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My Servant System

Chapter 1022 1021: Sla Hunt (1)
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"Oh, and just saying, I think you'll find that comparatively, a Sla Fiend isn't as physically strong as the other Fiends, nor magically for that matter either. We rely on tricks and sex to get our way, and while it might sound idiotic to you - a warrior - that we aren't the most confrontational, I think even you can agree that few people nowadays would resist a good fuck and sexcellent pillow talk~!"

Sla'Caligo grinned atbefore pulling a chair over towards the edge of the bed, the Arch Fiend making herself comfortable and ensuring there was space between herself and my lovers before she began to pleasure herself, something that madegrowl softly as I looked away from her so as to not get too aroused once more.

"I love watching you mortals try so~ hard to not get turned on by my body~! It's amusing and never gets old... but I must admit, like any good huntress, I love watching as my prey slowly falls into my clutches compared to just pouncing and pinning them down; that thrill that comes with seduction is unrivaled by anything in this world, isn't it Jahi~?"

"What do you mean by that, Fiend?"

Searching around for my clothes, I rubbed at my brow as I belatedly realized I had... been a little to enthusiastic last night, my desires to fornicate with Kat leading to a rather 'destructive' tas I tore off not only my clothes, but hers as well, so... I needed to go find my bag to get my extra set, but as soon as I did so I noticed that there was a barrier around them too.


Growling at the Arch Fiend, I gestured to the bag that I had brought withand waited for her to dispel it, but she just giggled and shook her head, her fingers still dancing over both of her genitalia as she pleasured herself.

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"That's not me, dear, but instead our sex crazed friend~! But uh... do you think I'm going to let you cover up~? Please... talk about eye candy... and you're sweet to match~? C'mere and givessugar, baby~?"

I growled again as I felt my loins begin to stir once more, the coy tone of the Arch Fiend pairing far too well with the occasional glance I took towards her as I admired her body before mentally scolding myself for it... and then instead I looked towards the mess on the bed, those three bodies I had cto love and crave more than life itself entangled together in a sweaty bundle of lust.

"Oh for the love of all that is holy..."

"Getting horny again, Jahi~? Wanna rub another one out before you go and hunt this Fiend~? If you want, you can useas a rag~! I'll do anything~ you want... just make sure to shoot your seed all~ over me, 'kay~?"

The Arch Fiend's words sent a jolt through my body, and before I realized it I was showing off my full virility, my entire body warming up as I felt the intense urge to respounding Leone from behind, or to have Sla'Caligo's annoying face beneathas I stroked myself to completion and force fed her my-

"I... I am going to find a way to kill you one day, Sla'Caligo, and then I will lock you up and deprive you of all that you need so that you can suffer... so shut up, will you?"

"Ohoho~! Someone's getting feisty, hm~? I'm not even the one utilizing the Lust Mana and yet you get angry at me... but hey, those thoughts you're having~? They are all~ your own thoughts, your own desires... see, the thing is, we don't artificially arouse people, us Sla Fiends. We take what you already have and amplify it, make you think of things that you swear you would never think of, but are really thoughts you've just hidden away. So you wanting to treatlike a rag..."

Biting her lip, Sla'Caligo looked down and pointedly stared at my erection as she said "Is all on your broad, muscular shoulders, Demoness... that desire to take a Mother and her daughter and have them both worship you, together, before you got them pregnant, together... that was all you. All~ you~! It was all of those chiseled, sexy blue muscles and your gorgeous, silky raven black hair... your sharp amethyst eyes and curled, gold tipped ram horns~! Your twisted, sadistic personality that walks hand in hand with a battle junkie parading as a Noble warrior..."

"If you don't shut the hell up already, Fiend, I'll rip your damn tongue out..."

My voice cout raspier than I wanted it to, and I dragged in a breath to try and calm myself from this mixture of anger and lust that I felt, something that Sla'Caligo knew I was feeling and was taking her skills to exploit right now.

So, I grabbed the Gladius that Anput had forged forand looked around the room for something resembling something I could cloth myself with, before Sla'Caligo made herself useful as she said "No need to worry~! I guarantee everyone else is too busy masturbating or fucking to see you, Jahi, so go ahead and begin hunting for my wayward relative~! And uh..."

Givinga coy smile before licking her lips, Sla'Caligo ran her hands over her figure before returning to her own self pleasure as she added "I'll be watching you just in case, but just so you know... I don't care for your safety, just your warrior charm~! Givea good show, will you dear~?"

Clenching my fist around the hilt of the Gladius, I glared at the Arch Fiend before storming out of the room, entering the sunlit corridors of the capital building of Khisba... completely naked and with a blade in my hand.

Not suspicious at all, I promise.

Though as soon as I stepped foot outside, I was able to verify that Sla'Caligo - despite being an annoying Arch Fiend to deal with - was true to her word, and the sounds and scent of sex aroundmadecertain of that.

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Not because I just heard one couple having a good tdown the hall, but because I heard multiple different voices moaning in pleasure throughout the building, alongside the familiar grunting of men and futanari ejaculating, which added to the stench in the air that made my lip curl.

What also madecertain she wasn't lying was that the moment I stepped out of the room, I could feel something in the air that wasn't nature; it wasn't easy to notice, but now that I knew there was something wrong here, I could feel it brushing against my skin and caressing my body, whispering toto join in on the festivities and lovemaking.

Lust Mana...

I wasn't the most familiar with it, but Kat's crude use of it was still seared into my mind; it was a powerful magic that I had to take note of, but the difference between someone borrowing that power and someone born with it, who uses it like they use their limbs is so very different that I almost didn't sense it.

But I could feel the very air aroundbeing laced with a undertone of sweetness that tickled my nostrils, a warmth that wasn't from the sun caressing my skin and lulling my muscles into relaxing; the sounds of women giving themselves to desire as men and futanari swung their hips or welcomed a ride were far too distinct to miss despite being in their own rooms...

Everything aroundwas not natural, and even though I knew that I still wanted to just turn back around and rejoin my lovers on that bed, to dive in and entangle myself with them, but that notion was smashed apart when a door nearby opened up, and a familiar figure stepped out.

One that I recognized, and one that recognized me; the Sultana took a few steps into the hall before turning to stare at me, her veiled face a few inches above mine as she stopped and said "So you feel it too... and I presthat the others are firmly under the spell of the Fiend? Letguess another thing too; that Arch Fiend of yours refuses to lend us aid because she finds this amusing?"

Like me, the Sultana was nude save for her veil, her sculpted, scarred body on full display, the sun's rays illuminating her figure and makingblink as I realized just how similar she was to Anput... or the other way round, but in doing so I also noticed that Anput... hadn't been similarly blessed in one regard, but that too was only by a little...

"Try not to stare, little Demoness... perhaps it is because I have grown lax in my training, but I must admit that this Fiend's abilities are rather... adept. If you keep givingthat look... I can't promise that I won't try anything."