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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1723
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Chapter 1723

“These aren’t people from either side?” Fatty frowned, but he then smiled. “Impossible—they’re surely

from either side! One side might be members of the Alliance Guard, and the others are members of the

Anti-Alliance Guard. It’s expected to have some conflict recently!”

That made sense for Arthur, too. He nodded and said, “That makes sense. After all, there are quite

many forces from both the Alliance Guard and the AntiAlliance Guard, and it’s understandable if we

can’t recall the looks of their tokens. However, I’m sure that one party is the Alliance Guard while the

others are members of the Anti-Alliance Guard. Such a huge conflict under such a situation is as


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“Yes, yes, yes… I think that must be it!” Ella earnestly agreed and instantly nodded like a chick that

pecked at rice. She was afraid that Arthur and the others would realize that these people came from

the abandoned world.

“Brilliant, Young Master Arthur. I guess that must be it!” Hendrick also wiped his cold sweat, but that

seemed to be the case when he thought about it. It was quite difficult for normal people to think about

that, and the world everyone abandoned was almost forgotten by others as time slowly passed. Who

would suddenly think about that place?

Arthur was rather flustered at Ella and her brother’s praises, and he then said in a pretentious humble

way, “It’s all simple, really. You’ll know just by looking at it!”

The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that there was a beautiful woman among

the group of people fighting. This woman was not only beautiful, but she had an astoundingly good

figure. Although she looked slightly old, the hint of maturity caused him to gulp.


If Ella was a fresh, immature girl, that woman caught in a fight was a fascinating, mature woman.

Moreover, that woman had a haughty expression on her face, and such a woman could fascinate every

man effectively.

F*ck! That woman doesn’t seem to be able to fight against that man, and they’re being attacked, too. If

we wait much longer, she might get killed!’ Arthur thought to himself and estimated everything as he

gazed at Helena, who was some distance away. “If… If not many people are left from both parties or

when the woman seems to be in danger, wouldn’t I have the opportunity if I go to rescue her? That’s

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the best time for me to be a hero and rescue the beauty!” Arthur had thought of all sorts of scenarios in

his brain.

“Attack!” growled Helena through gritted teeth. Big beads of sweat covered her forehead at that

moment. She wanted to lead her people to fight their way out and also wanted to see if they could open

a gap and allow some people to escape.

However, she had only broken through for two to three days, and her realm was not stabilized. Alas,

she was slightly beneath Tom, who already had the possibility of upgrading to the Second-grade

ultimate god-level. Hence, she still failed to grab the opportunity after several rounds of attack.


“Haha… You’re so desperate! Do you think you can escape?” Tom laughed loudly and attacked Helena

with even powerful attacks. He went close up to Helena, and she was slightly overwhelmed.

Finally, he slammed his palm against Helena’s chest with all his strength, and it sent her flying.
