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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 356
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Chapter 356: Servant’s Struggle

The call turned out to be an emergency worthy of my immediate attention and concern.

Or at least, that was what Ash so pressingly claimed it to be so... but I for one, really didn’t think so. I mean, since when has anything not been given the highest priority focus in regards to me when it came to this girl?

I could hear roaring engines on the other end of the line, fluctuating intermittently from coming to going, as well as the tumultuous buzzing of a brimming crowd making it all the more difficult to hear the one sole voice I actually wanted to hear.

“Master! Oh, I feared you’d never answer!” She spoke aloud, and the way she did made it seem like bad news was nearing and looming. “I’m terribly sorry for my abruptness, but it’s only now occurred to me that I am faced with an unenviable conundrum... one that desperately requires your guidance to overcome.”

When I heard her say that, that’s when it all finally came together. All the constant yammering in the background, all the whirring cars and bikes, and a seemingly unsolvable problem that needs my expertise. If I’m not mistaken, it’s Thursday today too, ain’t it? That could only mean one thing...

Breathing out, I took a wild-but-not-so-wild guess. “Grocery shopping?”

A high-pitch jingle faintly sounded on her end, the unmistakable ones you’d hear opening any door to any store anywhere, and then speaking still so somber, Ash asked, “Tell me, Master, does Lady Samantha have a distaste or even the slightest aversion to cereal?”


So much for a call from love, Hayley.

“She’s not picky, just pick any,” I said.

There was a pause, and then a little rustling. “Would Frosted Flakes prove sufficient enough, Master?”


“I see, thank you! Oh, but I fear -! There are still many – I should have consulted you first, why didn’t I consider...” I could hear her footsteps striding loud and fast enough to be able to get an image of her scurrying through the aisles. “Does your sister have any personal preference when it comes to her meals? What time would she like them? Oh, and regarding the guest room – how would she like her bedding arrangements?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Okay, this was a five-star service too far. First, it was Amanda and her worries, then in waltzes Irene with her own concerns, now here chimes in Ash for round three.

Seriously, since when did my sister become more important than the actual Queen of England? The red carpet’s practically being rolled out beneath her feet at this point... and she isn’t even here yet!

“I think I remember saying a couple of days back that you don’t have to do anything special just because Sammy’s coming over for a few days. I said that, right?”

“And so you have, Master,” Ash affirmed, now huffing and puffing doing God knows what at this point. “Alas, I couldn’t help but fret still. The fear of your sister arriving, and me, utterly dissatisfying, not only her, but you as well... it is not a thought I relish. I intended to not let such a prospect ever transpire.”

“And it won’t transpire,” I assured her, then reassured her some more and more until I couldn’t no more. By the end of it, I don’t think she was convinced at any rate to worry less... but I did get her to calm down for the time being.

We were at a point where we were just about to say our farewells to one another, until something I didn’t catch drew away her attention – and for a few moments, I was left listening to the almost eerie melody of static silence.

A new cereal brand caught her eyes? She saw a car she liked passing by? What happened?

“Hey, Ash,” I called out. “You still there?”

“Ah, forgive me...” She returned, speaking as if only just snapping back to focus. “Sera was... speaking just now.”

I felt my eyes widen. “You brought Sera with you?”

“She insisted, she’s curious,” said Ash. I noticed her voice was suddenly tacked with a heavy layer to it, and I only could briefly wonder why before it was all made clear as she spoke again, saying, “She wishes to speak to you as well.”

Now my voice was also carrying that same heavy note. “What, now? Speak how? I can’t talk to her like how you do. How am I supposed to – ?”

“Tonight,” Ash interjected. “She’s asking to meet with you tonight. At the park, in the forest.”

“Um, o-okay, sure?” I was just spouting whatever came to mind, caught completely blindsided, speaking first, thinking later. “No, wait – can’t you just tell me the reason now? Why does she want to meet me?”

“My sincerest apologies, Master, but I simply do not know myself. She refuses to disclose that information to me even as I insist.”

That’s a surprise if I ever heard one.

“She won’t tell you?”

“Yes, Master,” Ash affirmed. “She’ll only tell you,” then stressed again. “Tonight.”

“Tonight,” I repeated, feeling that heaviness in my tone spreading itself all the way into my head, weighing it down until it slumped. “Any chance for a rain check? I sorta have something going on tonight already.”

I heard Ash sigh. “Unfortunately...”

“Yeah, I thought not,” I sighed back.

“What would it be, Master?” She asked. “Will you meet with her?”

Five minutes ago and you wouldn’t catch me dead hesitating the slightest with a loud resounding ‘Yes’. All this time, day and night, any chance I could, my mind would have no reserves pestering me nonstop about Ria, meticulously counting down the every tick of the clock until Sera finally said something about it.

And now she finally was, except... if not for the other thing also poking and probing at my subconscious – Amelia’s visit, and that too I’ve pretty much no choice to say no to.

At this point, Amanda’s proposal on that pizza party was but a fading pipe dream to me now. No way that’s gonna happen.

Why did they have to be both tonight? Do I have time to go for each one in time? And just what the hell did they both bloody want to do with me that’s so damn important?

Guess I’ll just have to find out, won’t I?

“Tell her I’ll be there,” I finally responded.

“Very well, Master,” Ash said so formally, I could practically hear the bow of the head in her voice. “Um, must I... relinquish the call now, or do you – ?”

“I’ll do it,” Despite my weary self, I still managed a smile. “See you soon, Ash.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Farewell Master,” Ash said gently. “I wish you a most splendid day at work. I shall also prepare you a hearty meal upon my return.”

Guess she must have heard how downcasted I’ve suddenly gotten.

“Looking forward to it.”

With a dull beep, the line was cut. That phone call took way longer than I expected it to, and strayed far from how I thought it was going to play out. It seems Ash was right after all... it really was a call worthy of my immediate attention and concern.

Oh, I’m concerned now, alright... fucking hell. Amelia and Sera, huh? Between the two, I’m not sure which one I’m dreading or wanting more of. In a way, they’re both alike.

Both loved to scowl, both so easy to irate, both also had a tendency to resort to impulsive violence... just give Sera some fangs and claws, and the twins could very well be triplets.

Well, I still have four hours more to go in my shift before I’m finally let free. No use getting distracted, best get back to it.

When I returned to the counter, a new bottle of sprinkles in hand, I found myself a customer short. Irene’s seat was empty, as was her latte... with cubes of ice left melting, as well as a few dollar bills sticking out at the bottom of her glass... along with a customer survey slip, a big heart sketched beneath the question regarding customer satisfaction.

“Said it’s for you, and only you, told me to keep an eye on it,” Hayley informed me, smiling, striding back into the back. “I think she’s taken a liking to you. You might have earned us a new regular too. Keep it up, Hero!”

I looked out the window, but seriously what was I expecting to find out there other than passing cars and passersby? As of late, Irene’s been quite the slippery fish too.

Every text sent, only read hours later. Every call, eight out of ten times I’d be greeted by her voicemail. When she does pop up, it’s always out of nowhere and abrupt... and when she leaves... it’s like this.

Something’s got her occupied, engaged. I asked her one time why she took so long to reply and she told me she was working on a case and said nothing more about it.

That was days ago.

So now here’s a third thought to wedge itself in-between the others – just what kind of case was she dealing with?

Ah, you know what, maybe I should take up philosophy as a job. I got so many questions to ponder... I’d be employee of the year, I swear...

Who’s going to get to me first, the Vampire or the Fey?

Any bets?