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Never Judge

Chapter 654 - 654
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Camilla laughed at the other end of the call as she watched Alexi's pained expression. 

"Not fun being on the receiving end, is it, brother?" Katerina asked with a laugh as Eric finally released her lips. 

"No." Alexi said with a scoff.

"We'll continue this later." Katerina whispered to Eric, in a voice loud enough for her brother to hear.

"Can we move on, please?" Alexi complained, making everyone else laugh at his expense.

"Calm down, Alexi." Cedric said as he rolled his eyes at the politician. "We had to suffer with you making out with different girls every week, I'm pretty sure you can survive your sister making out with her boyfriend."

"A new girl every week huh?" Selina asked as she looked at her boyfriend. Alexi gave her a smile and a shrug.

"I'm a changed man, I swear." Alexi said with a nervous laugh. "Plus, don't pretend that you didn't know I was a playboy."

"Fine." Selina groaned as Alexi wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her.

"Okay, back on to our topic." Cedric said with a laugh as he turned to face Camilla and Benedict. "Did Lucius mention anything about how he confirmed that he really was Uncle Miguel's son, or what Aiden did to prove it to him?" Cedric asked as he waited for their response.

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"He did." Camilla said with a nod as she smiled at Cedric and the others. "It's quite interesting how he manages to keep up two different versions of his story, one for Benedict and one for me."

"With me, he seems to be sticking with his original claim that it was pure coincidence and all he wants now is vengeance for my brother and a rightful place in the Chan family." Benedict said with a shrug.

"With me, the story becomes a lot more complicated." Camilla said with a laugh. "So, yeah, Aiden intentionally searched for him and they did really first meet in school. He found it odd that Aiden was so interested in his personal life, he was about to run cause Aiden was creeping him out. That's when our brother told him what he knew."

"About his supposed real family?" Ray asked Camilla.

"Yes." Camilla said with a nod.

"I'm sure Lucius didn't immediately buy into it." Eric said with a laugh. "If he was to be anything close to a Chan he would have been smarter."

"Yeah, you guys are book smart, but not street smart, so he could have believed Aiden immediately." Ram teased.

"Hey, I know my way around." Eric said in an attempt to defend himself.

"Darling, baby, that's enough." Katerina told Eric as she tried to coax him. "We both know that you would get lost in the capitol and would go crazy trying to find a map."

Everyone laughed at the example Katerina had just given, it was true, the Chans were mostly genuses, but they were the learned kind of smart. People who were more suited in the academic fields.

"He actually didn't at first." Camilla said. "He demanded that he show proof, at first it was a DNA test, but Aiden explained that his family thought he was dead. So he began telling Lucius about details that no one else would know about."

"The nurse." Cedirc said as he looked up at the screen.

"Yes, one of the things Aiden mentioned was that it was male nurse that had brought him to the orphanage." Camilla said with a nod as she confirmed Cedric's guess. "Apparently, years back, when Lucius was still in high school, he and his parents went to the orphanage he was adopted from and asked for the details of his discovery."

"So Lucius knew all along about the nurse?" Ray asked.

"Yes, but he didn't know that the nurse was still alive." Camilla explained. "From what he knows and what he was told, the nurse died a few years after he had been adopted."

"So it isn't Lucius that is funding the Nurse's lifestyle now." Miguel said as he thought of who could so desperately want this nurse to remain hidden. 

"Did Aiden have any other funds tucked away?" Cedric asked Benedict.

"No." Benedict said, shaking his head. "I mean I actually can't say for sure."

"What do you mean, Benedict?" Cedric asked, his confusion clear in his tone.

"Well, my brother had a lot of plans and some of them he kept secret from me, like this one with Lucius. I was his brother, but I guess there were still a lot of things he didn't trust me completely with." Benedict explained with a frown.

As time went on, Benedict was learning more and more things about his brother. In fact he had found a lot of files on secret projects and investments his brother had been involved in, many of them Aiden was planning on using against Cedric and his friends and their families.

"Is there any way for us to find out?" Cedirc asked. "You and Camilla are his heirs, meaning both of you should have access to what he owned."

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"Even if we could get access to those funds, we don't even know where to start looking." Camilla said with a frown.

"Actually, there is someone who might know." Benedict said slowly as he realized something.

"Who?" Cedric asked.

"What happened to Kenneth Cruz and his family?" Benedict asked as he remembered his brother's right hand man.

"Kenneth went to jail while Anton and Lorisa lost everything they owned. They are quite poor now." Cedric explained with a shrug.

"We need to get to Kenneth Cruz, he would be our best bet in finding out if my brother was the one hiding the nurse." Benedict informed Cedric. "If it is indeed my brother, then we need to get to that nurse as soon as possible."

"Why do you sound so panicked about this, brother?" Camilla asked Benedict with a confused look.

"Because it's entirely possible that the nurse is in on our brother's plot or Aiden would have arranged for him to be disposed of if anyone got too close to the truth." Benedict explained.

Cedric heard his wife gasp behind him, he turned to see a worried look on her face.

"Adrianna, what's wrong?" Cedric asked his wife as he stood up and walked to her.

"Benedict, would the people around the nurse be in danger too?" Adrianna asked.

"Yes." Benedict said with a nod. "Aiden would not want any loose ends, and if the nurse was in on the whole plan he would find a way to dispose of anyone that got too close."

"Shit, Mae." Cedric cursed as he quickly took out his phone and gave his assistant a call.