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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1821-1825
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Chapter 1821

“Firstly, we’ll be able to kill members of the Bloodshed Clan if we work together with the Nine Armies,

and it’ ll be considered as us avenging ourselves. Secondly, they’ll be indebted to us for helping them

eliminate those from the Bloodshed Clan, which will gain for us some support from the Anti-Alliance

Guard, am I right? Isn’t this much better than running around aimlessly?” explained Jackie to the

crowd, informing them of his intentions. “We don’t need to act now even if we want to help them,

though-let them wear each other out in the battle. After all, the Nine Armies took their sweet time in

delaying their actions previously, didn’t they?”

“That’s right! We can’t just jump in and attack. We need to take our sweet time, too.” Venus was much

happier when she heard this.

“Haha… Let’s go then. Everyone can leave the forest and see if we can meet any of our people on the

way. We’ll gather our people together, and if we meet any of the Bloodshed Clan disciples, we’ll kill

them. Of course, we’ ll also kill any of the people from the seas if we run into them. The people from the

seas had always been our enemy, so it’s best if we don’t let any of them off the hook,” declared Jackie

before leading everyone, and they all flew down the mountain.

Just like what Jackie anticipated, the Bloodshed Clan left around 1,000 of their disciples outside the

forest to stand guard and prevent them from escaping.

“Haha! It’s good that we’re stationed here!” A disciple in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level chuckled.

“Only a few of those from the abandoned world are still alive in this forest, and they won’t rush out so

easily as they understand the strength of our Bloodshed Clan. They’re hiding in the forest, that’s for

sure. On the other hand, our men who went to the Nine Armies would be facing a huge battle.”

“That’s right. The Nine Armies aren’t weak, and we’ve lost around twenty thousand people during our

hunt of those who came from the abandoned world. The losses are much greater than what we

anticipated. On top of that, even those in the Seventh-grade ultimate god level and our Fourth Elder

have died. F*ck! Masters from the Nine Armies must’ve helped them,” remarked a woman as she

tightened her fist. “The Fourth Elder is quite a nice person. If they hadn’t requested for me to stay back,

I would have joined them in killing those from the Nine Armies. I’d feel so much better if I could kill

several of them.”


At that moment…

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The sound of the bell once again rang at the Nine Armies.

“Ugh, curses! Why did the bell ring again? Who rang it?!” The First Fortress Master was extremely

furious. He planned on acting only two hours from then, but the bell rang unexpectedly, requesting for

everybody to gather.


An elder beside him seemingly glowered as well. “First Fortress Master, these people truly do not honor

you. We’ll have to find out who rang it, and we’ll have to reprimand them, too. Are they in that much of

a hurry to rescue those from the abandoned world? No one had those people barging into the area.

We’re obviously not as strong as the Bloodshed Clan, yet we still had to deal with it!”

Nonetheless, they still walked out of the building and flew toward the huge square at the heart of the

fortresses, despite their chagrin.

It was only when they arrived did they realize the Bloodshed Clan spearheaded their men into their


Chapter 1822

“Why did they come back? What do the Bloodshed Clan want this time?” One of the fortress masters

was puzzled, not understanding why the Bloodshed Clan returned after leaving not long ago.

Moreover, a lot of them came this time, and there seemed to be about 70,000 of them. It looked like the

Bloodshed Clan brought their entire team here.

The First Fortress Master initially wanted to reprimand whoever it was that rang the bell, but when he

saw the Bloodshed Clan, his expression faltered as he ignored whoever rang the bell.

Austin carefully thought things through before questioning Edward loudly, “Clan Master Edward, what’s

the meaning of this? Why did you bring your people here? Didn’t you guys say that there aren’t many

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people from the abandoned world who entered the forest? Weren’t you guys hunting them? Why are

you causing us trouble again?”

Edward smiled coldly and said, “Hmph! Stop pretending. Your people killed our Fourth Elder and many

of our masters, and we’re here to avenge them!”

Edward did not bother explaining everything else, thus he waved his hand and ordered, “Everyone,

wipe out the Nine Armies. Let them understand that our Bloodshed Clan isn’t so easily bullied!”


Austin was surprised when he heard this and quickly stopped them. “Hold on! Hold on! What? Your

Fourth Elder died? Why don’t I know about this? What’s going on? All our masters are here, so who’d

be strong enough to kill your fourth elder? Edward Gray, you can’t just blame it on us baselessly!”

After all, he had no idea when the people of the Pavilion Billow Cloud would arrive. Under such

circumstances, they would be at a disadvantage if they were to engage in a battle.

Alas, the people of the Bloodshed Clan ignored his explanation and rushed toward the men of the Nine

Armies. “Attack!”

Kye, unable to wait, came up to Austin and snapped, “First Fortress Master, they’re coming at us

intolerably and blame us baselessly for their Fourth Elder’s death. F*ck! Let’s give everything we have

to defeat them! What are we still waiting for? The Pavilion Billow Cloud will surely come soon!” With

that, he rushed and clashed with the Bloodshed Clan.

“First Fortress Master, there’s nothing to be afraid about. The Bloodshed Clan mentioned that they

have more than a hundred thousand disciples, but there are only seventy-thousand of them now. On

top of that, their Fourth Elder has also died. Heh! They even lost many disciples in the ultimate god

level! We won’t know who’s going to be wiped out by today!” yelled another fortress master before

rushing toward the Bloodshed Clan’s Sixth Elder.

Austin sighed. This was an undeniably good opportunity, but it still puzzled him as to why the

Bloodshed Clan still dared take action against their Nine Armies when they had suffered such losses

and their overall strength had greatly reduced. If this continued, was the Bloodshed Clan not worried

that they would suffer great losses?

Of course, he had no idea that the Bloodshed Clan sent people to notify another force of the Alliance

Guard before they headed to the Nine Alliance. They only dared take action against the Nine Armies as

they estimated that this force was arriving soon.

“Attack!” Just like that, the Bloodshed Clan and the Nine Armies clashed in a battle.

“You’ll be breathing your last today, Austin!” roared Edward and rushed toward Austin in a flash.

‘He’s so speedy. Has this guy broken through into the Second-grade souls penetrating level?’ Austin’s

heart dropped when he saw how Edward appeared right in front of him so swiftly.

Chapter 1823

Alas, Austin had no time to assess everything as he, seeing how Edward swung his fist toward him,

threw one right back to intercept it.


A deafening sound was heard as the two masters in the First-grade soulpenetrating level finally had

their first altercation.

The strong power dispersed from where their fists met and caused a strong shock wave. This sent

several disciples who had a low fighting prowess flying a distance away before they managed to regain

their footing

“Ah!” Austin yelled loudly and persisted for several seconds with his opponent. Beads of sweat dripped

from his forehead. His opponent was much stronger than him.

“Ah!” exclaimed Edward, his expression contorting into malice. He increased the power in his punch

and finally gained the upper hand, forcing Austin about a dozen meters backward. Austin stepped in

midair before he could barely stabilize himself.

“Haha! You’re no match for me, Austin. After I kill you, we’ll definitely win if I kill another two or three

other fortress masters in the Ninth-grade ultimate god level later, even though it looks like you guys

have more people compared to us at this moment!” The haughty Edward chuckled arrogantly after

sending Austin flying.

“You want to kill me? You won’t get to do that easily!” The corners of Austin’s mouth twitched a couple

of times, but he gritted his teeth and said, “I only need to persist and buy more time. The overall

strength of our people in the ultimate god level isn’t that weak compared to yours, let alone with your

Fourth Elder dead. Hmph! I only need to persist for a while, and a couple of my fortress masters will

come to our aid by then. You may just find yourself dying instead when we attack you altogether!”

“Hmph! Let’s see how long you can persist, then!” Edward scoffed and tightened his fist. His aura

surged and enveloped his fist before he zipped toward Austin again.

Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!

People started falling from the sky as explosions were heard, one after another. The faint smell of blood

began to waft around, too.

Meanwhile, a large gathering of people sneakily flew past the trees and moved toward the forest’s exit.

“They’ve started fighting, Young Master Jackie, just as you said. They really are fighting!”

“Haha… That is great! Let’s fly slowly and kill the Bloodshed Clan disciples guarding outside the forest.

It’ll almost be the time by then.” Jackie heard the sounds of battle nearby as well, and it was so intense

that it was obviously between two large forces. They truly had begun to battle.

Nash soon noticed something and giddily rushed forward with about a dozen people. “There’s a group

of members of the Hall of Divine Royal over there. Let me bring some of our men to kill them.”

Time slowly passed, and Jackie and the others soon arrived at the exterior of the forest, not once

stopping to search for treasures. Their journey did not consume much of their time.

Jackie looked at the Bloodshed Clan disciples in front of them and smirked. With a wave of his hand,

he declared, “Kill them. Seeing as there are only about a thousand or two thousand Bloodshed Clan

disciples, it won’t be much of a fight.”

Chapter 1824

“Dear me! How is this possible? Why are there so many people here?”

The Bloodshed Clan disciples guarded the forest perimeters in fear that the remaining survivors of the

abandoned world would escape. They also expected that it was unlikely, however, and believed the

survivors would stay hidden after they experienced the last fight.

What these disciples did not expect was that several hundred thousand of them would rush out of the

forest, with a large percentage of them being in the ultimate god level.

“Attack!” roared Nash as he led his companions to attack. Fury overtook him as he thought of how

thousands of the White family’s members had died.

Members of other families fearlessly joined the fray, seeing as they had the chance to exact

vengeance. Previously, they managed to escape, though aggrieved and seeing their family members

dying before them.

Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!

The fighting noises outside the forest were soon heard.

Nobody realized, however, that a group of people from the seas and the Cloud Sky Sect had gathered

on another mountaintop in the forest.

“Why are we hearing fights happening outside the forest again?” Not many were here, and only about

3,000 to 4,000 people at that, but those who stayed had quite a high fighting prowess. They hesitated

in what they should do when they spotted members of the Bloodshed Clan heading toward the Nine

Armies. No one expected to hear people fighting one another outside the forest again.

“Those who entered this place previously included the people from the White family, Hall of Divine

Royal, and the Supreme Clarity Sect. I’m sure that not all of them had died. After all, so many of them

entered the area. Throughout these past couple of days, they had been fighting among themselves to

rob each other of their belongings. Together with the Bloodshed Clan’s pursuit, I’m sure that there are a

lot of them left.” A wise look appeared in Lily’s eyes as she stood by the side. “I guess that they must

be rushing outward. Nonetheless, the Bloodshed Clan had left some disciples guarding the forest’s

outskirts, which means they’re fighting those disciples standing guard outside.”

Although Lily had suffered a lot at this point, she had broken through in terms of her fighting prowess

and had finally recovered to be in the initial stage of the demi-god level.

However, such a level of fighting prowess was painfully low. After they learned of Joel’s death, she did

not have a right to speak in the Cloud Sky Sect.

Some Cloud Sky Sect elders even ignored her after they broke through into the First Grade ultimate

god level.

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Lily would have died a long time ago had it not been for a few members who joined the Cloud Sky Sect

together with her, protecting her.

Of course, tens of thousand people gathered here because Lily finally came up with solutions.

Everyone tried their best to inform each other, staying united as they evaded conflicts. This made it

difficult for the people of the Bloodshed Clan to find them. Due to this, the members of the Cloud Sky

Sect began seeing her in a different light.

After all, although this woman had a low fighting prowess, she was still considerably intelligent. At least,

everyone survived up to this point after listening to her.

“Well, Madam Pavilion Master, what do you think we should do now?”

Chapter 1825

One of the old men finally looked at Lily, evidently at a loss of what to do.

Lily deliberated their options and suggested, “I see that we have quite a number of people here, and

many of them are in the First-grade ultimate god level. If we want to stay alive, why don’t we rush down

now as well? I think that by the time we arrive there, their family masters or members of the ancient

clans would’ve rushed out as well. The Bloodshed Clan disciples would chase after Jackie and the rest

once they escape, which will give us the chance to escape the forest.”

“Where will we go after that? We don’t know anything about this area!” lamented the baffled old man.

“Apart from that, some of our people heard the Bloodshed Clan disciples mention something known as

the Alliance Guard. It seems like members of this Alliance Guard are appointed to kill us, the foreigners

to this land!”

“It is true that there aren’t many places that we can go. We have no idea how this alliance is and how

many people they have.” Lily remained silent for some time before her eyes finally lit up. “Here’s an

idea. Since the Bloodshed Clan has attacked the Nine Armies, I heard some of the Bloodshed Clan

disciples say that both parties have the same overall strength. Why don’t we help out the Nine Armies?

They’ll be indebted to us if we do that. There aren’t many of us here, so perhaps they’ll take us under

their wing?”

The eyes of an old man from the Hall of Divine Royal lit up when he heard this.

“This sounds like a good plan. After all, there are thirty thousand of us here, and we’re a formidable

force in our own right if we rush in together. The Nine Armies might win if we help them right now, and

they’ll let us stay with them if they win!”

Another old man chimed in, “That’s right! More importantly, the Nine Armies isn’t that far from this

forest. There’s hope of breaking through into the soul-penetrating level if we’re able to search for

treasures in this forest. Since they’re attacking the Nine Armies, it means that they’re opposing forces.

The Nine Armies might truly take us in!”

“Let’s go down, then.” Lily glanced at her clansmen, hearing as everyone agreed to the same thing. In

the end, the group flew down the mountain and swiftly traveled out of the forest, their tracks shielded by

their surroundings.

Not long after they started flying, Jackie and the others had killed the Bloodshed Clan disciples who

stood guard outside the forest. They managed to kill more than 2,000 of those disciples without

suffering a huge loss, and only a few hundred of their people had perished.

Of course, the people who did the most work were Jackie, Nash, and the others.

“You’re incredibly strong, Young Master Jackie. Those Bloodshed Clan disciples in the Second-stage

ultimate god level are nothing compared to you. You killed them like you were cutting vegetables!”

Several second-class aristocratic family masters flocked around Jackie, flattering him upon knowing

what he was capable of.

They knew very well that not only did Jackie have a high fighting prowess and combat power, but he

was also a third-grade intermediate alchemist.

Several second-class aristocratic family masters had already broken through to the First-grade ultimate

god level. If they could improve their relationship with Jackie and obtain a third-grade elementary pill,

they could scale up two to three grades at one go.

They were no fools—they wanted to get into Jackie’s good books instantly.

How could Jackie not understand their intentions just by looking at their grinning faces?

He only smiled indifferently and pointed forward. “Right now, many of our men have died over there.

After we slowly fly over, we’ll wait and do nothing. We’ll only act if the Nine Armies are losing and they

beg us for our help.”
