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Chapter 339 - The Old Man’s Painting
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Lanterk was rather fond of the room. He was very relaxed and kept looking at 'Lara.'

"Lara, huh? How does your tech work, Zera? I mean... Is it really cool? I asked Feyor or Garenjazz, and they would kick me out of the room about your tech. They said I shouldn't ask things regarding the inheritance of aPrime. Earth has a saying that curiosity kills the cat. But my master always says, peculiarity produces Principals. So I'm kind of, right in the middle between these two."

Zeraphine felt that her heart was being wrenched out. The more this kid kept talking, the harder it was for her to hide her many secrets. Lanterk would soon talk about her techs, and so, Zeraphine did what she had to do.


The slap resounded, and Zeraphine even applied a certain tech that caused great pain not on the face but elsewhere.

Lanterk felt immense pain that he actually stumbled down.

"OW!" The pain sank into his face.

"That's my tech. If you ask more, I'll give you some more!" Zeraphine shouted as she went and sat down on one corner of the room.

Unknown to her, the once childish and playful eyes of Lanterk had grown dark. As if there was pitch-black darkness inside.

The beast inside roared angrily but could not do anything but remain silent at the pain.

While Zeraphine was being driven mad by this boy, an important video call was happening. The source of the video was in the very submarine Zeraphine was at.

It was the mustached man who gave the painting to Zeraphine. He was making another painting.

The strange video call did not happen over any devices, but the images were being projected straight to their brains through the techs that Lennox developed to have this call. Normal unlocked, even those up to the Proficient stage or Surmounting stage of Unbecoming would die. Only the Inhumans could bear the pain of this call.

Seeker, Eagle, and Lynd were all joining the call.

Apart from them, many Overcomers and a few individuals who had the potential to reach Ranked Heroes also joined. And as designed, the Tyrant Empress could only see and hear but not communicate with them.

The mustached gentleman, Granite Malang, was a renowned painter in Pangea. He was also an Unlocked.

The exploration of the Unlocked and the Paths that everyone could produce had long exploded forth. Seeker saw and knew that he began to collect all impressive groups of people with their diverse set of talents. 

Musicians, writers, actors, and various kinds of occupations were recruited.

Of the many groups, some created rather astonishing results. With the acquisition of these talents, a new age happened in Pangea. It was called the Age of Greatness.

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As for Granite Malang, he had been recruited shortly after the attack on the Kraken, and he happily took the mission of becoming a spy. 

His skill in painting evolved all the more when he learned to see in different lights and even as his vision could zoom and see things far clearer than the eyes of a normal human.

His speed has also increased.

The man swiftly painted a piece of art with a speed that would stun the world. But his speed didn't in any way hinder the accuracy of the painting. For in Malang's perception, time was fast and slow depending on the emotions that he felt.

The sight that he saw earlier gave him a great fright. Thankfully, he was well-prepared and took several drugs and allowed it to affect him before walking off to meet Zeraphine and Lanterk.

His painting was not even realistic as it utilized powerful bright colors based on the sight that he saw.

"Formidable." Greydon Meng praised as he looked at the artwork that was being completed before him.

"An Unlocking that has a Skill in Painting..." Rosa, who was also watching, couldn't help but admire the painting.

"This is... amazing." Even Lennox praised what he saw.

"This is something logic and science couldn't beat. What an amazing masterpiece."

"I never thought that I'd admire a painting that uses Impressionism as a style..." Lioncourt admired.

"And the Lord called forth His craftsmen. Such skill." Eagle added.

The painting detailed a rather innocent and pure teenager. It was Lara. She looked exactly as she appeared earlier. But right behind her, inside the corner of the room, stood a dark beast. It had a face that looked like a man but ahead that resembled a goat. It had four horns, and a strange dark green color oozed out of his back.

The body of this being retained the boyish body that Granite Malang saw earlier.

Granite Malang gave the final strokes to the painting and immediately stumbled backward. The nearby soldiers and doctors immediately rushed to care for Granite.

The sight even gave the Overcomers a slight chill.

"What beast is that... it's giving me a hungry feeling..." Amir Mann frowned.

"Near-Overcomers can't beat this thing... Even me and my team won't be confident." Hermes frowned.

"I hope this proves my conjecture was right. The paths that we do not understand should not be brushed aside. I knew that gamers would make the perfect fighters. And as you can see, people like Granite Malang make the perfect spies." 

"The Presider doesn't know we managed to spy on him." Meng continued.

"Yes. No techs were used. The Presider didn't know that we know or have an idea of what he truly is. But Granite's eyes and his pure passion for painting allows us to take a peek at the beast beyond the frame. I hope this should encourage you to consider adding other skilled people in your armies."

"Great... I have to gather former K-pop stars to be Void Assassins..." Rai cursed.

"Lowengren made Meryl dance a certain K-pop dance way back when we fought against General Garland in Australia. So I can't say if that's not a bad idea." Seeker laughed.

"The point is, Overcomers. Do not be blinded by the power of your paths. In my previous life, my Path never awakened because of the numerous doubts of the miracles I've made. Also, most of you doubted my power. So I wasn't granted the same red-carpet treatment I've been getting now. We need more than just brute strength, power, and techs. Beyond the ability of this painter to draw out and show us the real face of this Presider who infiltrated our ranks is the power to inspire and amaze. And honestly, as someone who's seen the future, I can tell you, we will need that. Otherwise, our suicide rates will be as high in my future." Seeker explained.

"Let's discuss the painting. You said that your portrait was very accurate."

"There were some... oddities, but all in all, I believe he really nailed it. I think that whatever you see before you in that painting represents the Presider to some degree."

"What does this mean?" Rosa asked.

"Lynd? How do you feel when looking at that picture?" Seeker asked Lynd, who watched beside him.

"Great pride. This beast is a very prideful being... In the painting, he was looking directly at Granite. Granite's vision pretended to be on Zeraphine. Because of this, he caught sight of the secret expressions that this Presider has. And... he's really full of himself."

"That look... I've seen that look." Meng frowned.

"Lowengren." Meng and Lennox spoke together.

"A look like Lowengren? So this man is a proud liar?" Lynd frowned. Something felt off with this description.

"That's the impression you got? I got a different impression. That was the look Alean gave me back when she cornered me when she was trying to blackmail me. This happened very early after I was reborn. But I will always remember that face. She outsmarted me. While it looks like the look of a liar proud of his work, I got the impression of a manipulator."

"Now that Zeek mentioned it..." Lynd added.

"He's right. I felt the Presider's pride looking at this painting. I thought he was just pride, but now I can sense it clearly. He is proud of his current achievement."

"Then that means everything about what he showed us before was a lie. His naivety, innocence, and the clumsy way he was talking underwater allowed Titan to hear him were all part of this scheme. He must have known that someone was listening and following him. Does he know about us? Or does he believe that another Presider, the one masquerading as the Progenitor or the Lost Primordial, is watching?"

"He also met with Zeraphine... Zeraphine has been rather jumpy ever since we initiated that plan."

"Then this kid is twisted, cunning, and very brave. He went in here with the plan of making him appear very vulnerable. Cliff... I assumed he was forcing the submarine to move in the middle of the battlefield. Did it look like there were any hesitation or necessary gaps between the movement of the submarine?" Seeker asked Cliff who was nearby. Cliff wasn't joining the call, but he could deduce what Seeker meant.

Cliff frowned and began to think back. With Seeker asking the right question, he realized it.

"No. It was too precise! At the earliest moment, the sub moved and tried to get itself damaged!"

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"Even though it was a Presider's order, that sub was owned by the Pioneers of Prime Zealand. They would at least attempt to dissuade the Presider. Especially if the Presider is a naive boy!"

"Then... Did he already kill all Presiders and was controlling the submarine?" Cliff was stunned.

"This is a cunning demon that is far more terrifying than Zeraphine. We don't know his real capabilities, but this brat is playing dumb and is even acting like a naive lamb. But he is a devouring wolf. Everything he revealed in that battle was a sham. His real purpose had always been to go to Zerahpine."

"Scary... You almost got fooled, Zeek." Richie whistled.

"I mean, that kid fooled you. You needed an old man who has a Path in painting to show you that. If it weren't for him, you'd have lost. You who fooled even with your little tricks the first time we fought." Richie added.

"This is why I had Granite do this mission. His skill is rather useless as he can see the world differently. But now, you see just what his skill is capable of." Seeker didn't argue with Richie's accusation of being deceived. 

"And that is why you are bringing him to South America? To spy on everyone?"

"The easiest way to fish out a Presider is through this. This kid proves that my current strength isn't enough to face them. As Richie points out, I'll need help. With this monster joining the mix, it seems that my little trip to the South Americas will be riddled with challenges. Alean is scheduled to start traveling towards South America and will be traveling via the migration plans of the Everhiss clan. I also have Cliff, Lynd, and Meryl with me."

"You need my father, Seeker." Meng finally added.

"Nogard Meng?"

"Yes. He took a look at the painting. That is a soul ability. Just as how you mentioned that we shouldn't underestimate weaker Paths, don't forget my father's Path. If we are to become cultivators, then we should do it in all its aspects."

"Soul cultivation, huh...?" 

"It made me become an Overcomer faster. Rosa was my heart demon. All of us need to face that. For Richie, it is the Tyrant Empress. For Lennox, his daughter. The chaos of this world will be helpful to masks the battles, but we have to use it to resolve our inner demons." Meng gave his warning.

"You all probably know what your respective inner demons are. If I'm right, the Tyrant Empress is someone who has clearly overcome it. Thus making her the most powerful soul cultivator with the mastery of her Path."

"Let's make our move then. The Everhiss family needs to prepare for the arrival of Zeraphine and that goat brat. I need to prepare too. Till our next call." Seeker abruptly disconnected from the call.

Seeker immediately moved and went for the exit.

"Where are you going?" Cliff asked.

"I have to meet Zeraphine, right? Which means I'll be meeting that brat. I need to wear a good suit. You know, in case we might end up killing each other immediately." Seeker walked out of the door.

Lynd shook his head and stepped in front of the Emperors and Empresses who were listening in on that call and began to project the painting for everyone to view.

Seeker was already outside, and finally, he began to cry.

"Hold it in, old man. It makes me really think that you created that female personality that Granite Malang saw." Seeker said as the tears cascaded down.

He had been trying to hold it in.. But when he saw the painting, Seeker's eyes were not locked on the image of Lanterk, but the beauty and purity of Zeraphine.