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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 155: A Dinner Night
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Chapter 155: A Dinner Night


As Frank walked out of the guild, he met once more with his party and decided to go to have dinner in a restaurant that stayed open up until quite late in the night.

Frank had decided to take this little luxury so everyone could relax from the constant grinding that they were doing every day, which would soon enough feel repetitive and tire their minds, having breaks like these will revitalize their minds and make them feel more refreshed.

The restaurant they choose was one of Gwendolyn's choices as she was more knowledgeable about the whole town.

The place in question was named 'The Golden Spoon' and it was one of the most expensive of restaurants in the town of acacia, where mostly the small families of aristocrats or passing merchants visited.

Of course, the party had decided to first get to the house and change clothes while also taking a quick bath so they could get more presentable in there, however, even then, the clothes Gwendolyn had for everyone were limited, but they entered with rather humble yet not so commoner-like clothes.

The attendant that appeared in front of the door glanced at the group a bit surprised, a white-haired human with sharp crimson eyes wearing black pants and a sweater.

An adorable human girl with long and silky black hair alongside aquamarine eyes wearing a long white dress fitting of her pale white skin.

A small demon woman with a small chest but wide hips, alongside having two little horns at each side of her head and long purple hair wearing a long black dress that was tight into her body.

A little and adorable fox-kin beast-girl wearing a cute little red dress and her mother who was a mature beauty with wide hips and large breasts, alongside a refined and calm smile and gentle emerald eyes, wearing a similar dress to go with her daughter.

A beautiful Minotaur woman who was almost two meters tall, packed with hard, rock-like muscles that did not seem delicate at all, wearing a beautiful white dress, her glossy chocolate-skinned curves made the attendant swallow some saliva out of her sheer beauty.

A young Minotaur girl with a slim body and a cute smile wearing a white dress as her mother, and her brother, a Minotaur boy whose muscles were already developing, showing themselves on his tight pants and shirt.

Although they seemed like country pumpkins, they were clean and wore decently clean and fine clothes as well.

The attendant as been told by his boss to not let normal people enter the restaurant, as they often could not afford the plates and were nasty and unrefined.

However, he decided to make an exception as this large family seemed to be trying to not be like the stereotype.

"Ahem, welcome to the Golden Spoon, sir, do you have a reservation by any chance?" asked the attendant.

"No, sorry, are there any free seats? Money is not a problem," said Frank, showing the Attendant a gold coin, meaning that he had indeed quite a lot of money… Although the attendant found it a bit vulgar, he understood the message.

"Oh well, for a silver coin we can find a place for your family, sir," he said with a pleased smile, as Frank gave him the coin and the attendant carried the people to a fairly decent large table filled often used for large families.

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"Y-You just paid one silver coin to get a seat?!" asked Cathyl.

"Well yeah, we can make a ton more by selling potions now, so we don't even have to worry, let's go ham, I want to try everything on the menu," said Frank with a gentle smile, as the party all raised their hands cheering.

Just as Frank said, the entire group ended up ordering literally everything on the menu, even one of the most expensive wines around that cost about 5 Silver!

However, for today, Frank simply wanted everyone to relax, as he felt like he would be making a ton of money soon enough.

The plates served were all delicacies cooked from farm animals and also high-quality monster parts, such as the Giant Scorpion Claws with butter and garlic, Mandragora Herb Soup with Crouton, Man-Eating Fish croquet with mashed potatoes freshly harvested from the town's farms, and many other delicious preparations.

Due to having bought the entire menu and even more surprisingly eating everything, the chef himself ended up walking outside to greet Frank's family, getting surprised when he realized that they were a group of Adventurers, who usually spent most of the profit they made into resources or items.

"All of the plates have been excellent, your restaurant is very good, sir," said Kamei politely, her shiny aquamarine eyes made the chef's heart melt.

"Oh, thank you very much, there isn't any biggest pleasure than having my cooking praised like this by such a large family, I hope that all of you can come again, feel free to ask for a reservation for free as well, you've already spent so much I feel a bit embarrassed… Haha," laughed the chef, who was a Pig-kin Beast-man.

"Sure thing, thank you very much for your hospitality," said Gwendolyn.

"Ah, please, take this with you as a souvenir, it's on the house," said the man, giving Frank a bottle of white wine.

"This is… are you sure?" asked Frank.

"Of course, I feel like such big families need to be cherished, having such animosity in my restaurant is truly bliss, especially by how polite and well-refined everyone is," said the man.

"Thank you very much," said Gwendolyn.

"No, no, thanks to you," said the man, walking away as Frank's group slowly left the restaurant with their bellies full and rather content.

The cost of everything?

"So how much did everything cost?" wondered Vheslia.

"Hmm… 31 Silver Coins and 74 Bronze Coins," said Frank.

"31 SILVER COINS?!" asked Cathyl, she had been poor her entire life, seeing so much money being thrown away like that almost gave her a seizure.

"M-Mom, calm down a bit!" said Asterion.

"Uwah, mom, don't go!" said Hilvera, as Cathyl was left paralyzed while Frank simply released a chuckle.

"It's nothing, really, I would have pay way more, the times I am with all of you like this are the most precious to me," said Frank rather calmly as if his words just came out of his very heart, although he lacked one now.

At Frank's emotive words, literally, everyone flushed a bit, even Asterion!

"Haha, really, do you like to spend time with such an old woman like me~?" laughed Cathyl as she recovered back from the dead.

"Old? You're not old at all Cathyl…" said Frank, Cathyl was around her twenties, she was indeed not old at all.

"I am also glad to spend moments like this with you, nii-sama…" muttered Kamei while flushing like a tomato, Frank smiled gently as he petted her silky black hair.

"Alright, let's go back home," said Frank, walking back with his group while letting his Undead and Monster Pets watch over them at all times.

Alongside this, Frank was constantly using the Overseeing Light Eye Skill to inspect areas around him and his group, meaning that although he seemed carefree, he was always with his senses high.

The group quickly got into the house and quickly back to bed, Frank had decided to get to work on a project he was thinking about since he got the Dirt Shaping Skill which he could now finally get to do at night.

"Err… Are you really just going to dig in the ground?" asked Gwendolyn.

"Yes, I am. Making some kind of underground base around this place that could connect to the dungeon would be ideal, or even better, a series of underground caves and intricate labyrinths all below town where we can move without even going to the surface," said Frank.

"That's a tad bit too much, isn't it?" asked Cathyl.

"Yes, but I will do it anyway, it would be a nice way to have more escape backup plans," said Frank.

"But with Yurei it will be a very house for people to break into our House…" said Gwendolyn.

"I know but… Okay, I admit it, I just want to do this out of fun," said Frank.

"Heh, go on then," said Cathyl, petting Frank's hair as she kissed his cheek, walking upstairs to go to sleep.

"Did she just kissed me?" wondered Frank.

"Yeah, she might be drunk. Although your skin is so smooth that it must feel good to kiss it," said Gwendolyn, coquettishly approaching Frank and kissing the other cheek that Cathyl did not kiss.

"…Eh?" asked Frank in surprise.

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"Fufu, don't get any weird ideas, it was just a reward for being such a good person with me and my daughter and well… everyone," said Gwendolyn.

"A reward? Well, letting me live in your house and all is already plenty of a reward, but thanks anyways…" said Frank.

"Sure thing," said Gwendolyn, sitting in the front door as she watched over Frank's work.

"So, are you interested in any girl here? Hilvera? Or my daughter? …Or both?" asked Gwendolyn.

"…Eh?! What with that question out of nowhere?!" asked Frank.

"Fufu, are you flustered perhaps?" asked Gwendolyn.

"No, no, it was just very awkward…" said Frank.

"Then? It has been some time since I have wanted to ask you that… What do you feel about my daughter? Or Cathyl's daughter? I have already noticed that you don't see me nor Cathyl romantically, so I am rather intrigued," asked Gwendolyn.

"(So she even thinks that?! Women are truly scary sometimes…) I see Annabelle as a little sister, the same for Hilvera, like Kamei. Sorry but… I am interested in someone, and she's not from Terra," said Frank.

"Oh? A girl from Earth?" asked Gwendolyn.

"Yeah… Although I wish I could have spoken more with her, whenever I get back there, I will try to socialize more with her," said Frank.

"I see… Damn, I wanted my daughter to be the wife of the Hero…" sighed Gwendolyn.

"Eh? Why?" asked Frank.

"Well so we could share wealth and family stuff!" said Gwendolyn while rubbing her hands greedily.

"…So those were your intentions," sighed Frank.

"Aw come on, it's... just like life in this world is... Sorry, really. I just kind of want you to be happy at this point, I don't want to force you to do anything..." said Gwendolyn.

"I see... Anyways, do not worry, it's not like I will one day simply drop all of you out of my life. You are all like my family at this point, even if it might sound weird due to the little time that has gone by… I just feel like that… Or maybe I am simply using you to fill my own emotional void? I don't really know, but all of you are important for my… mental health, so I will never let you all away from me nor I will forget about all the hospitality you had shown for me, you will get your own manor, don't worry," sighed Frank.

"Aw…. Frank, you are such a sweet boy! Maybe if you were a bit older I may have given you my hand-"

"Please don't tease me like that..." sighed Frank.

"Fufu, alright…" laughed Gwendolyn, walking back home as she was done talking with Frank... although her heart was racing a bit when she said that last sentence about giving Frank her hand.
