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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 472: Bonds Forged in the Past. 3
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Chapter 472: Bonds Forged in the Past. 3

"He hunted down everyone involved in the incident. Ultimately, 50% of Japan's Supernatural Community died that day, be they Humans, Werewolves, Vampires or Youkai."

She had previously left out most of this information when she had explained this to Anna.

To speak and leave it to interpretation had different effects. But now, it was out in the open.

A sense of shock washed over anyone who didn't know that fact, Anna included.

At that time, Bruna stopped serving everyone and stayed with the Maids.

"..." Anna was in disbelief, and she wasn't alone. Andrew, Fred, Adam, and Liena were the same.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Adam looked at his children.

"What did you say to us, Father?" Edward asked.

Adam narrowed his eyes, "I'm retired... I don't want to be interrupted by news from this world..."

"Thanks for reminding us." Leona spoke up.

"...that's...that's..." Fred didn't know what to say, Andrew included.

'Even if it was revenge, isn't causing mass genocide a little too much?' Andrew thought.

Anna's head was a mess, but before she could go any deeper into this pit called crazy thoughts.

Renata touched Anna's hand.

"...." Anna looked at her friend.

"You, of all people, know your son the most... Don't judge him before you talk to him." That was all Renata could say.

Privately, she didn't care about it. Gods and Heroes of old did worse in the past.

What do you think happens when a country loses a war?

Yes... It is at these times that beings show their true selves to the weak and defeated beings. All kinds of crimes and cruelty happen in this kind of place.

'From what I know of Victor, he would just hunt, torture, and kill everyone involved. He wouldn't stoop to the level to force himself upon some woman, he's not that kind of trash...' To be honest, Renata thought that Victor handled the situation well.

As far as she knew, he didn't kill innocents, and that was a big A+ for her role because she's pretty sure if it was Vlad...

That country would no longer exist.

He was the Lesser Evil.

"... It's precisely because I know him that it scares me." Anna muttered. She knew her son very well and knew how attached he was to someone he called family. Because of that, she was afraid of his reaction when someone touched this 'reverse scale'.

"But... You're right." Anna sighed and decided to talk to Victor later.

Renata just showed a small smile and sighed inwardly with relief.

"...." On the other hand, Liena was narrowing her eyes. She wasn't one to judge someone just because she didn't know him personally, and she knew the boy, and she also trusted her son.

But... It was impossible not to judge a man when he did what he did.

Her personality did not immediately judge anyone born after she learned the secret of The Inquisition.

Yes, she was one of the few people who knew what kind of atrocity The Inquisition did. That was one of the reasons why she stopped being a Hunter.

Ruby looked at the blood in her teacup, and seeing her reflection in the red blood, she continued:

"There's a saying that everyone knows..." She looked up at the group, and her eyes were colder than usual.

Again everyone's attention went to Ruby.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Don't provoke a sleeping Dragon because the retaliation would be unimaginable."

"Victor? A dragon? Please tell a better story." Adam snorted, not that he didn't think the boy was strong, but he'd been a Vampire for how many years? One or two years? He was still a baby by Vampire standards.

Perhaps, he used the strength of the Vampire Counts who supported him?

'It's very likely... But that doesn't match his personality.'

The Maids' eyes glowed blood red when they heard what Adam said.

And Adam couldn't help but raise his guard a little when he saw the look of the Maids, especially the Asian-looking Maid and the Maid with long hair. The feeling they gave was… terrible.

"He fought a Vampire Countess, Annasthashia Fulger, and won."

'Although Natashia was not in her best shape, she was still a Vampire Count, even if she was very weak.'

"..." Adam, Edward, Leona, and Liena opened their eyes wide.

"He is the youngest Vampire ever to become a Vampire Count, and he was recognized by the King of Vampires himself, Vlad Dracul Tepes, the strongest Vampire, a monster over 5000 years old."

"He fought The Inquisition and destroyed several bases, and he's still walking around like nothing happened."

"...." Liena narrowed her eyes when she heard what Ruby said.

'If he's attacked the bases... Then he knows their secret too, I need to talk to him about it.' Liena thought.

"He is an individual who has been labeled as highly dangerous to the Hunters of The Inquisition, whose order for all Hunters who see him is to run...Run for your lives." Thanks to her two spies at The Inquisition, Ruby had an idea of how The Inquisition viewed Victor.

"He is my mother's favorite disciple."

'And above all else, he is a Progenitor and an anomaly that holds the powers of the 3 bloodlines of Vampire Counts.' She thought to herself but didn't speak aloud.

"And most of all... He's an Alucard."

"A name that if you take it and reverse it will mean a dragon, a name that is a direct affront to the King of Vampires. Victor declared to everyone that he was the opposite of Vlad."

"...." The Maids' faces became less intense, and a small, proud smile appeared on their faces, acting as if the achievement was theirs.

'Master is amazing!' Bruna waved happily.

"Yes, my words are not groundless. He is a sleeping dragon."

"And everyone knows what happens when you provoke a sleeping dragon."

Adam was speechless. It would be an understatement to say how shocked he was. He didn't know about all of Victor's achievements.

He couldn't help but re-evaluate Victor's position in his mind because he knew the chances of him defeating the Countess of Clan Fulger were very low unless he had a way to deal with her speed.

And that man defeated her with only two decades of life?

What was he doing when he was 20? Sucking his thumb?

Thinking back, he remembered that he was training with his mother and parents to become stronger.

Yes, that was an incredible achievement. Now, he understood a little how he could cause so much slaughter in a country.

'It turns out that his power is on the same level as an Elder Vampire or close to them.'

Letting the silence take over the room, Ruby flashed a gentle little smile and said:

"Let's put this matter aside for a bit. Why don't you eat, drink something, and wait?"

"My husband should be back in a few hours, and when he arrives, we can continue our conversation."

"…As expected, he has plans for this invasion, huh." Leona spoke.


"He wouldn't be 'MY' husband if he didn't." She commented with the same smile.

"..." Leona frowned a little when she heard the words 'My husband'.

"Tsk." Leona clicked her tongue and turned her face away with a slightly annoyed expression.

'Fufufufu, this is fun. Should I press some buttons to cause more reactions to her?' Renata thought as she looked at Leona.

"I don't understand something."

"Hmm?" Ruby looked at Liena.

"Why don't you tell us your plan now?"

"But didn't I tell you?" She turned her head, not understanding.

"I'm not talking about the shelter, I'm talking about your plans for this supposed break-in that I wasn't aware of."

"Oh." Ruby flashed a neutral smile and said:

"Because that doesn't interest you."

"...." Liena and Adam narrowed their eyes.

"Don't misunderstand the situation. You are acquaintances and childhood friends of my husband, but that means nothing to me."

"You are here right now at my husband's request, he values his friendship with you and wants your safety, but in the end, it's just that."

"We are under no obligation to reveal our plans to strangers."

"Until you have a clear position on which side you are on, you are 'the other side', right? I bet Mr. Adam will agree with my words."

"...." It would be an understatement to say how shocked the group was by Ruby's cold words, but as slightly annoyed as they were, they couldn't help but nod inwardly, agreeing with her.

Though that was a shared thought of Liena and Adam.

Especially Adam, who, from the beginning, only came here to satisfy his children's desires and out of curiosity.

"Indeed." Adam didn't deny Ruby's words.

Edward, Leona, Fred, and Andrew were annoyed, but that was only because they were childhood friends with Victor.

"Whatever happens, I'm with Victor." Fred spoke in a tone of annoyance but one that contained great conviction.

"Oh?" Ruby raised an eyebrow at Fred.

"Immortal Vampire or not, Edgelord or not, I know that, during these times, the only one I can count on for my safety and my parents' safety would be Victor."

"..." Edward and Leona narrowed their eyes at that comment.

"You talk like we're not going to get you to safety." Leona spoke.

"I'm not talking about that." Fred commented dryly.

"I'm talking about position and social status." He looked at his friends and was serious.

"Tell me for yourself, which is safer, a Vampire Count who is second in all of the Vampire's hierarchy or a retired ex-Werewolf General who only god knows whether he has allies or not?"

"…How do you know about this?"

"Please. Master Mizuki didn't teach me to be an Onmyo Mage for nothing. Even if I'm not at her level, I can still break into The Inquisition's base and get confidential information."

"..." The group looked at Fred in shock, Ruby and the Maids included.

"You did what!?"

"Ugh." Fred put his hands to his ears.

"You Banshee, can you lower your voice? I'm right next to you."

"What did you say!?" Leona yelled even louder in annoyance.

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As mini chaos broke out in the room, Ruby couldn't help but remember Victor's words about Fred. Out of curiosity, she'd asked about his Otaku friend. After all, he was apparently a fellow man of culture.

"...Fred, huh?"

"How can I say, that man, despite being a weeb, a lover of manga and anime, and often living in a dream world… He is strangely talented."

"Strangely talented?"

"Yes, he does things that people think are impossible like it's nothing, and he just jokes about it afterwards, and I bet he doesn't even know the things he does are amazing."

"... Just like you?"

"Something like that." Victor laughed.

"Ugh, stop rocking me. I just didn't do much! And I was curious about the Supernatural World!" Fred yelled.

"You did something quite reckless, idiot." Andrew couldn't help but speak out. Even though he didn't understand much about the Supernatural World, he knew that breaking into a base full of soldiers was considered foolish.

"Indeed." Edward agreed.

"Mr. Fred." Ruby spoke.


"Know that stealthily breaking into a base of The Inquisition and stealing data are feats few people can do. In this room, only one person can do it, and she is a Vampire Assassin hailing from a renowned Clan."

"That's something to commend, right, Kaguya?"

"Yes... Although he has a silly attitude, succeeding in that, despite his foolish attitude, is something to be commended for." Kaguya commented in a neutral tone.


"Yes." Ruby nodded her head.

"If I may ask, how did you do that?" Kaguya spoke.

"I mean, I just cast a concealment spell, disguised myself as a priest, acted like a hooligan, and they let me through."


"Only that?"


"Unbelievable." Liena spoke, and Maria agreed with her, "They didn't verify your identity. Didn't they verify that you have a personal code?"

This was standard procedure Liena remembered when working with the hunters.

"They didn't check because when I disguised myself, I was already inside the base."

"...." He passed through the base's heavy security as a normal human!? Maria and Liena thought at the same time.

'This is indeed another level of bullshit. Just what kind of luck/talent is that? I bet Gintoki would be a good friend of his.' Ruby thought.

"Back to the subject, you are correct."


"It's better to trust a Vampire Count than an ex-Werewolf General who doesn't even know what's going on in the world."

Adam narrowed his eyes at that invisible Jab.


"Not to mention that in terms of security, I trust Victor more."

"...Oh? Why?"

"He's paranoid about pretty much most things. You can trust someone like that."

'You have no idea.' Ruby and Anna thought internally.
