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Chapter 232 Recuperation
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Chapter 232 Recuperation

And as eagle approaches it's doom despite living only about half of it's lifespan, it's left with two choices; one is to die and another is to go through a lengthy painful process of breaking it's beak, claws and wings to have a chance to live for yet another 30 years.

Right now just like an eagle in it's fourties, Hiro was left with two options; either to succumb to his fear and become a mediocre or face his fear and come out victorious.

Now the choice was entirely upto Hiro.

In life everybody's presented with such choices. Be it players or common folks, abled or disabled, everybody receives such do or die choices in their life.

Right at this moment while Hiro was contemplating about his future, his parents entered the room.

Walking inside the room, the two of them headed straight towards Hiro.

"We've got your coach's permission. Let's go home?" His mother said in a gentle tone while revealing a sweet smile on her face, breaking the eerie silence in the room.

With the conclusion of the final match between the champions of the east league and west league, the season had came to an end which meant that they didn't have any other matches until the beginning of new season.

And taking his injuries into consideration, it was much more suitable for him to head home instead of going back to hostel.

Thus without any sort of hesitation, Hiro agreed to his parents request and replied, "Umm... Let's head home" while nodding his head.

Obviously his parents had already applied for his sick leave from school as well.

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**** ****

For about a week, after he got discharged from the hospital, he spent his time in his home resting and recuperating his injured body.

In that time period, he didn't perform any kind of strenuous task which put strain to his body. However just because he didn't perform any strenuous tasks didn't mean he simply laid down in his bed from morning to noon, idling.

Although a little painful, he wasn't bedridden and could walk from the day he got discharged from the hospital.

Thus he spent his time wisely. Sleeping not more than 10 hours, he allocated his time in different segments.

After waking up, he did some flexibility exercises and yoga to increase his mobility and flexibility.

After that he'd freshen up and head to the kitchen to get something to eat. Obviously he only ate healthy meals for better recovery.

During day time, he even started self-studying. Although he often dosed midway while studying, at least he started putting efforts.

Then after studying for a while, he watched some matches mostly world cup matches since the world cup 2022 was still ongoing at the moment. Although Japan had already been knocked out by Croatia, he still followed every match.

But not for the purpose of entertainment since he already knew about the results. But for the purpose of learning, he watched those matches.

And just like that at evening time, he once again did some rehabilitation exercises. Finally before sleeping, he meditated for a while to increase his focus and to stabilise his mind and body.

That's how he spent his time. Eveyday repeating the same course of actions.

Right now he was sitting at the living room infront of the television screen accompanied by his father.

Along all this year one thing which remained static was his father's habit of drinking beer while watching football matches.

"So who do you think will win today?" His father questioned him in a cheerful tone.

His eyes reflecting the light from the TV screen, Takashi's flushed red face was brimming with joy at the moment.

Holding a can of beer in his hand, Takashi was currently comfortably sitting beside his son, waiting for the start of the final match of world cup 2022 which was happening between two powerhouse teams.

Each competing to add a third star in their respective jersey. One side being led by a young emerging star while the other side being led by a veteran star who was on the verge of retirement.

Some people were calling it a match between new and older generation while some people were calling it the match that was going to rewrite the history.

Captivating the hearts of people of every nation, almost more than half the population of the world was paying attention to this very match right now.

Arguably the greatest sporting event in the history of the world.

It was the final match of the FIFA world cup 2022 between France the defending champion and Argentina the new challenger.

Currently it was already dark outside. But flocks of people could be seen in almost every public places, specially in bars and restaurants.

Even though their country had already been knocked out, a lot of Japanese people were also paying attention to this match in the television screen right now.

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The brightly illuminated streets of Japan was echoing with chatters and cheers of people at the moment.

Faced with his father's question, Hiro smiled inwardly as he started imagining his father's disappointed face after some moments.

He knew who his father was rooting at the moment. He was supporting France.

His eyes brimming with confidence, Hiro answered smugly, "Obviously it's Argentina"

Looking at his son's smug face and listening to his son's confident tone, Takashi burst into laughter as he declared his support for France, "Hahaha.... Then I'm going to support France. Let's see who'll win this time."

Right at this moment, his mother walked in while carrying a bowl full of freshly cut fruits in her hand.

Squinting her eyes, she coldly stared at his father, giving him side eye. If stares could stab then Takashi would have been stabbed by hundred swords right now.

Clearly she was annoyed by Takashi. She wasn't annoyed because of his cheerful laughter but because Takashi was acting drunk at the moment.

Takashi who was totally engrossed in the television screen didn't notice her gazes. Completely carefree, he continued to laugh and comment.

And only when she appeared close to him did he notice her presence.

Noticing her presence, Takashi's cheerful smile turned into nervous smile. Still he didn't dare to speak anything rashly.

Momo stared at Takashi coldly as she spoke in a cold manner, "I'm only allowing you to drink freely because of Hiro but if you continue to act like this I might have to go back on my words"

Listening to her words and looking at her icy cold gaze, Takashi felt chills as he felt like his body was getting invaded by an invisible chilly aura, making him shudder.