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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169

“What’s the matter? Jane was taken aback.

Dominic gently held her hand.

“You must immediately dissolve your marriage with Dan,” he looked at her. “You don’t have to worry

about it. I have a solution.”

“And another thing is…” He smiled, “Please take over the Central City western suburb land and

maximize its commercial value!”


“What?” Jane was a bit flustered, shaking her head. Dominic’s last words didn’t make sense to her.

“No! I don’t know anything about it at all!

“No one is born knowledgeable, Jane.” Dominic said softly. “You can learn as you go, and you will o

quickly. I believe in you.”


“Jane, you can do it.” he enunciated clearly.

Jane hit her lip, lowered her head, and looked down.

This feeling was strange. Perhaps it was her own inferiority complex, but she felt like he was bestowing

something upon her.

However, back when he wasn’t Dominic, he gave her all the family heirlooms, handed her his bank

card, took over the coffee shop, and gave it to her…at that time, she never felt this way.

A trace of melancholy passed over Jane’s face as she quietly pulled her hand away from his touch.

“Jane, I don’t have any other intentions…” Dominic noticed that something was wrong with her

expression and wanted to explain, but his phone suddenly rang

Jane glanced at him, got up, and went back to the room to take care of Kassie.

Dominic answered the phone, and Aaron’s voice came through on the other end: “I’ve brought all the

people you wanted, and they are all in my place.”

“Okay, thank you,” Dominic replied in a deep voice.

“By the way, do these people have any problems with you?’ Aaron smirked, “What do you want to do

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with them? We have quite a collection of torture methods here, do you want me to try some of them for

you? Just give me a word, brother.”

“There’s no need for that. I just want them to do something for me,” Dominic said, then he ended the

After hanging up the phone, Dominic returned to the rental house. He had found the two marriage

certificates he hid from the closet and was about to leave when he caught sight of the small

sandalwood box with intricate carvings next to them.

The bronze lock looked elaborate, and it was probably not something that an ordinary key could OPPL

Was this thing that David is searching for? What exactly was inside that box?

Dominic’s brow furrowed, and many thoughts flashed and raced through his mind. However, he didn’t

have time to think about it now, he had more important things to do.

He closed the door and quickly rushed to “The Base Lounge.”

Aaron had already taken the people into a small dark room.


Those few people were crouched on the ground, occasionally raising their heads to look around. their

faces expressionless. When they made eye contact with the benclumen, they would get scared and

wet their pants.

Aaron was sitting behind the surveillance screens, with his legs crossed and leaning back on the chair.

He had just taken a sip of whiskey when someone brought Dominic in.

“Wanna have a drink?” He poured a glass for Dominic as well.

Dominic shook his head, looking at the screen.

“These are the people you wanted. right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So, is this lineup good enough?” Aaren asked with a smirk.

When Dominic glanced at him, he helplessly said. “These people are all minor officials from the Civil

Affairs Bureau. I asked you to invite them ever, and your show of force seems a bit too much”

“Weren’t you furious when you called me?” Aaron retorted. “Weren’t you itching to get your hands on


Dominic chuckled. He had been worried about the marriage certificates all along, so le secretly

investigated the process of obtaining them. Ile discovered that there seemed to be some problems with

these minor officials.

That was why he had Aaron “invite them to see what they knew.

Aaron rolled his eyes at him, snorting lightly, and took him to a small dark room.

When the few people saw the bright light at the door, they rushed towards it.

“What are you doing?” Aaron roared.

The men fell to their knees with a thud, pleading. “Please, spare its… we really don’t know where we’ve

seen you before, how we offended you… can you give us a hint?’

“We’ll do whatever big brother wants us to do, we promise!

Dominic took a step forward and threw the marriage certificates in front of them.

“This…thus is a marriage certificate, and the two people in it want to dissolve their marriage.” Dominic

looked coldly at thein. “But the man isn’t here. You guys need to give me a quick salution!”

The men looked at each other in confusion. At this moment, a beam of light shone down from above.

enough for them to see the details of the marriage certificates clearly

“Dan?” Someone from the captured men recognized the nante. “Isn’t this…isn’t this the Fallon Family’s

son-in-law? He stammered.

“Do you know him?” Dominic raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, I don’t know…” the man’s face was covered in a cold sweat. He dared not raise his eyes

and nervously spilled everything.

“But, a year ago, Chairman Fallon sent someone to say that his daughter wanted to register a marriage

and asked us to be flexible…”

Dominic’s brow furrowed, and his eyes sharpened. He absentmindedly slipped his hands into his

trouser pocket. “What do you mean by “lexible?’ lle naked.

“Just, neither party showed up, so they asked us to directly register II using their IDs…” y asked us to

directly rughter it using their ID…

Can you f ucking say it all at once?” Aaron slammed the table, impatient.

The man closed his eyes tightly and almost lost his courage. In one breath, he spilled all the details.

“L..I registered for them! But I found out that Dan’s ID had already expired long ago. He’s listed as a

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missing person! How can a missing person get married? Moreover, it’s not allowed to register without

both parties present, that’s the rule!”

“So. I…I…I made two fake marriage certificates…”

“What?!” Aaron’s eyes were about to pop out

“These marriage certificates are fake?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” The man was on the verge of tears. “Because I took Chairman Fallon’s money. I

couldn’t refuse to help him, but the matter I handled was completely against the regulations. I didn’t

dare to break the law so I made two fake certificates to cover it up!”

“I swear, I’m telling the truth! I’ve kept Chairman Fallon’s money in my account for over a year without

touching it! If you want it, you can take it… let us go, we had no other choice! We can’t do anything

about it!” the man pleaded.

Aaron was dumbfounded, never expecting this kind of operation

On the other hand, Dominic’s expression was cold, his fists clenched tightly.

“So, from a legal perspective, these two people are not a couple, right?”

“Right!” The man’s voice trembled. “Dan and Jane are not a husband and wife at all!“

The knot in Dominic’s brow slowly loosened, and a great joy surged in his heart. However, he showed

no expression, unable to utter a word.

Aaron gestured to his men to take the people out.

In the room, only the two of them remained. Aaron patted his shoulder and smiled, “Now thin

things are good. Jane and Dan have no relationship at all! Ha! You’ve been taking the place of that sc

umbag for so long, and you didn’t even realize that his 11 had expired?”

Dominic shook his head, and after a long while, he pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint


“Hurry up and tell this good news to Jane!” Aaron said. “Perhaps, if she’s happy, she might reconcile

with you

“She’s not unwilling to reconcile with me because of those two fake marriage certificates, Dominic said

lightly. “It’s because I lied to her.”

“Then… what are you going to do?”

“I’ll take her back to Central City.” He spoke firmly, “I want her to be my true wife.”