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My British Empire

Chapter 519: Indian caste system
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   Chapter 519 Indian Caste System

  Robin sold out most of the porcelain in Goa, and obtained about 80,000 pounds. Compared with the cost, the profit reached 400%, which is just a short journey.

  As a result, the spare ship loaded a large amount of purchased materials, such as wood, tiles, tung oil, and gunpowder, and returned to Calcutta after half a month.

  I saw that the villages that were originally made up of wooden branches and cloth now erected a fortress, a simple fortress, which was surrounded by a tall wall, and it could be seen from a distance.

  It seems to be a mushroom in the forest after the rain, standing upright, stubborn and firm.

  In just half a month, there was such a scene, which made Robin happy:

   "This Will is indeed worthy of being a businessman who has served the royal family for generations. He is knowledgeable, quick to do things, and very capable!"

   "Yes, Will's ability has always been good!"

   "In just half a month, this fortress has been built very well!"

  Thanks to Will's usual good popularity, the businessmen around Robin also nodded and praised, all of them looked very satisfied with Will's performance.

   "It seems that Will is very popular and worthy of promotion!" Robin looked into the distance, thinking silently.

  When we got to the shore, the simple pier had been built, which made Robin even more satisfied after getting off the boat.

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   "Sir, these people are laborers hired by me, let them carry the goods!"

  Will saw the return of Robin and his party a long time ago, and his face was overjoyed. He hurried to the pier, led the black-skinned Indian laborers, and waited silently.

   "These people are laborers? In the past, what about the villages here?" Robin glanced curiously at these nimble laborers, and wondered, he felt a little familiar.

   "I bought the village land here from the greedy officials of the Mughal Dynasty, and these laborers are all former villagers!"

  Will glanced lightly at the laborers who were carrying them, and said casually.

   "By the way, sir, with the bribes and the money for buying land, the pounds you left are running out!"

   Speaking of which, Will touched his head a little embarrassedly, looking a little ashamed.

  But people who are familiar with him know that at this time, he is straightening up, full of arrogance.

  Seeing this, Robin smiled, the behavior of young people, this is normal.

   "Money doesn't matter, as long as the business station can be successfully built, no matter how much money you should have!"

   Robin shook his head and said indifferently.

   "It seems that these villagers are the so-called untouchables! No wonder the officials sold their land without any scruples!"

   "Untouchable? What is an untouchable?" Will's young face was full of doubts. He didn't know the Indian system.

  So, Robin popularized the social system in India at this time to Will.

  India has four major caste classes. Brahmin (priest) has the highest status, Kshatriya (nobility) is second, Vaishya (merchant or farmer and herdsman) is third, and Sudra (servant) is the lowest.

  The status of castes is clearly defined. Women of high castes are not allowed to marry men of lower castes, but men can marry women of lower castes.

  Brahmins are priests, Kshatriyas are officials and kings, Vaisyas are merchants and workers, supporting Brahmans and Kshatriyas, and Sudhudas are civilians, craftsmen and servants, serving the above castes.

  In addition to the four major castes, there are untouchables living at the bottom of society, also known as "Dalits" or "untouchables", who are engaged in the most menial work such as cleaning up corpses or filth.

  The number of untouchables accounts for a quarter of the total population. After the Aryans occupied India, they degraded the dark-skinned Indian natives as untouchables.

  The code stipulates that when ordinary "untouchables" go out, they must keep knocking on the earthen pots while walking on the road, reminding the high-level people not to touch them. The code also stipulates that if a person of a lower caste hurts a person of a higher caste, he must be severely punished.

  If you hit a person of a higher caste with your hands, your hand will be chopped off; if you kick a person of a higher caste with your feet, your feet will be chopped off.

  Calcutta villages belong to untouchable villages. The reason why they live near the mouth of the river is that they are far away from the residential area and suffer from dislike. The second is that they are engaged in laundry work.

  So, facing the gold coins and the untouchables, the officials sold the untouchables without hesitation, and didn't care about their feelings at all.

  After knowing this, Will only showed a trace of unbearable expression, and then he calmed down. What does this have to do with him?

   "It is said that people of high caste in India have fair skin and exquisite facial features, which are indistinguishable from our appearance!"

   "And people of lower castes have dark skin!"

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   "The reason why you were able to successfully occupy the land may be that they thought you were a high-caste person, so they succumbed to you!"

   Robin finally made a conclusion, while Will had an expression of sudden realization.

   "However, in this way, it will be smoother for us to build a business station here. We can catch more untouchables and let them build forts and city walls!"

  Robin nodded as he looked at the business station that was getting more and more organized.

   "Also, in order to ensure the next business station trade, and also for the benefit of the kingdom, we have to recruit some Indians as mercenaries to increase our force."

   Looking at the more than a thousand sailors around him, and then looking at the huge population of India and the giant Mughal Dynasty, Robin was a little nervous and scared.

"Will, you have participated in military training before, and you have also participated in military activities in Brittany. So, in the next Calcutta, you will be responsible for the construction of the trading station. I will give you 300 people. And I and others will return to London with the fleet and goods to meet His Majesty!"

   "Yes, sir, I promise to complete the task!" Will agreed with a smile on his face. At such a young age, he was given this important task, which made him extremely excited.

   "Please remember, I need to see a thriving Calcutta when I return, not maintain the original state!" Robin said seriously.

   Robin doesn’t care about the name Calcutta Trading Station. What he cares about is whether he can complete a foothold of the United Kingdom in India, so as to obtain a colony like the Portuguese and earn a lot of profits.

  So, Robin stayed for a few days, and then he took a boat to Goa to buy some spices and gems, and then went back to London to announce the good news to His Majesty the King.

  Thinking of this, Robin couldn't help but smile.

  In the ship, apart from dozens of tans of raw silk, there are also some books from the East, and these are the things His Majesty the King has ordered.

   After completing the task, he is about to receive a reward, which makes him excited beyond words.

  (end of this chapter)