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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1689
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However, Yesseca did not feel anything.

The moment the wolf was about to bite her head off, it fell to the ground. At the stime, blood splattered over her face.

She did not know what to say.

She could only stare blankly at the dead wolf.

"W-What's going on?" she asked.

"It's dead." Tremaine raised the gun in his hand.

Only then did she realize that he was holding a gun.

Looking at the wolf on the ground, she asked, "Did you shoot the wolf?" "That's right." "Why wasn't there a gunshot?" "I have a silencer." "Why do you have a gun?" Before he could reply, Yesseca answered, "Of course, you would have a gun. You're the president's bodyguard," This time, it was Tremaine who was rendered speechless.

He changed the topic. "We should leave as soon as possible." She nodded.

It was true that they had to get out of here. Although they had just avoided a wolf, who knew what they would encounter later? They might not be as lucky if they met another wild animal. Just as they were about to leave, she looked up to take a look at him.

At this moment, rays of the sun shone through the mosaic network of leaves in the canopy above them, falling onto Tremaine's body. He looked like a deity.

She shuddered at the thought of the appearance of a wolf, but he was not afraid at all. It proved that he was courageous as he only pulled the trigger when the wolf was jumping towards them. Although it might be safer to fire before it pounced, he might not be able to shoot it.

Yesseca couldn't help but ask, "Why weren't you afraid when you saw that wolf just now?" Tremaine squinted at her and said, "Do you think I am the sas you?" It rendered her speechless.

She couldn't help but stick out her tongue. "It was a normal reaction from a normal person. Do you think many aren't afraid of wild animals like you?" A glint flashed through his eyes. "Wild animals aren't that scary." She asked, "Why not?" "Human hearts are way more terrifying," he said softly.

The whole reason why he was being attacked was because of a traitor in his party.

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The human heart is wicked above all else.

She was about to agree with him because he made sense.

But then, she remembered something.

He had installed surveillance cameras in her room.

She had almost forgotten about it since they had been through many things in the past 24 hours.

Yesseca stopped in her tracks.

Tremaine glanced at her and said, "Why aren't you walking?" She raised her head and glanced at him.

He was still basking in the sunlight and still as handsas always, but he was no deity to her.

She whispered, "Let's go," Just as they were about to exit the forest, the leader, who was in a military uniform, immediately walked over to them and greeted Tremaine. It was Sheldon.

He looked relieved to see them. "Sir, it's a good thing that we have found you." After saying that, he looked at Yesseca in surprise.

Since when did Tremaine have a woman beside him? However, she did not greet Sheldon.

Usually, she would have said hello.

But she was not in the mood at that moment.

She couldn't help playing what he said over and over again in her head.

"Human hearts are way more terrifying." She felt like these words were like a giant ice cave, and she was within it, shivering from the cold.

It repeated over and over in her mind.

"Sir, she is?" Sheldon asked hesitantly.

"Send someone to take her to the hotel to rest." Tremaine glanced at Yesseca as he spoke.

Her pale face gave her away.

After experiencing so much, he assumed that she was just shaken.

"Yes, sir!" Yesseca was sent to a hotel in Nashaland by a soldier while Tremaine got in Sheldon's car. Tremaine was shocked when he finally got a good look at Sheldon once they got into the car.

There seemed to be something wrong with him.

His mouth was swollen.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Tremaine asked.

Sheldon's face turned red.

It was because of the woman he met the night before.

The woman was screaming. Fearing she might ruin things, he used his lips to block hers, and it lasted for almost ten minutes.

His lips wouldn't be swollen from kissing her, but it just so happened that she was wearing scheap lipstick, and he was allergic to it. This was why his lips were swollen that day.

He had already gone to see a doctor, and the swelling had gone down a bit before he cto see Tremaine. "It's nothing." Sheldon covered his lips and said, "Just an allergic reaction," "How did it happen?" Tremaine casually asked.

Embarrassed, Sheldon said, "1-1 don't know either," Fortunately, Tremaine stopped badgering him.

"How did you escape yesterday?" Tremaine asked again.

Just then, Sheldon told Tremaine everything in detail.

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He went looking for Tremaine at the dining car a night ago. He knew that Tremaine had jumped out of the car when he couldn't find him, so he followed suit and jumped down too.

However, he encountered another ambush of gunshots from the enemy. In that situation, he could only lay still on the ground.

Soon, half a night went by.

When the other party left, Sheldon wanted to go find Tremaine, but he changed his mind.

It was uncertain whether he could

find Tremaine in the dark, and it would be the end of him if he ran into the enemies. He might lose his life before he could even find Tremaine. He decided that the best choice was to go back to Nashaland and inform the army.

"I thought you would have made it back by then. I only found out you did not return whgot back, so I brought smen to find you." When Sheldon said so, a hint of flashed across his eyes.

Tremaine could have gotten rid of the assassins himself and head straight back to Nashaland. Why did he flee to the forest instead? He didn't expect that Tremaine did this because of Yesseca.

It was easy for Tremaine to return alone.

However, having Yesseca with him made it difficult.

They had to avoid attacks, and the journey was long, which explains why he took her into the forest to avoid danger.

Yesseca was brought to the hotel by a man.

She had been sitting in a daze in her room for an hour before she stood up.

She had been staring blankly at the walls.

Just then, she went to the door. The man in military uniform was guarding it. She said to him, "I want to go out," The man looked like he was in a tough spot when he said, "Mr. Quartley has asked you to remain here, and he would cto see you later," She nodded. "I'm hungry. Can you buy something for me? Anything would do." "Yes, miss." The man left immediately.

After the man left, Yesseca walked out of the hotel room. Relying on her memory, she returned to the hotel where she and Preslie had been staying.

Preslie was waiting for her at the entrance of the hotel.

The moment she saw Yesseca, she almost burst into tears.