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Chapter 106 - 106: Thanks to the Ridiculously Powerful Weapon...
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Chapter 106: Thanks to the Ridiculously Powerful Weapon…

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Requesting assistance.”

“Xiaozhi is wounded, we need help urgently.”

Urgent cries echoed over the police communication channel.

“Temporary withdrawal, maintain surveillance, do not engage.”

The on-site commander swiftly issued orders.

There seemed to be no other viable option.

The available firepower was inadequate.

The drug traffickers were armed with rifles, while the police were equipped with handguns.

Charging headlong into danger would be reckless.

For now, the objective was to keep the drug traffickers pinned down, preventing their escape, and await reinforcements.

“Report, there’s a villager ahead, and one of the drug traffickers is headed in their direction, likely attempting to take them hostage.”

“Is there a way to flank them from the side?”

“No, it’s impossible. The terrain on both sides of the path is too steep to traverse.”

Going around was not an option.

Charging directly would result in casualties, unless they were willing to pay a high price in lives.

Avoiding a direct confrontation was essential to prevent the drug traffickers from taking villagers hostage.

It was a dire situation.

At this critical moment, the police officer who had intercepted their vehicle the day before turned to Tang Rui and Gao Yang.

“Comrades, do you happen to possess heavy firepower?”

Heavy firepower? Wasn’t the firepower in their vehicle already substantial?

Tang Rui was taken aback.

“What kind of heavy firepower do you require?”

“Any rifles or grenades? We must neutralize these two drug traffickers blocking the road and subsequently rescue any potential hostages.”

The police officer urgently voiced their request.

“There are no rifles or grenades on board, but can we employ cruise missiles and missiles?”

The police officer…

Their military background was evident. There was a noticeable disparity in their understanding of heavy firepower.

“That’s acceptable; we must prioritize the safety of the villagers.”


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Don’t worry, it won’t be a problem.”

Tang Rui reassured them confidently, as he had no qualms.

He retrieved his phone.

Accessed the weapon system and launched cruise missiles.

Shoo, shoo, shoo…

Three cruise missiles were launched from the top of the vehicle.

These were cruise missiles specifically equipped on the RV. They were far superior to what they had sold to the Middle East; it wasn’t even a fair comparison.

The cruise missiles ascended swiftly.

In no time, they locked onto their targets.

Observing the screen on his phone, Tang Rui realized that it wasn’t due to a lack of effort on the part of the police; the situation was genuinely challenging.

The two drug traffickers were strategically positioned on the slopes, while the police officers were situated below.

Shooting from above, they possessed both cover and firepower advantages, making direct engagement unfeasible.

If it weren’t for the drug traffickers’ subpar marksmanship, the police would have suffered devastating losses during the initial exchange.

Adjusting the camera feed, the cruise missiles continued forward and eventually located the drug trafficker who was fleeing through the woods.

Taking care of this individual first was imperative.

Tang Rui expertly controlled the cruise missile to lock onto the target.

And then…

There was nothing left to say.

A resounding explosion followed shortly thereafter.

The target had ceased to exist, and even nearby trees had been uprooted.

“Is it acceptable to eliminate the target directly?”

At this moment, Tang Rui suddenly contemplated whether the police intended to capture the suspects alive.

“…It’s not a problem.”

The police officer replied hesitantly.

“What about the other two? Should we eliminate them as well?”

Tang Rui inquired once more.

“Well… capturing them alive is preferable, but due to the immense firepower of our weapons, there might be no survivors. Sometimes, it’s an unfortunate necessity.”

The police officer explained before diverting their gaze toward the sky.

Upon hearing their leader’s remarks, the other officers grew increasingly excited.

Seeing this, Tang Rui comprehended the situation.

“I understand… In that case, we shouldn’t use cruise missiles. They lack the necessary firepower. When you compose your report later, it might not reflect well. Let me switch to a different weapon.”

With that said, Tang Rui opened the side weapon compartment and extended the missile launcher.

“Will this level of firepower suffice?”

“It’s more than enough.”

The police officers, staring at the four missiles on the launcher, nodded in astonishment.

“Alright, let’s proceed with this option.”

The cruise missile locked onto its target and provided guidance data.

Tang Rui pressed the launch button.

Shoo, shoo…

Two missiles were ejected.

The missiles ascended into the sky, executed a U-turn, and began their descent toward the ground.

Everyone, including the two drug traffickers, could clearly observe the missiles’ trajectory.

Moments before their demise, the only thought in their minds was, “Have the firepower and equipment of the drug enforcement police truly reached this level of terror?”

Boom, boom…

The next instant, two massive explosions erupted, and the deafening cacophony reached even the RV, which was at least a kilometer away from the blast zone.

Mission accomplished.

Time to pack up.

Tang Rui pressed the button to retract the weapons, securing them.

After a brief pause, everyone began to recover from the shock of the explosions.

“We deeply appreciate your assistance. However, we kindly request that both of you register some information.”

The police officers maintained their courtesy.

“No problem; it’s our duty.”

Tang Rui had no objections, as he had nothing to hide.

Seizing the opportunity, he relaxed a bit.

After registering their information and engaging in a brief conversation with a young police officer nearby, Tang Rui finally grasped the reason behind the police leader’s earlier comment.

These three drug traffickers had it coming.

The police had placed an undercover agent within the drug trafficking organization.

The outcome…

Tang Rui was slightly irked after hearing the whole story.

He regretted using missiles; it had been too merciful.

They were no better than beasts.

As Tang Rui prepared to depart, the police had already gathered the bodies of the three drug traffickers.

He took a cursory glance at them.

Mangled bones, flesh, and blood mixed with soil.

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They were far from being intact.

Not bad.

Using missiles had been the correct choice.

It helped dissipate some of the anger Tang Rui had felt.

Back inside the RV, they resumed their journey.

The police officers also returned to their headquarters.

Upon their arrival, they reported on the operation.

“Three drug traffickers have been neutralized with the assistance of military comrades.”

“Any valuable information found on their bodies?”


“Were autopsies conducted?”


“So swiftly?”

“No need for autopsies; a visual examination sufficed.”

The higher-up was baffled.

But when he saw the bags containing a mixture of blood, tissue, and soil, he immediately comprehended.

“What kind of weaponry did the military comrades employ?”

“Cruise missiles.”



The following morning, Tang Rui arrived at Ma’an Airport. He decided to grant Gao Yang a day off to allow for some rest, as they were currently inside the airport premises and protection wasn’t required.

Tang Rui had come to inspect the disassembly of the Su-47.

“Lin Ge, what brings you here?”

Before even reaching the hangar, Tang Rui spotted Lin Chao.

“Just here for you.”

Lin Chao responded with a hint of helplessness.

“Do you require something from me?”


“What is it?”

“We’ve received orders from higher-ups to equip Gao Yang with a rifle instead of a handgun.”

“Why? Have you received any information? Is Eagle planning to assassinate me?”

Tang Rui was taken aback.


Lin Chao shook his head with an odd expression.

“Then why?”

“The directive is simply to use rifles instead of missiles next time you encounter drug traffickers or similar situations..”