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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 96
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 99

Serina POV

My eyes flutter open and I’m near the lake again. How could I be here? I look around and there is a

beautiful wolf with red fur lying a few feet from me near the water. I have never seen a wolf with fur that

was red like fire. I’m not afraid, I actually feel drawn to her. Memories of being taken by that pr*ck

Conrad and hearing Lake talk about me shifting comes flooding back to my mind. I sit down next to the

wolf, reaching my hand out and rubbing it through her soft fur. She isn’t the biggest wolf I’ve ever seen

but she definitely is the coolest. “She is very cool, isn’t she,” I hear a female voice from behind me. I

scramble to my feet and when I turn, I see the most beautiful woman with hair that matches the wolf’s

fur. “Do not be afraid my child, you are in no danger here with me.” “Goddess”, I whisper and she

smiles. She nods and offers me her hand. Maybe this is a dream and I’ll wake up in the pack yard with

everyone around me. “I assure you, Serina, this is not a dream” I hear her voice in my mind. She

chuckles at the shock on my face. I don’t know why I’m shocked she can link me she’s the moon


“I meant no disrespect, Goddess, I just can’t believe this is happening.” I take her hand and I feel like

my world spins. When everything stops, I take a few deep breaths so I don’t throw up everywhere. “My

apologies, I’m so used to moving from realm to realm that the journey doesn’t bother me.” “Are you

alright?” “Yes Goddess” I say and take the seat she offers. The wolf from earlier comes to sit next to me

and places her head in my lap. “Ruby is quite special, Serina.” I look at the beautiful wolf and I can’t

believe what I’m hearing. “This is my Ruby”, I say, and she laughs.

Moon Goddess POV

“Yes my child she is your wolf.” “Both you and Ruby are very special to me.” “Why me” she asks with

such an innocence. “Let me tell you what makes Ruby so special and then I’ll tell you why I chose you.”

She nods and I continue. “You are not the first human that I have given Ruby to.” “I give my children

free will and sometimes, much to my disappointment, they make very wrong choices.” “Some choices

are forgivable and can be redeemed and some are not.” “Ruby wasn’t always the wolf you see today.”

“She was a brown wolf that was smaller than most.” “She was special even though she was small but

because her human couldn’t see that she went against me.” “She enlisted the help of a black magic

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witch to change her wolf.” “Why would someone do such a thing” Serina asks. “Our wolves are a gift.” I

smile and she continue to solidify that I made the right choice for Ruby.

“When the human drank whatever potion the witch gave her, it turned Ruby’s soul black.” “She was

bigger and her fur was black as night.” “Unfortunately, the human was no longer in control and Ruby

was no longer the beautiful soul I had created.” “She was killed by the pack and I took Ruby home to

heal her.” “It took me a great amount of time to cleanse Ruby’s soul.” “When the black magic was all

gone all the fire in her spirit remained.” “I made her fur red to match it and I waited to find the perfect

human for her.” “She isn’t the biggest wolf but she makes up for that with the power she holds.” “I know

Ruby told you that despite shifting for the first time you will not find your mate yet.” “Neither of you are

ready for that.” “You and Ruby are going to grow into the special wolf I know you are and when the time

is right you will find your other half.”

“Now to answer the question, why you?” “You, your sister, and your mother are special to me.” “Your

mother never knew of our kind and she accepted your father the day she found out who he was to her.”

“Despite making him wait and she did, he was in her heart.” She makes a face like what I said was

gross and I chuckle. “I have never had any of my human children accept my gift so readily.” “Your sister

is stronger than many of my Alpha wolves.” “I don’t mean physically but in leadership.” “She has the gift

of seeing good in those who maybe don’t always show it.” “Now I’m going to ask you a question before

I tell you why you’re special.” “When your father announced that your sister was to become Alpha of

your pack how did you feel?” She looks at me like I just asked the craziest question. “I was happy, my

sister is amazing and deserves her t!tle.” “The only reason I agreed to share the Alpha duties was I

love my sister and I want to stand by her side.” “That is why you are so special.” “I don’t understand”

Serina says. “Most wolves would have had felt angry or betrayed at your father’s choice if only for a

moment but you never felt that way.” “You were happy to follow your sister despite her not having a

wolf.” “That makes you special and for that reason I have given you one of my most special wolves.”

“She will grow with you and become more powerful than anyone can imagine but only if you stay pure

hearted.” She smiles “it’s time for you to go back to your parents and sister.”

She stands and I walk toward her, wrapping her in my arms. I lean down k!ssing her forehead and she

is gone. I turn to Ruby and she comes over sitting down in front of me at my feet. I bend down and

stroke the fur on her head. “She will love you the way it should have been from the beginning, my

child.” I place my head against hers and she is gone.

Gabriella POV

We all sit in the pack yard just waiting for Serina to wake up. I have been running my hand through her

fur. I’m still amazed by her color. I’ve never seen a wolf with her fur color. “Dad, what does it mean that

she is blessed?” “We won’t really know until we see what her wolf is capable of.” “Red wolves are rare,

even rarer than white wolves.” “I have never seen a red wolf in all my life.” “I have only heard about

them in the teachings when I became Alpha.” “I do know they have powers beyond typical wolves.” I

smile I knew Serina was special and now everyone will know it too. I feel her wolf move under my

hand. Her eyes open and she looks around at all of us. I stand and she gets to her feet. She isn’t as big

as the average wolf, but she is beautiful. She rubs against me and I feel the connection to her just as I

do to Serina.

She rubs against my mother and my father shifts. She rubs against Brutus and he howls with

happiness to see his pup’s wolf. I can feel the tear roll down my cheek. A finger wipes it away and Lake

wraps me in his arms. His embrace feels amazing in this moment. I turn and his face looks lighter. I

smile “your dad put a lot in perspective for me”, Lake says. I peck his l!ps and turn back. “I think we

should go on a run” Lake says. My mother climbs on Brutus and I climb on Razor. We all start out at a

steady pace, but in moments Serina’s wolf is far ahead of us. I can feel that Razor is trying to catch her

but it doesn’t seem to be happening. I smile, speed must be one of her powers because she is blowing

the other wolves away. We make it back to the pack house and I slide off Razor’s back. Brutus stands

in front of my sister and shifts back to my dad. “Sweetheart, picture yourself in human form and you will

shift back”, our father says. After a few seconds, my sister is standing there and my mother hands her

clothes to slip on. Once she’s dressed, Cynthia walks over and I can see how sorry she is. “I’m so sorry

Serina” she starts to say.

Serina pulls her into a hug. “It wasn’t your fault and there is nothing to forgive.” Cynthia hugs me and

returns to the pack house. I’m just about to suggest we do the same when Lake and I get a link that

Atticus has arrived to see us. I turn to my parents and Serina. “Atticus needs to speak with us and he

has brought a rogue with him.” Lake growls and I take his hand. “Atticus would not bring someone to

the pack that is a threat.” He nods and we all head to the office. Once we are all seated, Atticus,

Monica, and the rogue walk in.

Derrick POV

As soon as we arrive at the pack, I feel uneasy and Haze is pacing in my mind. “Haze you need to calm

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down this is hard enough without you driving me crazy.” I don’t even let him respond before I push him

down. I know this is the right thing, but it doesn’t make this any easier to do. We are led up to the pack

house by the patrol guard. Once we are in the office, I look around as the scent of lilacs are invading

my nose. That scent reminds me of being a child and spending time with my grandmother. I push Haze

down because none of these women could be my mate. The goddess gave me that chance once and I

blew it. I focus on the conversation at hand. “Atticus” the Alpha female says. “Alpha Gabriella this is

Derrick.” “He was Kenneth’s second in command.” “What the fvck, are you here to help your boss”

Lake says. “Alpha Lake, I promise you that I would never have brought him here if I thought for one

minute he was still working with Kenneth” Atticus says.

“Alpha, I have made many mistakes in my life and I swear to you that I was not a part of the pups being

kidnapped.” “I don’t agree with any of the things that Kenneth has done and I wish I had come to you

earlier.” I look to Atticus as I’m sure they will not take me at my word. “The girls confirmed that he

protected them from Kenneth and Jessica” Atticus. “I’m glad to hear that.” “I’m here to help you end this

with Kenneth.” “Most of the wolves in his collective have no idea of the evil things he has been doing.”

“I don’t want to see them punished for his actions.” “That is very admirable and we appreciate your

help” the female Alpha says. She turns to the male Alpha. “I agree with my mate, but understand if you

betray us in any way, you will suffer the same fate as that b**ch Jessica.” “I understand Alpha, but I

promise you I am not here to betray you.”

Lake POV

“Do you trust this love” I link Gabriella. “He seems sincere and I think you made it clear what the

consequences will be if he is not.” I smile, I do love this woman. “Yes, I did.” “Derrick, can you tell us

why Kenneth is so hell bent on revenge” Gabriella asks. “It’s actually against the former Alpha, Archer.”

Archer growls and Derrick finishes. “He said that you killed his brother, Lawrence.” “The rogue that

killed my father’s collective” Archer says. “Your damn right we killed him.” “I knew he had done bad

things but Kenneth wouldn’t listen to reason” Derrick says. “Well, it seems it’s time to pay Kenneth a

visit.” I link Tabby to join us and after a few minutes the door opens. Johnathon and Tabby walk in and

Tabby stops dead when she sees Derrick. He stands “Tabitha” he says and I see anger flash in

Johnathon’s eyes. Johnathon steps in front of his mate and I can see the hurt on her face at this man’s

presence. What the hell is happening now?