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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 528: Arcane, the Realm of witches.
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Chapter 528 Arcane, the Realm of Witches.

Before Victor, Agnes, Natashia, and Vlad arrived, at the same time Sasha and Ruby were fighting the Demon Dukes,

On a balcony in the Snow Clan mansion, Hilda was watching the territory in the distance where various small-scale fights were taking place.

As the King's Royal Guards were here, and most were trained Elder Vampires, they were fully defending the city, and no damage or loss had occurred as of yet.

With the help of Clan Blank acting in the shadows, the fight was progressing more easily than in Clan Fulger's territory.

This was in part due to Clan Fulger's territory housing Vampires mainly responsible for Nightingale's food. That is the Vampires there were the equivalent of farmers, and their only true defense was the Fulger Clan.

However, due to the recent events involving the Horseman Clan, the Fulger Clan was still recovering from its weakest point.

"12th Key of Solomon, Prince Sitri..." Hilda muttered as she narrowed her eyes.

"And His legions of Demons."

"I must say he is unlucky." A voice commented with obvious disdain.

"Don't underestimate him, he is categorized at rank 12 for a reason," Hilda warned her as she looked back.

And then she saw a woman wearing full armor. Unlike Sasha or Ruby, Violet's armor looked more like a battle dress than armor.

A breastplate completely made of armor to protect her body with only her shoulders uncovered, and gauntlets large enough to go just above the elbow.

Unlike Ruby and Sasha, she didn't have a helmet, but a simple white but elegant crown.

For the bottom, she wore armor that covered her legs entirely and stopped at her thighs. She was a little taller in this armor for the single and simple reason that the armored boots she was wearing had a platform on her feet like a clog that increased her height.

Attached to the armor was a white cloth-like dress with an opening for her legs to move around easier.

And just like Sasha and Ruby, the armor was made that way for two purposes, to make her look beautiful, and to ensure a better match with her fire powers.

Even the platforms beneath her feet were not useless as depending on the situation, Violet could use her firepower to 'boost' that platform which would increase her speed.

The cloth was made from Fire monster materials, performing a similar purpose to Sasha's, but instead meant to store the power of Fire rather than Lightning.

The unprotected areas like her shoulders, and the crown that didn't protect her head had a reason too.


Like a flame being lit in the darkness, Violet's entire body glowed, the cloth of her dress started to catch fire, and her simple crown that looked like a princess's tiara changed into a Fire Queen's crown.

Her shoulders were covered by the fire and created a cloak of pure fire behind her, a cloak that served to protect her and release the excessive buildup of power, but retained the original power so she wouldn't get worn out easily.

She looked stunning in that armor.

It was as if Hilda was standing in front of a fiery spirit.

"He's rich, right?"

"We are too."

Her husband, Victor, fully knew Violet's weakness.

She was very bad at keeping her fire in control, and it was only natural that her power was more chaotic and volatile than Ruby and Sasha's.

Even Victor had little control over it when he increased his firepower above what he could control, and consequently, he wasted energy.

This armor eliminated that weakness and provided support for Violet to focus on other things.

Silently admiring Violet's armor, an armor that was made especially for her, Hilda commented:

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"A Demon's rank is based on its wealth, influence, and power."

"Wealth and influence can only get you up to rank 20 of the Pillars of Demons."

"Above that, you need something else."

"Power and Lineage."

"And Duke Sitri is an example of that." Hilda looked ahead

"He's got both power and influence, and a good Bloodline. We're holding up well because this idiot is just keeping us locked up."

"Buying time." Violet corrected.

"Yes, it's obvious." Hilda narrowed her eyes:

"Any kid with at least 2 IQ would understand that a plan was going on behind the scenes."

"Indeed, Demons cannot bypass the space protected by Clan Alioth, not that I know of." Violet looked at Hilda.

"You're correct, they can't do that. Someone is helping the Demons, someone powerful, but that's not the problem."


"They managed to invade Nightingale, but why aren't they making efforts to destroy us?"

"A rank 12 Demon can easily summon more than 2 million Demons from his personal army to attack this city, that number wouldn't even diminish his strength, and army that much."

"…but instead-."

"They're attacking with low-level Demons that wouldn't be a problem for Elder Vampires or untrained Adult Vampires." Violet continued.

"Yes, it's like he wants to keep us here, attack us, but not provoke our fury and retaliation like he's trying to maintain the status quo."

"The enemy commander's intent is saying, we are attacking you, but we are busy with something else, please remain quiet in your territory," Hilda spoke with disdain, clear irritation in her voice.

"...." Violet looked at her territory, and the Demons being killed.

Her entire territory, including the new city being built, was completely protected.

"Lady Violet."

"...." The two women look to the side and see a Witch.

"What's the matter, June?"

"The Kingdom of Arcane is under attack by Demons. I ask permission to return home." June spoke with a worried expression.

The two women could see that she was worried about her home.

All my possessions are in that place! Damn Demons! If you touch my house, I'll chase you until you're all dead!' June felt anxious, and the hate she was hiding inside of her trumped the hate of a woman who saw her husband cheating on her.

"...." Violet and Hilda narrowed their eyes.

"Tell me more details about this, June," Violet asked authoritatively.

In her anxious state, June spilled the beans easily.

"Gates appeared in the Realm of Arcane, and out of them came Legions of Demons. The Queen summoned all the Witches on duty home! Therefore, I must return!"

'My hard-earned money will not be burned by Demons!'

Hearing what June said, the frown in Hilda and Violet's eyes deepened, and the two white-haired women looked at each other.

And apparently, they shared the same thought.

'Something is stinking here.'

"June, the Realm of Arcane is the Witch Queen's territory. Ignoring how they managed to create a portal to that place something that even Clan Alioth cannot, everyone knows that no one enters Witch territory looking for war, that is pure nonsense."

"The Demons went there only to die."

"...Oh." In her panicked state, she forgot that fact.

'On second thought, that's true, and the Queen's daughters are in that place too.' June had started to calm down a little, but not much... She needed to see if her money was saved.

"A being able to invade even the Witches' territory with portals, and not just the Witches' territory, Nightingale too. Do you know anything, Hilda?"

"... Conceptual Gods like Nyx's brother Erebus, and also her lover, can do this... He holds a Greater 'Space' Divinity and with that, he could blow a hole in Nightingale... But that would be a feat impossible in the Witch Queen's territory."

"Even Conceptual Gods can't get around the Witch Queen's defense?"

"The Witches are one of the strongest Factions for a reason, both in terms of resources and knowledge. They are the ones who rival the Gods themselves"

"Resources, knowledge, plus the mysterious energy called 'Mana'. The Queen is a tough opponent, and a fight in her territory should be avoided at all costs because once she enters there, it's impossible to get out alive."

"Only the Queen knows how many defenses she has placed in her dimension."

"Ugh..." Violet felt her head boiling. If a Conceptual God can't invade the Witch Queen's territory, who could?

"I'm not enjoying this. The Nightingale invasion that can't even be called an invasion with such paltry efforts, the invasion of the Arcane Realm, and the lack of information from this whole situation makes me angry."

"...." For the first time, Hilda completely agreed with Violet.

"June, go back to Arcane; you have my permission." Violet was supportive, after all, the woman was worried about her 'mates'.

"Yes!" June quickly took a rock from her pocket and shattered it, and soon her body disappeared.

Violet soon looked at the Demons, specifically the man standing with his arms crossed:

"If we don't know what's going on, let's ask someone who does." Violet's feet burst into flames, and soon she shot into the sky.

Hilda looked at this with mild surprise, after all, the little effort Violet put into reaching that speed didn't go unnoticed.

'The armor, huh...' Now she got a little jealous.

Shaking her head to clear those thoughts, she covered her body with fire, and with a kick of her legs, she flew toward Violet as well.



June, who appeared on top of her home in the Arcane realm, just looked around confused:

"Ara? Where is the invasion?" Everything was as peaceful as ever, not even screams were heard.


Entering through the door on the roof, a complex Magic Circle was seen, and soon it disappeared as if recognizing June.

Soon the entire interior of June's house expanded, the 'house' appeared to be much larger than it appeared on the outside.

Looking at all her treasures and resources, she sighed in relief.

Walking around, she started to check her defenses, and saw that everything was in order, she also put some more defensive Magic Spells on her house.

Finishing her work, she took a leather paper from her pocket.

She took a seat at her desk and began to pore over the paper, which turned out to be a leather bag.

A very familiar leather bag.

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"Having connections to the Vampire King has its advantage, fufufu," Touching the unknown runes written on the bag that even she didn't understand, June cast an investigation spell on the item in hopes of getting some information, and trying to replicate it in the future just for her.

But as expected, she couldn't identify anything.

"Haah, I wanted that suitcase the size of a door, it has more space, and maybe with that suitcase I could store my most valuable belongings..."

With her current bag, she only had 500 square meters of space, and that was just enough for her clothes!

There was little space!

It was worth mentioning that as a greedy Witch, she never threw away her 'treasure' and just hoarded it all.

Shaking her head as if she had no choice, she decided to be efficient and put away some important books, her research related to Beauty Magic, plus other things she found useful.

After finishing her chores at her house, she left her house, and when she closed the door, several complex Circles of Magic were seen, and then they disappeared.

Arcane was a realm that could be described in a nutshell as fanciful.

With an architecture that perfectly combined nature and human construction, this realm seemed to be more of an Elf Realm than a Witch Realm.

Long trees scattered around, women flying around with all sorts of objects under them like carpets, brooms, magic-powered motorbikes, and all sorts of strange animals walking around.

Unlike Nightingale, Arcane's climate was sunnier and 'natural'.

The cold wasn't an issue here, the whole dimension had the 4 seasons being regulated by Magic. Crimes didn't exist, and disputes only broke out when X Witch wanted Y Witch's research.

Typically, these conflicts were resolved with Magic Duels or a contest of Magic Research.

When not resolved in this way, one of the Witch Queen's daughters would step in and resolve the situation as neutrally and impartially as possible.

If it turned out that the alleged Witches' daughter took sides in her own interests, the Witch Queen herself would expel the woman from being her daughter, and look for another candidate.

Something the 7 daughters didn't want.

Being one of the daughters of the Witch Queen gave them great resources and influence.

They didn't want to lose it, and they acted as impartially as possible.

A technological realm of scholars focused completely on the mysterious energy art 'Magic'.

... Of course, like every kingdom in the world, nothing was perfect, or else there wouldn't be so many Witches deserting if it wasn't the case.

But that wasn't June's problem now.

She had to go to the Witches' office and find out what the fuck was going on, and why she was called back.

Because even she could see that no invasion is taking place.


Arriving at the office, June looked at the large sphere in the middle of the room where several Witches with 'Titles' given by the Queen were present, and in this sphere, there was a legion of Demons attacking a city.

"... What is it?" June asked with strange eyes, she'd never seen this city before.

"A city made by the Queen." The receptionist spoke in a neutral tone, it was like it was a common question now, which in a way, it was.

All the Witches who came in here asked the same thing.


"Why are we being attacked by the Demons then?" She saw several Witches fighting the Demons in that city.

"Oh, this is a training exercise to see how Witches react to a possible invasion, a collaboration made between the Demon King Diablos, and our Witch Queen."

"As expected of the Queen, she is always looking to the future of us sisters." The brown-haired receptionist spoke in a fanatical tone.

'...What the fuck?'
