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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196

"I'm being mean? Are you serious right now, Abigail?" Greg wanted to throttle the woman in front of him. He didn't

think he was being mean, not when she was the one who had stormed out of the burrito shack and nearly put him

in an awkward position with the waiter who thought he would not pay the bill. She even threatened to beat me up,

yet I'm the mean one?

He knew she was putting on an act, but he still couldn't bring himself to raise his voice at her now that she was on

the verge of crying.

"Don't cry!" he growled, even though he was aware that she wasn't actually going to cry.

At that moment, Abigail felt that it was only by sheer luck—or by some divine intervention—that he had managed to

snag her as a girlfriend. Seeing how Greg was so dim-witted when it came to love, surely he couldn't keep a

relationship to save himself.

"Can't you be a little more romantic, Greg? Don't you know now's the time for you to tell me you love me, and that I

don't have to be afraid because you'll be here for me—all that stuff?"

"Hell no!" he cussed very unromantically, which made the corner of Abigail's mouth twitch in disbelief.

She ought to have known better than to try and needle sympathy out of him while he was jealous; indeed, that was

a bad call. After reflecting on this, she took a deep breath and said, "I think I twisted my ankle."

"What?" Greg was not convinced by this. She did not look like someone who had just twisted their ankle when she

was batting her eyelashes at him earlier. That said, he did notice that she had not so much as moved since he

saved her from getting hit by the van. He frowned and snapped, "Don't move!"

He crouched down hastily. Not at all concerned about how others might look at him, he rolled up her trouser leg.

When he saw that her left ankle was swollen, he turned grim. "You must be a couple cards short of a full deck,

Abigail. Why did you prattle on about nonsense when you should have told me you twisted your ankle


With that, he scooped her up into his arms and began to run.

Abigail pouted when he scolded her, but soon, her lips tipped up in a small smile. She had only twisted her ankle;

there was no torn ligament or fractured bone, and yet, it was so worth it to play up the pain just to see Greg panic

over her very minor injury.

At the thought of this, she wound her arms around his neck and pressed her ear to his chest. As she listened to the

strong and steady beating of his heart, the pain in her ankle seemed to wane.

Meanwhile, Greg wasted no time in bringing her to the hospital.

She was a little frustrated as she pointed out, "It's just a sprain, Greg. I can treat it myself. Have you forgotten that

I'm a doctor?"

"That doesn't mean you can treat yourself. What if you slip up and give yourself life-long side effects or something?

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I think it's safer for you to go to the hospital."

With that, he drove over to the hospital in Northern Harrion. They could have gone to the hospital downtown since it

was a much shorter drive, but when he decided to head north, she knew instantly that it was a deliberate choice on

his part.

Hugh was still at Allie's Garden waiting for her to tend to his wounds, whereas the hospital at Northern Harrion was

all the way on the other side of the city. It was the opposite end of where Allie's Garden was, and the distance

between both places was very, very far.

It's obvious that Greg wants Hugh to bleed to death, Abigail thought wryly as she sighed. Indeed, a jealous Greg was

a terrifying Greg.

While she was worried about Hugh, she couldn't risk making Greg more upset by suggesting they go back home. As

such, she waited until Greg had gone up to the front desk to register herself as a patient before she called up a

familiar number.

"Hey, Violet. I have a mafia-type friend who got injured in an ambush, and he's lying at my place now. I'm tied up at

the moment, so I was wondering if you could do me a favor and go over and tend to his wounds?"

She had no choice but to call Violet, who was her senior in medical school five years ago. They used to be close

friends, but because they had parted so hastily, she never got to keep in touch with Violet. They met again at an

international symposium after that, and it was only then did they exchange contact numbers. However, they were

both so tied up at work that they couldn't even meet up over coffee even though Violet was based in Harrion.

Abigail knew that if she were to ask Violet for this favor, the latter would agree to it without asking any questions.

Sure enough, Violet replied, "I just got out of the operation theater and was planning to take a break, but since

you're the one asking, drop me the address. I should be able to get into your house, right?"

"Yeah, I'll give you the password for the door."

Both women wrapped up their exchange quickly and hung up the call.

Now that Abigail didn't have to worry about Hugh, she could focus on getting pampered by Greg.

When Greg finished registering at the front desk and returned to see Abigail sitting in the waiting area like a perfect

angel, he visibly relaxed.

"Just hold on a little bit longer. I've asked to see a specialist, and it should be our turn soon."

Abigail glanced at the dozens of people waiting in line before them. He told her that it would be their turn soon,

which obviously meant he had pulled some strings. However, the fact that he had asked for a specialist amused her

greatly. Imagine how the other patients might feel if they find out that I'm seeing a specialist for a sprained ankle.

However, Abigail was not stupid enough to point this out to Greg, and she allowed him to carry her into the doctor's

office instead.

"Hurry up and see if my girlfriend is seriously injured; she sprained her ankle," he said rather brusquely to the


She turned her head to look at the doctor, only to be surprised when she saw that it was none other than Cody.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Army Hospital?"

"Yeah, but I'm here on Friday mornings as a specialist-on-circuit," he explained with a smile, though there was a

humorous glint in his eyes.

It was rare to see a specialist sit in as a doctor in other hospitals, and the only exception was if that doctor was

highly capable and showed incredible prowess.

Abigail knew Cody and his capabilities, but she was just taken aback to see him here. Nevertheless, she nodded as a

form of acknowledgement.

"Alright, let me take a look at that ankle," he said.


She cooperated with the examination. After assessing her swollen ankle, Cody glanced up at the nervous wreck that

was Greg. Then, he put on a somber expression as he said, "It doesn't look good. In fact, she might have a


Greg panicked at once. "What? Does that mean she has to use a cast or something?"

Abigail shot Cody a pointed look and whispered, "Don't frighten him like that. He's easily spooked."

"Yeah, right—as if the dark emperor who rules from the shadow world could be easily spooked! Dr. Kain, are you

sure you're talking about this guy right here?" Cody asked mischievously.

It was only then that Greg realized he had just been made fun of by Cody. "Are you crazy? She's injured! Do you

really think now's the time for you to be joking? You'd better watch yourself, or I'll have Gillian move back to her

mom's place."

Cody straightened up in his seat when he heard this. In an instant, he looked solemn as he said, "Your girlfriend is

fine. She just sprained her ankle, and some pain relief ointment and a gentle massage will do the trick. In fact,

she'd probably be able to walk by this afternoon. Now, scram!" He feigned annoyance as he eyed Greg with mock


"Is that all? Aren't you going to give her antibiotics or something? How about an X-ray? What if she does have a

fracture in her bones and you didn't diagnose it because of your lousy skills?" Greg pressed on.

Cody had half the mind to throw the guy out. He swallowed his anger and said through gritted teeth, "Your

girlfriend's a doctor too, so why don't you ask her if I'm telling the truth?" A man in love had no intelligence, and he

decided that the best way to deal with Greg was to be patient with him.

Upon hearing this, Greg turned to look at Abigail for affirmation.

Although she nodded to confirm what Cody had said, Greg was still unconvinced.

"I don't care. Write a note for an X-ray to be carried out for us to really determine that she's fine," he said


"Greg, are you an idiot? I just told you that she's fine. Get out of here and stop wasting my time!" If Cody allowed

this guy to stay here any longer, he might just lose his cool.

When Abigail saw that Greg was about to protest, she quickly tugged on his arm and said, "I'm really fine, and I just

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need some pain relief ointment to feel better. I can always go and get the ointment myself if you're so unwilling."

Having said this, she made to stand up, but Greg hurriedly stopped her. "Don't get up! I'll go and get the ointment,

okay? I'll go get it right now." It was only after he had asked Cody to keep an eye on her that he walked out.

When Greg was well out of sight, Cody turned to ask Abigail in a low voice, "What did you do to him? It's just a

sprain, but he's acting like you broke a bone and cannot walk or something."

She flashed him a smile and replied, "There's a guy waiting for me to treat him."

"Oh, I got it," Cody said knowingly. Turns out that Greg's jealous. To think I was wondering why he had come by the

hospital in Northern Harrion. He shook his head before eyeing Abigail seriously as he added, "My cousin-in-law is

loyal to whoever he loves, and if you're the one he chooses, he'll stick by you forever. If you have no plans on

spending the rest of your life with him, you should tell him now instead of stringing him along. Otherwise, you'll

break his heart."

She was stunned to hear this. "Cousin-in-law?"

"Yes. Everyone knows that he and I are two of the four young masters in Harrion, but only a handful of people know

that he's actually Gillian's cousin—this makes him my cousin-in-law. We're actually related by virtue because of my

marriage to Gillian. Now that you know this, be sure to treat him right, Abigail."

Abigail frowned at this. "Why do you think I'd hurt him anyway?" She was very invested in this relationship, and she

was pretty serious about it too. She wondered why Cody sounded as if he was insinuating otherwise.

Cody knew he shouldn't blab, but having seen how much Greg cared for Abigail and how anxious he had been

earlier, he couldn't help but continue, "Look, I don't know the full details myself, but Greg came to see me not too

long ago and we went to grab a drink together. He never goes day-drinking, but on that particular day, he asked me

to go boxing with him before we swung by Straqium Embankment for a drink; keep in mind that it has never

happened before. I didn't look into it because I respected his privacy, but I was sure that his erratic behavior had

something to do with you. I know it's inappropriate for me to say these things now, but I still have to say it—if you

are going to be together, then you have to be honest with each other. Sometimes, a secret is all it takes to break

you apart, leaving room for others to swoop in."

When she heard this, Genevieve's face flashed across her mind. Indeed, we let that tramp swoop in that time, but I

don't think Greg and I are keeping any secrets from each other. She wondered if there was anything in Cody's

words that she had missed out on.

"Did he say what it was about me that prompted him to day-drink that time? I know I was with a man who liked me

when he presumably hung out with you, but I did tell him about it beforehand." She didn't like having to explain

herself to others, but Cody was Greg's best friend. She didn't know if she had done anything wrong, and if Greg

wouldn't tell her, Cody was the only one who could give her an answer.

However, he shook his head and said, "No, I don't think it was because of that. I know Greg can come off as a little

petty at times, but he knows right from wrong. He wouldn't be so unreasonable as to get upset over something as

small as a meet-up. You should have seen him then; he was drained of energy, and there was no light in his eyes.

He looked like a defeated man, and I'm guessing it was because he found out about something major."

"Something major?" Abigail frowned. Nothing major had ever happened between her and Greg so far, at least not

that she knew of. What in the world happened back then?