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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 461
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Chapter 0461 Satisfied, Enzo pulledback into his embrace. "That's all I ask." Wrapped in his arms, the world outside faded away, and all that mattered was the two of us, nestled together, lost in a world of our own.

The soft shuffle of movement rousedfrom a peaceful slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I turned to find Enzo moving about the room, gathering his hockey gear. His face was set in that familiar determined look, signaling the importance of the day.

"Last day, huh?" I murmured, my voice still thick with sleep.

He turned, a smile lighting up his features. "Yeah. Last practice this morning, then the final gtonight." I pushed myself up, the covers pooling around my waist. "How about a big breakfast to start the day right?" Enzo grinned, bending down to press a quick kiss on my forehead. "Sounds perfect." I shuffled out of bed, donning a cozy robe before making my way to the kitchen. I could already envision the hearty meal I planned to whip up. Bacon, toast, fresh fruits, and, of course, scrambled eggs.

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As the delicious aroma of cooking filled the air, Enzo wandered into the kitchen, dressed in his hockey attire. He sidled up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling into my neck.

"Smells heavenly," he whispered.

I chuckled, turning to press a peck on his cheek. "Bacon, toast, and eggs. All for my star player." Enzo smirked. "I was talking about you," he murmured. "But the food smells good, too, I guess." With a laugh, I landed a smack on Enzo's chest.

We soon settled down at the dining table, plates heaped with food. The morning light streamed in, casting a warm glow over everything. We dove into the meal, the atmosphere light and carefree.

"So, you think you guys will win tonight?" I asked, taking a sip of my orange juice.

Enzo grinned confidently. "With you cheeringon? Absolutely." We continued our banter, talking about the other players, potential strategies, and the excitement surrounding the upcoming match. However, as I forked sscrambled eggs into my mouth, I paused. The taste, the smell-it was just...off. I subtly pushed the eggs to the side of my plate, trying to hide my distaste.

Enzo, too engrossed in his story about a recent scrimmage, didn't notice my lack of appetite.

*You sure you're not going to eat your eggs?" he asked eventually, eying my plate.

"Oh," I hesitated, searching for an excuse. "I realized I'm not too hungry. You can have them if you want." Without a second thought, Enzo happily scooped them onto his plate, devouring them with gusto.

After finishing our meal, we stood, Enzo pullinginto a tight embrace. "Thank you for breakfast," he murmured. "I promise to score a goal just for you tonight." I smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek. "Just don't get injured, alright? I wanna watch the game, not be on team doctor duty. Just for tonight." He nodded, pressing a lingering kiss on my lips. "Always. See you at the game, love."

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As I watched him leave, a warm feeling bubbled up within me. I was so incredibly lucky to havẹ Gim in my ve life. However, as I began scraping the leftover bits from our plates, that soff-putting scent from the eggs hit

again. This time, it was much stronger, causing my stomach ton churn violently. Abandoning the dishes, sprinted to the bathroom, 1 just barely making it in time. As I knelt there, gasping for breath and trying to pull myself together, my thoughts raced. I quickly did the mental math-the dates, the timing.

Could it be? No, it was probably just something I ate or... Or maybe...

My heart thudded wildly as the realization set in. I rested a handm against my belly, the implications of my sudden illness becoming all too clear. "Oh, no," I murmured to myself, the possibilities dawning on me. "Should I take a pregnancy test?" RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.