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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 669 - Strange Dreams
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Miriam smiled back at her little siblings since she has memory of existing that she has always been trying to buy and sneak food inside. Sometimes it worked, other times the nuns stole it from her and because they were adults and strong against her, she was left hopeless, like that time they stole her cheese and bread she had bought.

But now it was different, thanks to Frank's bag, she could hide all the things she wanted, and they never thought a small piece of cloth attached to her belly would have anything. They had even found it before and inspected it, but they never found anything inside because the bag only opened its internal dimension to its owner or anyone the owner allowed, a special feature that Frank added to it.

And now with Ryujin, the nuns won't try to take away anything from her anyways, no more!

And something else she didn't knew… since she always made a lot of loud noise when she brought food, it was very weird the nuns never interrupted the kid's feast every day.

Well, that was because a certain little shadow dragon clone was going around her shadows, sealing the entire room so the noise wouldn't come out…

"Groar…" Ryujin was the only that noticed the Shadow Clone of Onyx swimming in the shadow beneath the beds happily, the other kids were too busy eating and chatting, while Miriam told them about what she went through today, especially the battle where she debuted as a trainer using the help of Ryujin… the kids had a goodnight sleep after that, everyone enjoyed sleeping way more now that they could sleep with their bellies filled.

As Miriam slept, she began having those weird dreams again.

She had eaten already back at Frank's place, but she still ate a bit more before going to sleep so she had her belly quite filled with food.

Miriam enjoyed her nights sleep even more now that she had her belly filled, and so did all the children.

As Ryujin slept at her side and the Shadow Clone of Onyx watched over her and the other kids in silence beneath the moonlight, she went through such dreams.

Once more, she found herself in a beautiful place, this one was more recurrent now as time went on.

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She was sitting over a small throne made of wood, while everything around her seemed to be made of fluffy white clouds… she was sitting atop the heavens.

Miriam didn't knew what was happening, she looked around curiously, and then noticed several creatures slowly walking and flying towards her.

Enormous golden-scaled dragons, large serpents that could devour entire mountains, turtles who had castles on their backs, white tigers covered in ice spikes, lions made of flames, wolves with shadows covering their bodies, and more.

All of these legendary looking creatures lowered their heads as if they were paying their respects to her. She had never seen such monsters before in her life.

But for some reason… they always emerged in her dreams, the more fantastical they were, the more they would show up.

Sometimes enormous frogs with entire landscapes over their backs would hop into the heavens where she was sitting, groaning, and talking to her, she somehow could understand them.

"My lady, it is a nice day as always."

"It really is…" said Miriam's body, she wasn't able to speak for herself for some reason.

The monsters continued to walk around and pay their respects, some brought food for her and she ate it with the others, others brought their children and she blessed them, and a few others sometimes came with wounds, and she would heal them with strange medicine and magic.

However, as the monsters continued to come wounded more and more, she began to wonder what was happening to them.

"What is happening to all of you?"

"The humans that have appeared after the meteorite fell…"

"They are attacking us, and some had already fallen…"

"They're forcing us to obey them with strange powers, and forcing us to fight against one another…"

"My lady… please… do something…"

Miriam couldn't do anything over it, as this was just a dream, but somehow, this felt more like a memory to her. Something deep down within her filled her with great sorrow as she saw all the wounded monsters, and then at the Humans enslaving her beasts and forcing them to fight one another to represent their own fights.

They tamed and used the beasts to kill one another and see who could dominate the other, it was a strange and cruel way of fighting, using the beast that seemed to all live in harmony in this world…

This world… of a dream.

"What… is this weird dream…" sighed Miriam internally.

Inside a dream she always felt dizzy, so the next morning she would barely remember what she dreamed of, although this dream seemed very vivid, and very much like it was previously stated, as if it were a memory rather than a dream…

"It felt as if everything was… a memory…" she sighed.

She saw how her body moved independently, reaching down into the surface, and confronting the humans. She tried to first speak with them, but the humans saw her as someone to be feared of, and used her very beasts to attack her.

The slaved beasts were powerful, and she didn't had other option than to fight, ending up slaying the very beast she was protecting…

"You humans… You're the real beasts!" she roared back.

Her fury reached its limit, as Miriam's body unleashed a powerful force, cracking the floor below her and making enormous disasters all across the human Kingdoms, burying them into ruins, and ending them all… in a large catastrophe.

She looked down at the countless corpses, realizing the terrible thing she had done, she saw the corpses of not only the men and women that tried to kill her using her beasts, but also of the children, of the elderly… of the people they were trying to protect.

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"Ah… W-What have I done…"

The woman looked into her own bloodied hands, as tears began to come out of her eyes, she flew into the skies, leaving rivers of her tears that filled the world with an endless flood, washing away all the ruins left behind, and everything else with it…

After she saw what her powers were capable of doing, what she was truly able to bring with her strength, she began to wonder if she was truly someone that could call herself the ruler…

She thought that her ways were wrong… she realized that although humans enslaved her beasts and used them to fight one another or other wilder beasts, it was to survive, because much like her beasts, they had children and elderly to take care of, they had families to protect, legacies to maintain, and as a species, their basic instincts were the same as any beast, survival…

Humans were weak, so they couldn't fight properly, they lacked titanic strength, sharp claws, hard scales, large jaws, venom, elemental powers, and more… they only had intelligence, and numbers to overwhelm beasts and tame them…

But weren't they surviving, the same way her own beasts were also hunting one anther to eat and feed their young? She knew that there was never "true peace" in nature as harmony itself was an endless circle of life and death.

Perhaps… she was too selfish.

Although they came from a meteor, there was nothing that truly differentiated them from beasts, and like that, they were also part of nature… It was her duty to let them be, as the one that oversaw all beasts, life, and nature of this world… this was what she had to do.

To watch…

As Miriam had strange dreams, Arthurious walked back home with his Blackie now all completely recovered. The beautiful little goat was now a big goat, and it emanated a powerful presence.

Even if walked through dangerous streets, Arthurious was now safe with Blackie at his side, the thugs or other people that might try to take advantage of him or assault him didn't even tried to get closer with such an evil-looking monster pet at his side.

He reached his territory and was greeted by the guards, who saw the goat at his side with surprise.

"I-Is that Blackie, my lord?!"

"Incredible! He had grown so big!"

"Yes, he is! He grew up!" said Arthurious pridefully, the boy walked back inside his home with his goat and quickly reached his mother's room, where he found his mother grooming her hair in front of her mirror like every day.

Her mother barely walked outside of her own room, most of the time confined in there as one of the mistresses of a royal aristocrat often did. Although she mostly maintained herself from walking outside because the other mistresses bullied her for being the youngest of them all, with the youngest child of Arthurious' father as well.
