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My Vampire System

Chapter 441 Xander Vs Vorden
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Chapter 441 Xander Vs Vorden

All of the students turned to see just who exactly Xander was and had pointed at. After all, Xander wouldn’t just choose some nobody right? The perosn he chose would have to be some type of formidable opponent, someone who would give him a challenge or put on a show.

At least this was what everyone had expected of Xander, especially after the performance he had just put on.

Thas was why, when they turned to look around, they were surprised to see who exactly Xander had selected, although it wasn’t a surprise for everyone there. There were some who still remembered the events that occurred not to long ago involving a particular girl who was watching not too far away.

Before Vorden had moved from his position, Logan had raised his hand to ask a question. "Sir is it possible to forfeit from this event, admit defeat." Hoping there was some way for them to get out of this.

Reli gave out a big sigh before answering. "And what would be the point of that? The whole point of this assessment is to test your skills good or bad. Besides, its not like you will get seriously injured or hurt, as you saw with the last matches we were able to stop them just fine before anything serious was to happen. We will continue to do so for all the other fights as well."

The explanation given was a fair one, and Logan didn’t know how to counteract the teacher’s point. After all, the problem wasn’t the fact that they were scared that Vorden would die but that he would be injured. After all, the slightest injury would cause blood to be drawn, and everyone who was here would be able to smell it in an instant.

Logan didn’t even want to think about what was to happen if all of the vampires here found out thier true identities.

With no choice now, Vorden stood up from his place and started to walk towards the platform, but as he was walking, Logan quickly pulled on his sleeve pulling him down and started whispering in his ear.

"Take the pills, don’t get hit." Logan quickly said before letting him go to his place, giving him a brief reminder.

It seemed like the two of them had similar thoughts in the first place. The truth was though, Vorden never wanted to forfeit the fight. Seeing Xander’s face and his actions from before had caused a strange jolt inside him.

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"Hey, do you want me to take over this one pretty boy," Raten said in his head.

He looked towards Layla, and then back at Xander. Right now he didn’t want to quit and instead teach the playboy a lesson himself.

Grabbing the pills form his trouser pocket, Vorden started to do some stretches making it look like he was warming up as he walked towards the stage, and at a certain moment, as his arm crossed his mouth to touch his elbow, he shoved the pills down his throat.

’I don’t know if they will have any effect, or if maybe it will take a while, either way, I’m going to beat this guy.’ Vorden thought.

But it didn’t take Vorden long at all to know whether or not the pills were effective. For as soon as the pills entered his stomach, and they started to digest, he could feel a burning sensation in his stomach. It wasn’t a bad one, and he was able to carry on walking as if nothing was happening. There wasn’t a slight pause or a change in his facial expression.

But the cells in his body felt alive, as if new stronger ones were being created. Vorden had taken all the pills at the same time, not caring if there was a side effect or not. They didn’t have the time to.

The pills had a mixture of said effects and that included a few strength pills, Stamina pills as well as agility pills. If the feeling he was feeling right now was reflected in his actual fighting, then perhaps he would be able to fight without getting any injuries.

Thinking about the small red pills, Vorden started to wonder what exactly they were. How was someone able to create something that increased the strength of a person so easily and if what Quinn said was true, the increase was permanent, it wasn’t even temporary.

He started to wonder how the world would be affected by such an invention. There would be superhuman roaming the streets. However, he also started to wonder why at the same time, something like this wasn’t released to the public. Were the vampires keeping it to themselves, but they were already plenty strong. Perhaps there was a chance for them to find more answers later at the same place, and if possible Vorden would like to grab the pills form the other trail rooms.

Still, even with all these questions, there was only one person who could answer them, and that was the very person who created them.

Finally, Vorden had reached the platform, and he was ready. Without hesitation, he pulled out both the black and white blades. Ready to harness their powers, If there was one thing he needed to be cautious about it was the Vampires speed. Their natural speed was far superior to that of a human.

"I’ve been waiting for this!" Xander said.

"Let the fight begin!" Reli shouted.

At first, Vorden was expecting Xander to charge in as he did against the previous student. He had activated his White sword, thinking he would have to rely on speed for the most part, but, when the match had started Xander stayed still.

Sweat was running down from his forehead, and even he didn’t really know why.

’Come on, what’s wrong, move!’ He shouted inside his mind, but it was as if his legs just weren’t listening.

Although Xander didn’t know it, there was a deep fear rooted in him that day, when Vorden was able to resist against his influence skill.

In a usual case, Vorden would have taken this opportunity to charge in himself, this was what he would have normally done if it was a fight to the death, but he had quickly reminded himself that this was a fight to not get hurt. So instead he stayed in place as well.

As the two just stood there staring at each other, the crowd started to get a little frustrated that nothing was happening.

"Booooo, what the hell are you doing Xander. Just charge in like you usually do!" A student shouted.

"We came here to see a fight, not a little staring match." Another said.

Eventually, more then anything these words had gotten to Xander, and the fear that was deeply rooted inside him, was overcome with the idea of being embarrassed in front of the others. His body was working again, and he was able to charge in.

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Throwing out his fist, he was starting his furry of punches, Vorden was Abel to predict where the first one would come from, and lifting the white blade he had parried it away. Right now, Xander had his fingers and nails harden, so they were as sharp as a blade itself.

The nails scrapped across the sword, and the first attack was successfully deflected. Thinking it was out of luck, Xander tried to do the same again, but it only ended up with the same result. With Vorden successfully blocking the attack.

’Luckily, I took those pills; otherwise, I would have been done for.’ Vorden thought. He could tell his speed had greatly increased, but in all honestly, it was still slower then Xander’s. The only reason why Vorden was able to block such attacks was because of his fighting experience.

The slight movement of the shoulder, the direction Xander looked as he set off, all of these were signs of where he would attack. Allowing Vorden to predict his next move. With the extra speed increase, he was able to block Xander’ starting attack.

After watching the last fight, Vorden noticed something. The first hit always seemed a little slower than the second punches, and the ones after. It was as if his punches were like an engine. They would start slow and slowly rev there way up.

As long as he stopped the first punch, then he would be okay with dealing with the rest. Still, he couldn’t just dodge all day, as preforming a perfect parry and watching Xander’s movements was tiring him out, and eventually he would make a mistake.

"Wow, I can’t believe someone is able to put up a fight against Xander." Amy said. " No wonder you have the hots for him."

At first, Layla wanted to argue and snapback saying she didn’t like Vorden, the one she liked was someone else, but looking at Vorden with his concentration face. She had to admit, right now he seemed kinda cool. Th1s chapter is updated by n)ovel/\bin/\

As For Vorden, he could see that Xander was getting more frustrated at what was going on.

"Damn you!" Xander shouted as he threw out a blood swipe attack.

Not knowing how much power an attack like this held, Vorden quickly switched from the power of the white blade to the blacks. He struck the swipe dead on and it was shattered. However, Xander had noticed that compared to all the actions before, it looked as if Borden’s attack was incredibly slow.

Thinking something was up, he decided to charge in once again. Vorden seeing this, wasn’t worried though, for the whole time during the fight, he had a big trump card up his sleeve and now was the perfect time for him to use it.


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