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Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2009 Grand Ceremony (1)
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"The gate is the medium," Lin Yitong declared upon returning to the courtyard within the Kunlun Realm. "Once you leave entirely, returning here will likely be impossible."

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. The ttravel issue wasn't his primary concern at the moment; it was the Primordial Gods. He couldn't tell if they were even aware of his existence.

No matter how hard Yun Lintian racked his brain, he couldn't fathom his father's intention in sending him here. It seemed entirely pointless and placed him in unnecessary danger.

"There's no need to worry," Lin Yitong said, seeming to pierce Yun Lintian's thoughts. "I haven't detected any True Gods so far. The restrictions on this area must be preventing them from entering. Now, your focus should be on your training."

She glanced at Yun Yi and Zhang Yu. "This is also a great opportunity for all four of you."

"Understood," Yun Yi, Zhang Yu, Nantian Fengyu, and Long Qingxuan readily responded.

Lin Yitong rose and walked to an open space behind the garden. With a gentle wave of her hand, the grass on the ground grew rapidly, forming a strange formation.

At that moment, Yun Lintian and the others felt the surrounding spiritual energy surge, gathering around the grassy area Lin Yitong had just created.

"Go ahead," Lin Yitong said gently, beckoning everyone forward.

Yun Lintian and his companions didn't hesitate. They entered the grass formation. It felt like diving into a warm spring, except instead of water, it was pure, invigorating spiritual energy. Their cores thrummed with anticipation as they channeled the energy.

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Hours melted away like snowflakes in a furnace. Fueled by the concentrated energy, Zhang Yu, Nantian Fengyu, and Long Qingxuan all broke through cultivation bottlenecks, their auras noticeably expanding.

Suddenly, the gentle surge of energy intensified. Yun Lintian opened his eyes, a frown creasing his brow. The air shimmered, and a holographic image flickered to life above the formation. It depicted a majestic mountain range bathed in an otherworldly light.

Outside, Lin Feng and the other three sect masters gazed up at the celestial image in surprise.

"What is that?" Hou Jinyang inquired, puzzled.

"Is it Senior Lin?" Yu Xinlan spoke curiously. While she wished to visit Lin Yitong's courtyard, she knew it wouldn't be appropriate.

Lin Feng recognized the image in the sky. "The image... The Kunlun Mountains?" Although it differed from the Kunlun Mountains he knew, it was undeniably them.

Meanwhile, Yue Shen's eyes flickered with curiosity. An image of Yun Lintian's group appeared in her mind. She had always sensed something special about him but couldn't pinpoint it. Perhaps this was the source.

"What did you sense?" Lin Yitong asked curiously.

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. "The entire mountain... It seems to be a trial ground... No, more like a tomb."

Yun Lintian didn't feel anything strange during his training until an image of the Kunlun Mountains spontaneously appeared in his mind. When he focused on it, the image projected itself into the sky.

The image in his mind resembled a blueprint of the entire mountain, revealing various floors and chambers beneath the surface.

Lin Yitong's eyebrows shot up. Undoubtedly, this ability was unique to Yun Lintian.

The image faded as Yun Lintian withdrew his focus, the details already etched in his memory.

"We'll investigate after the ceremony," Yun Lintian said before closing his eyes to resabsorbing the spiritual energy.

Lin Yitong remained silent and returned to the pavilion. For sreason, she felt her power as a True God was meaningless here. She couldn't perceive anything or delve into secrets.

A week flew by. During this time, Yun Lintian's strength surged, nearing the threshold of the Divine Emperor Realm's second level. This progress was remarkably faster than before.

Meanwhile, Nantian Fengyu, Zhang Yu, and Long Qingxuan collectively advanced to the next realm. Notably, Zhang Yu and Long Qingxuan finally entered the Lower God Realm.

Yun Yi also saw significant improvement, reaching the middle stage of the Lower God Realm.

The potency of this environment was undeniable.

The day of the ceremony finally arrived. Lin Feng reappeared in the courtyard, his expression uncharacteristically tense. "The ceremony is about to begin," he announced. "I would like to invite Senior and everyone to our grand ceremony."

"Let's go," Lin Yitong said, glancing at Yun Lintian and the others.

Everyone rose and followed Lin Yitong out of the courtyard.

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The lush greenery of the Kunlun Realm contrasted sharply with the stark white marble pathway leading towards the distant ancestral hall. Its intricate carvings and symbols glowed faintly with an ethereal light.

Upon reaching the plaza, they found it densely packed with people, overflowing into the hall itself. The number of attendees had grown significantly compared to the previous week, and a large group of ordinary people were present. It was evident they had undertaken a significant journey to participate in the worship of the Kunlun God.

"Please," Lin Feng gestured towards Lin Yitong, indicating a designated area he had prepared for her.

Lin Yitong offered a faint smile and proceeded towards the designated area, followed by Yun Lintian and his companions.

Lin Feng strode towards the Kunlun God's statue within the hall and turned to address the crowd. His voice echoed through the vast space. "The ceremony will begin shortly."

A solemn hush fell over the crowd as they ceased all conversation.

The scent of burning incense hung heavy in the air, a thick cloud swirling around the colossal jade statue dominating the Hall of Divine Ancestors. Lin Feng ascended the dais and knelt down.

All the disciples and guests, except Lin Yitong's group, followed suit, kneeling in neat rows. Their white robes stood out starkly against the polished obsidian floor. Each person held a glowing incense stick, their heads bowed in reverence.

Lin Feng raised his hands, the jade bangle adorning his wrist clicking softly. A hush fell over the hall, thick with anticipation. His voice boomed through the chamber, vibrating with power.

"Esteemed ancestors, who carved our path through the heavens! We, your humble descendants, gather today to honor your legacy. We stand upon the foundation you built, protected by your unwavering spirit!"

A wave of energy pulsed from the jade statue as if in response. The disciples and guests bowed lower, a collective murmur of reverence rippling through the hall.

Lin Feng continued, his voice resonating with a rhythmic cadence. He recounted the glorious history of the Kunlun Realm's people, the battles fought, the sacrifices made, and the trials endured. Each word was a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Kunlun God's descendants, a legacy passed down through generations…