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Chapter 417 - When Brothers Dwell In Unity
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Lanterk was watching the news of the battle from somewhere in the South Americas.

He saw the emergence of several Supreme Exoskeletons, and Shasktress's ship was revealing all of her techs without any constraints.

The scenes of miracles shocked the world and added anger to Lanterk.

"What an idiot! Why is she doing this?! And how dare those stupid Mid-Tiers do this! With them fighting like that, our plan to control and enslave this world won't work! The humans will be on guard of us and will fear and point their weapons to us! Why reveal the full extent of their military might?! And with those Mid-Tiers and Top-Tiers here, they will probably make alliances to the nations! Do they really want this world to be their battleground?!" Lanter was incensed.

Several Supreme Exoskeletons have been fighting, and dozens of Sun Devourers appeared, turning the bright sky into one that appeared to be evening.

Due to the battle, the Everhiss family had requested all guests to take their leave from their respective ships. 

Only Zeraphine, who was taken earlier, was allowed to stay because of her relationship with Seeker.

When Lanterk finally got on a ship that was his own and was prepared by some Pioneers serving him, he continued to watch the battle on the news.

"Shasktress is not leading this battle. Her Pioneers took full control... That means that Shakstress is in the middle of a battle! Who can challenge her?!" He wondered.

Suddenly, Lanterk couldn't help but feel a strange ripple around the world.

"What's going on?" A strange voice spoke directly inside Lanterk's head.

"Main body?"

"You have received so much hate. Our Karmic Rewards is sensing a massive increase in anger. At least two Top Tier wants you dead there. And it seems that the effects are growing by the second. By the looks of it, almost all Mid-Tiers on Earth want you dead aside from two Top-Tiers. So what exactly are you doing?"

"What? How could that be? I haven't done anything to anger anyone! I did everything to maintain a low profile." Lanterk was shocked.

"If you didn't do anything, then you are either being framed, or our secret is out. We have no choice. We are going there. The Principal headed there is already a month away. I'm contacting Principal Dormin and will be paying to teleport to his ship." The voice of the person spoke irritably.

And then the voice vanished.

Lanterk was stunned at the words of his main body.

"What?! Is my secret out? But how?!"

Around Earth, every Presider, be it Mid-Tier or Top-Tier, received a priority message from Shakstress.

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"In case I die here, Lanterk has betrayed us. He is the Goat with Four Horns, Principal Alexandrus, and along with Presiders from the future, he might be planning to devour us all."

The simple message shocked everyone who heard it.

Even Garenjazz awoke from his dreams and hovered over the Earth.

"Time travel? But Prime Zephirus said that it's impossible. Not even the Primordial can do so! Unless we have gained access to the True Heavens in the future..." Garenjazz marveled.

Tiana had only recently ascended to Top Tier right before she went to Earth. But she knew that she was not someone who could challenge Shakstress in combat. The Shrink powers of Shakstress that she saw scared her. And yet, this Shakstress was about to die.

Straviaa rushed to meet Enderks after that message.

"Enderks! What is going on?

Enderks, however, had a bright smile on her face.

"Perfect. A Top-Tier has fallen, and Presiders from the future? Those things in Egypt were true! It seems that Andronze has allied with these Presiders!" Enderks laughed.

"Why are you so happy?! A Top-Tier has claimed that she might die!"

"Yes. But why did they go after her and not a Mid-Tier? I believe that this is an alliance among Mid-Tiers. We ally with them, and we can kill and conquer Top-Tiers!" Enderks laughed.

"Kill a Top-Tier?! Are you mad?"

"You think I'll stop? Straviaa, I am aiming to kill a Principal! That's what it means to Conquer! The road to becoming conquerors is opened, Straviaa! Let's tread on that road!"

The Presiders of the world began to initiate their plans and took advantage of the world-shaking battle to initiate their plans.

As that happened, in the strange world where Shakstress was...

Shakstress began to continue charging the energy she needed for this battle. 

Most Mid-Tiers think that Top-Tier Presiders only had a second energy source that made them powerful. But the truth was that a second energy source was necessary.

Top-Tiers is generally the bare minimum to begin experiments that breach the dimension. This was because their own body had enough energy to run and power themselves constantly. Top-Tiers had an unlimited

To make a body that fully crosses the dimensions and has the capacity to move and interact in another dimension. And when Presiders need to move within these dimensions, they lose the ability to move or have the energy to move in and out of this dimension was dangerous. And so, it requires the ability to generate energy within themselves.

When the two powers interact in another dimension, they can slowly harness another energy which was the main currency that Presiders had. And that was the mysterious energy that was kept hidden in those dimensions and is the source of the energy of the entire universe itself.

Universe Energy is available at the very peak of the Presider stage. Therefore, low and Mid-Tier Presiders would have to trade for it or use their technology to generate it, although it is vastly inferior to those in Top-Tier.

And as that happened, Seeker and Lynd were also shocked to feel another form of energy being generated when the two of them worked together to combine their Realm.

"This power...!" Lynd was shocked. It was a form of energy that surpassed anything he ever felt. 

The shield of Shakstress was undoubtedly made of this material. Shakstress was able to harness it and create it making an invulnerable shield as it breached the dimensions.

"I see... This is the goal of the Lost Primordial. He not only divided the sciences to hide our power from the enemy, he knew this was the way to cultivate this!" Seeker began to realize the intentions of the Lost Primordial.

The communion of their power created a strange ripple that drew out the power.

At that moment, a strange vision appeared before Seeker and Lynd.

They found themselves before a grand throne...

A tall, old, and wounded man, as if he had been stabbed and killed, sat down on this throne. The man stood up and, with great joy, began to declare...

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore!"

The old man exclaimed in delight.

"I am the Lost Primordial! And I have been chosen by the Most High to lead captives on the train of my robe and take plunder and give gifts to all, even the rebellious! Receive the inheritance and Overcome!"

A massive power broke through across the hidden dimensions, and for a split second, the entire universe shook.

Several uncanny beings hidden far across the edges of the universe were startled.

In Aragar, the Primes grew restless.

In Babylos, the last of the Babelian Primes also sensed it.

"Did the Primordial find it?" He wondered.

Somewhere within a collapsing star, the Primordial woke up.

"Lost Primordial... Have you returned?" He wondered.

The space in which Shasktress was started to tremble as the union of Seeker and Lynd's powers suddenly grew stronger.

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The many paths of Lynd and Seeker had already created massive foundations that the two of them already had.

The paths of Amir's bodily cultivation allowed them to have a powerful body with immense vitality. The cells of Meryl and Typical allowed them to harness great energy in each cell. The mind of Lennox and Arthur, the power of Realm from Lioncourt, and many more.

The power of all that they have gathered, even from the recent additions in their team, was already in the body and mind of Seeker and Lynd. Of course, the pair only envisioned combining their efforts to imitate the Ranked Heroes body, but the Lost Primordial had prepared from this moment.

It broke through all dimensions and began to gift Seeker and Lynd the power of eternity.

"Ascension!?" Shakstress saw it and was horrified. The process before her was a power that Top-Tiers go through to become Principals!

She made preparations to retreat, but then the power disappeared.

Seeker and Lynd were hovering in the shrunk space, but even they had shocked expressions. Their entire bodies changed, and they could feel that the power had somehow sunk in them.

"What happened?" Lynd was shocked.

"Did you see that vision?"

"A throne in heaven. I did. The Lost Primordial appeared. What is this? Glorification?"

"Whatever that was... he gave us a great gift. We now have a Ranked Heroes body!" Seeker explained.

Within their body, they could feel a strange power linking to their soul. A massive amount of energy was there.

Shakstress was about to flee when she saw the transformation stopped.

"What the? What form is that? It's not yet a Principal and is even weaker than my current form... But their bodies are clearly made of that energy that Principals have!" Shasktress stopped. Greed had surfaced in her heart as she saw the form. She had already wasted and lost so much in this battle. But when she saw then two beings before her...

"I could find a way to force a transformation without relying on another Principal! This could be it! I could transform on my own!" So Shakstress prepared her power and began to move.

The Universe Energy exploded out.

"Give me your body!" Shasktress screamed in great madness. The Universe Energy, which was her lifeline, was now being used without reservation.

Outside the shrunken world, the entire space of the ship began to tremble.

Ever since Shakstrtess's disappeared along with Seeker and Lynd, the remaining commanders have taken control and full access to all technologies. Several Supreme Exoskeletons and dozens of Sun Devourers took to the sky and massacred the forces of Pridgeon and Andronze.

But at that moment, the energy source that fueled all of Shakstress's forces vanished for an instant.

Hermes stood up and stopped the strange dance he was doing as the Supreme Exoskeletons and Sun Devourers lost power.

"Go!" He shouted, and the Four Winds flew out of the Pyramid to attack and capture the many suits around them.