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Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1199: Holy Library
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Stepping into the library, the two of them received a notification on their system interface.

[Welcome to the Holy Library]

"Holy Library? Well if there's a system notification then hopefully it should be rather helpful for us." Yin remarked as they walked.

Passing the first set of doors, they were shocked by the sight. In front of them, they could see a giant golden staircase that spiralled down with no end in sight. Rows upon rows of books could be seen on the walls with a pillar in the centre that was also filled with books. However, the ones in the pillar were hidden behind locks while those on the walls were without protection.

Sending her senses down, Yin realised that she was getting blocked and her senses could only go as far as her eyes could see.

Suddenly golden chains dropped down from the ceiling as they could see a faint figure kneeling on the pillar. HIs body seemed ephemeral as his body looked as though it was dissolving into golden mist.

They couldn't see his face as it was hidden behind a mask linked to chains that was binding his body.

Stabbed into the pillar were anchors that held his chains in place.

[Welcome. I am the overseer of this library. Thou shan't remove any scriptures. Thou shan't damage any scriptures. The scriptures on the wall are free to be read but those on the pillar can only be accessed by the pope or those of sufficient authority. If thou breaks any of the rules, I will have to remove you from this location.] A voice rang out in their mind as the two looked at one another.

"Probably shouldn't break the rules out of respect." Yin shrugged as Lisandra agreed.

Just as they were about to reach for the first book, the overseer moved and leaned to get a better look at Lisandra.

[You. You're an angel aren't you. But that shouldn't be possible.] He asked as Lisandra looked up in confusion.

[All the angels have been barred from entering this realm after the pope broke the taboo. The dungeon had been removed and the future popes are no longer allowed the same authority. So why is an angel here?] He asked as Lisandra perked her ears up in curiosity.

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"Taboo? I don't know anything about the taboo or the pope but I was transformed into an angel by a god in a dungeon then my mother dragged me out to this realm. Oh just so you know, my mother was native to this realm and I was native to the dungeon."

Hearing this, the overseer paused before returning to his previous position.

[Hmm… that usually shouldn't be the case. But regardless, in accordance to the pact I have made, thou art an angel therefore the scriptures in the pillar are open to you. The same rules apply.] The overseer said before closing his eyes.

However, Lisandra was more curious about the taboo that he spoke about.

"Excuse me, are you able to tell me more about the taboo?"

[I have sworn an oath of secrecy. Perhaps you may find information in the books, but I am not able to tell you.]

Hearing this, Lisandra could only sigh while Yin shrugged.

"Well you heard him. I'll check the books on the walls while you check the ones on the pillar."

Agreeing with Yin, Lisandra started to flick through the documents.

Unfortunately, most of the documents were in a language that she didn't understand but those that she could understand had details on certain classes that one could obtain. Many of these were high level classes that can only be obtained with a certain amount of faith.

Aside from books that contained class details, there were also scriptures that had stories, dungeon locations, history and key details about the church. Unfortunately, most of them were of no interest to Lisandra as they didn't help with her condition at all.

Yin didn't make progress either as all the books she read were all boring.

"Tsk aren't there anything useful here?" Yin pouted as Lisandra stayed silent but agreed with her.

Meanwhile, the overseer opened his eyes.

[There are no libraries that keep the most important information at the front.]

Hearing this, Yin felt as though a vein was about to burst.

'Why the hell didn't you say that from the start!!!'

[Because you never asked.]

'. . .' Realising that the overseer read her mind, Yin stayed silent and made her way down to the very bottom of the library with Lisandra.

Mumbling something under his breath, the overseer cast a spell that unlocked all the doors leading down so that Lisandra could read everything at will.

As they made their way down, they could feel the mana slowly rise. Each of the books seemed to radiate their own mana signature as Lisandra skimmed their titles.

Most of them had details on holy wars, people who died, notable figures, their life accomplishments and what they did to obtain their classes. There were even records of higher beings such as angels, arch angels seraphs and so on. Seeing that this was probably a good place to start, both Yin and Lisandra started to browse through the books in order to find a way to solve her current predicament.

While reading the scripture in her hands, Lisandra came across an extract that talked about Fallen Angels.

[Many Fallen Angels are not heretics as many would believe. Similar to Paladins who break their oath and tap into a dark power in order to protect, Fallen Angels are those that had given in to their destructive nature in order to gain a boost in power. Once they achieved the task, the power would then turn on them, corrupting them from the inside. Once corrupted, the angels would transform into powerful demons who would have little to no memory of their time as angels. In rare cases, they may have vague recollections. In order to recruit more angels into the holy ranks, the fifth pope of the new calendar created a means to ascend man into higher beings. However, once they appeared, they would be sent away to join the holy ranks. Should the situation require their power, the angels will descend to lend aid.]

Reading more, Lisandra read about the methods of transforming one into an angel along with those that had been transformed.

Flicking past the list of names, Lisandra wanted to find information on those that chose to become fallen but never finished their transformation.

[So you are looking for information on fallen angels. I had assumed your wounds were from entering this world but it seems like that is not the case. Perhaps I can find a book for you.]

Hearing the overseer's words, Lisandra looked up in surprise.

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"Thank you. Can you show me a book that contains information on fallen angels that never finished their transformation? I was exposed to destructive energy that turns people into 'fallen' but my transformation was halted mid way, leaving me in this state. If possible I would rather not become fallen." Lisandra replied.

[I see… Follow the sparrow, it should lead you to the book you seek.]

Suddenly, an illusionary sparrow appeared in front of her and started to fly further into the library.

"Thank you." Thanking him one more time, she followed after the sparrow with Yin's help.

Watching the two leave, the overseer smiled softly and chuckled.

Tilting his head back, he looked up at the skies and shook his head.

Making their way to the very bottom, they were greeted with a labyrinth of sorts. Rows upon rows of bookshelves could be seen as the sparrow transformed into a wisp of energy that lit up one of the shelves. Approaching the bookshelf, she glanced at the first few books and frowned.

[Experimental Records of Corrupted Angels.]

[Experimental Records of Fallen.]

[Documentation on Failed Experiment Omega.]

Looking at each other, they grabbed a few books and started to read.

Most of the details were gruesome torture like experiment done on fallen angels that were corrupted due to greed rather than for protection.

Many of these experiments caused them to feel a deep sense of disgust as they were experimented with in every way possible. Cross breeding with other species to see if the corruption continues, organ transplants on non corrupted beings and so on.

Each of the experiments were noted down with every detail. Even the smallest change was written down.

As she continued to read, Lisandra was horrified to find out that they created a different kind of ascension. Ones that forcefully transformed them into fallen against their will so that they could have more test subjects to find out the true nature of the corruption.

Villages that had little to zero importance were destroyed.

During one of these experiments, there were several anomalies that would appear every so often. Ascensions that would fail mid way leading to an angel with an unbalanced nature.