldy!" A handsome sailor tugged at his clothes from time to time, with a particularly loud voice.

  Of course, his handsomeness is only relatively speaking. Compared with those sailors who are either crooked or have broken arms and short legs, he is already considered a relatively good handsome man.

  Of course, this kind of handsomeness is also troublesome. Although it can bring him a lot of luck, and he is more likely to be approached by those wandering warblers in taverns, he is also the most harassed in the vast sea.

   "Your Excellency, it is fortunate that we have stored a lot of alcohol, otherwise, we would have suffered!"

  The first officer on the side walked to Richard Chandler with a dignified expression, looked at the group of yelling sailors, and sighed softly.

  In this era, at sea, the stored water is very easy to deteriorate, smells bad, and produces many tiny bugs, which is disgusting.

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  At this time, wine is easy to preserve, so it has become an essential water resource for long-distance ships.

   Moreover, since rum has not yet been invented, it comes from England's strong fire wine, which has become a must-have for navigators, thus bringing a lot of wealth to the Tudor royal family.

   Therefore, it is inevitable that sailors have many alcoholics.

  Of course, they came to the Principality of Moscow, which is also a country known for alcoholics. Before leaving, Ivan IV presented a large amount of wine.

   Seeing the dignified expression on the captain's face, the first officer was a little strange. He carefully looked into the captain's eyes, followed Chandler's gaze, and looked directly at the dark cloud-covered sky. The doubts in his heart grew stronger.

   "Your Excellency, is there any question?" The first officer couldn't resist the doubt in his heart and asked softly.

   "It's not right, it's so wrong!" Chandler looked at the sky in front of him motionless. It was pitch black, and layers of dark clouds began to pile up.

   "Your Excellency, it's about to rain in the sea, and it's still a heavy rain!"

  The first mate has already turned a blind eye to such weather, shrugged, and said indifferently: "It is often encountered on the sea. In such weather, a heavy rain is inevitable!"

   "Hey! Guys, pack up quickly. It looks like it's going to rain. Come back quickly. If you get sick from the rain, you'll have to throw it into the sea!"

  The first officer opened his throat and roared loudly.

  As soon as the first mate finished speaking, the sailors naturally got up neatly, packed up the clothes to dry, and ran back to the cabin.

  No one will doubt the authenticity of the first mate's words.

   At sea, there is no doctor on board. If you are sick, you have to resist it. If you can’t bear it, you will be isolated. If it is serious, you will be thrown on an island. You will be given water and food for three days, and you will be left to fend for yourself.

  Sickness is the last thing sailors want to face.

  The sailors rushed back to the cabin, followed Chandler one by one, and stared ahead together with him.

  In front, the black-gray lead cloud squeezed thicker and thicker. It was daytime, but the sky became darker and darker, as if it was getting dark.

  The low air pressure oppressed the people on the ship, causing everyone to feel flustered and depressed. They felt inexplicably depressed and irritable, and their mood became more and more restless.

   "Do you feel uncomfortable in your heart, as if your whole body is being crushed by a boulder!"

  Chandler turned his head, looked at the crowd, and asked.

   After getting a positive reply, he moved his ears, as if he heard Haiyan's voice.

  Sweeping his eyes, sure enough, a large number of petrels fled to the distance one after another, like black lightning bolts, and the sound was unbearably sharp, as if it was about to burst through the eardrums.

   "Quick, get ready, put down the mast, sail, this is a big storm at sea!"

  Finally, Chandler recalled that this was the big storm that those old sailors often boasted about, a big storm that destroyed nine ships out of ten.

   After saying this, not only the first officer, but all the sailors froze, with panic and fear in their eyes.

  A big storm at sea is an unparalleled catastrophe, and it is also the last thing ships at sea want to encounter.

  This means that those who can survive the storm are basically God's favorites, which is extremely rare.

  At this time, everyone began to do their best to exert their strength for the ship, and each took up his duties, working earnestly and anxiously.

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   "Don't be a big storm, don't be a big storm, don't..."

  In the hearts of the people, they kept praying, praying for the ethereal and invisible figure of God.

   As time went by, everyone's anxiety became a reality.

   Lightning bolts fell in the clouds, and the roar was endless.

   Immediately afterwards, bean-sized raindrops began to pour down, hitting the deck of the ship, and also hitting the hearts of everyone on board.

Finally, Gale also began to arrive as promised. First, he cautiously tested the dying ship. After seeing that it had no power to fight back, Gale was carrying heavy raindrops. His movements became bigger and bigger, and the whole ship shook more and more. more serious.

  The steps of everyone in the cabin immediately became unsteady, and each of them hugged what they could rely on, holding on tightly.

  In the captain's cabin at the top of the cabin, Chandler was holding a binoculars, carefully observing the dark cloud, lightning and thunderous sky ahead, with a solemn face, without saying a word.

   Observed, quietly observed.

  In Chandler's view, the big storm in front of him is also a person, and there are times when he is slack. At that time, it is their chance to survive.

  The shaking of the ship became more and more intense, and even the side of the ship began to flood, and the sailors hurried to repair it.

  The moment when the sailors turned ashen.

  At this time, Chandler suddenly felt that the storm was a little smaller.

"good chance-"

  (end of this chapter)