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Never Judge

Chapter 680 - 680
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After getting in the car with Dave, Mae quickly fell asleep against the door of the car. She was so exhausted from the task Cedric had put her to, that she didn't even notice when Dave tried to wake her.

"She seemed to be exhausted." The driver said as he looked back at Mae. 


The man who had driven them home was actually quite familiar with Cedric's assistants, he was their assigned driver. 

They normally didn't need someone driving them around, but there were days where they were just too exhausted and had to call him over.

Like Mae and Dave, he too lived at Solaire Towers, but in one of the smaller units on the lower floors.

"She was gone for over a week." Dave said with a shrug as he got out of the car and carried her out. 

"Do you need help with her bags?" The driver, Enrique, asked as he opened the trunk. 

"Yes, please." Dave said as he carried Mae towards the elevator. 

Dave, Mae, Camilla, and Leon, all shared an exclusive elevator for their use. It was one of three that could take you up to the penthouse and the upper floors. 

As soon as the elevator door opened Dave and Enrique got in, Erique tapped Dave's card to let them up to his and Mae's floor. 

The second to the highest level was now where Camilla and Leon lived, while Mae and Dave lived on the floor below. 

In the past Leon and Mia lived on the floor that Dave and Mae now occupied, while Camilla and Ian lived on the upper floor.

When Ian moved in with Nicole and the pair was hired, Mae lived in Ian's old apartment, while Dave stayed at his old place.

He only moved in after Mia had died and Leon asked to switch apartments with Mae.

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Normally, when Cedric didn't need anything from them, they would all hang out at Camilla's place, watch a movie and relax. Ian often joined them despite now living quite far from them.

When the elevator door opened, Enrique held the door, letting Dave step out with a sleeping Mae in his arms.

Enrique quickly stepped out after them and opened the door for Dave and Mae.

It wasn't their first time in Mae's place, they often had dinner since it could get quite lonely living alone. 

"Just leave her bags in the living room, then you can go." Dave instructed Enrique as he carried Mae up the stairs and onto the 2nd floor of her apartment.

Dave kicked open the door to Mae's room, knowing that she rarely fully closed them. As expected it swung open and he walked in, laying her gently on the bed.

He looked down at Mae's sleeping figure for a moment, and sighed. She looked so exhausted. 

Ian had given Dave a call earlier that day, recounting everything that had happened. Dave couldn't help but feel sad for her. She had gotten close to the man only for him to die so suddenly.

As Dave fixed Mae's position on the bed, his phone began to ring.

He quickly took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Ian calling him.

Dave quickly walked out of Mae's room, making sure to close the door behind him so as not to disturb her in her sleep.

"Ian?" Dave asked as he answered the phone.

"Did you make it back safe?" Ian asked, his worry seeping through the tone of his voice.

Ian had always cared about Dave and Mae like an older brother, and he had been there for them no matter what. Something Dave was extremely grateful for.

"Yes." Dave answered. "We're back in Solaire Tower." 

"How's Mae?" Ian asked.

"She seems exhausted." Dave said in a sad tone as he leaned against the wall outside of her room. 

"Yeah, it was particularly tough on her." Ian told Dave. "Look I have some things I need you to check. It's for Mae."

"Alright. Send them over." Dave said in a confident tone.

Among all of Cedric's assistants Dave was the best at exhausting leads, it was mainly because of his wide network of connections coming from his younger years as well as from his family.

It also helped a lot that Cedric's own resources were complimentary to his and they rarely overlapped, giving him an even wider reach. 

"Before you look into it, there is something I need to warn you about." Ian said in a hesitant tone.

"What is it?" Dave asked.

"Mae's file isn't correct." Ian told Dave slowly. "There is a part of her past that she thought we all knew but we didn't."

Dave leaned against the wall and sighed. He probably already knew but it was best if Ian told him, so he continued to listen to the older man.

"What is it?" Dave asked.

"Okay, now that I think about it, you might already know, seeing as. . .you guys are quite close." Ian said as he tried to find the words he was looking for.

"You can just say we are dating, there is nothing against it right?" Dave asked, frustrated as Ian struggled to acknowledge the fact that he and Mae were a couple.

"No, there isn't." Ian said with a sigh. "I just don't know how Cedric will react to all of this."

"The boss doesn't seem to be against people falling in love, Ian." Dave groaned. "Look at you and Nicole."

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"I'm just worried he will take a more traditional stand on this like his mother." Ian said with a sigh.

"Gracia Reyes was against relationships at work?" Dave asked. He was quite surprised at what Ian had said. The Reyeses had always been seen as progressives, more willing to adapt to ideas compared to their other counterparts.

"It was the one thing that she never budged on." Ian explained.

"So what did you learn about Mae on the trip?" Dave asked.

"She's adopted." Ian said, catching Dave by surprise, even he didn't know that fact.

"And so?" Dave asked as if that piece of news didn't matter to him. 

"So you knew?" Ian asked.

"Sadly no, it never came up." Dave said with a frown. "And don't think it will matter to me, because I don't care."

"That's not what I'm trying to say Dave." Ian groaned. "Cedric and I promised Mae that we would look into it."

"What do you mean? You are being extremely confusing on this Ian." Dave said in an annoyed tone. 

"Mae doesn't remember much about her biological family, she can't remember their names or even why she was placed up for adoption." Ian explained over the phone.

"That is kind of normal if you were adopted from a young age, Ian." Dave said as he rolled his eyes.

"I just need to know if you are up for this task." Ian stated plainly.

"What task?" Dave asked, Ian hadn't exactly said what he needed Dave to do.

"Why are you being difficult?" Ian complained over the phone. "Will you be able to investigate your girlfriend's past, even if it will be something that can come between you? It might hurt her a lot Dave, I need to know that you are up for it." 

"I've never backed down from a job, Ian." Dave said in a matter of fact tone. "The fact that it can help Mae only makes me more determined to do this."

"Alright, I trust you." Ian said as soon as he got Dave's confirmation. "I'll send you the files, you can start as soon as you want to."

"See you later then." Dave said as he dropped the call and sighed. He knew this wasn't going to be a walk in the park.