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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

"Incorrect PIN code," a disembodied voice said, and it surprised everyone, except for Abigail.

Emma was shocked. Incorrect PIN code? But her PIN has always been her mother's birthday! She

stubbornly typed the passcode again, but it was still incorrect, and everyone was starting to give her

accusatory looks.

"Did you forget the PIN code, Emma?" one of the ladies quickly said.

Emma replied, "Yes. She stole my card five years ago. She probably changed the PIN code. She

changed my card's PIN code, officer."

Abigail laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Emma was frustrated.

Abigail shook her head. "Still as shameless as ever, Emma. You said this card is yours, but now you

say you can't use it because I changed the PIN code. Well, call the customer service center and ask

them to change it back to your PIN then. In fact, you can do it right here, right now. I won't run. Don't

worry." She crossed her arms and looked at Emma.

Emma glared at Abigail. Only the black card's owner knew the number for the customer service center.

Nobody else could know what it was. Emma quickly said, "I forgot the center's number. Let me call my


The officers started to frown. They were annoyed, but they knew Emma was Jonathan's fiancée, so

they said nothing.

Since nobody was stopping her, Emma quickly called Jonathan. She knew that her boyfriend knew the

center's number. It's a great thing. Abigail isn't worthy of it! Only I should have all the good things in the

world! She said, "Jonathan, do you know the number of the black cards' customer service center?"

Jonathan was surprised. "Why do you want to know that?"

"Not the point. Just tell me. I have something urgent to settle here."

Jonathan frowned in annoyance, but he said quietly, "It's different for every holder. It's a rare thing, the

black cards, and their customer service is one-to-one. Only the owner themselves knows their own

customer service center's number. Nobody else can."

"How can that be?" Emma was stunned. Does that mean I have to give this card up? No way! That

means I'll have to surrender to her! She's inferior to me! Emma didn't want to give up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jonathan sounded annoyed. "Those are the rules. Do you have anything else you want to say? I need

to call a meeting."

"You have to save me, Jonathan! Abigail called the cops on me!" She asked for help, knowing that she

couldn't solve the matter herself.

Jonathan paused. "What did you say?"

"Abigail's back! She's framing me for theft using a black card, and now the cops are here. You have to

save me, Jonathan. I'm at the mall!" Then, she hung up.

Jonathan was petrified. Abigail? He got up and left without any hesitation. "Meeting adjourned."

Abigail had been staring at her the whole time. After she kept her phone, she said, "Now can I take my

card back, officers?"

"You're the owner of that card?" The officers were surprised. She's a young lady. How did she get her

hands on that card anyway?

Abigail smiled, and she called the officers' boss right in front of them. "Mr. Zacharias, I'm Abigail Kain. I

need you to settle something for me."

The officers were shocked that she called their boss.

Once Abigail told the officers' boss about the events that had transpired, he called his subordinates.

"What the hell are you doing? That's the best doctor in the world. She's Abigail Kain herself! Even the

mayor has to treat her as a guest, yet you call her a thief? The mayor's wife registered that card for her,

you dolts!" Mr. Zacharias roared.

The officer was stunned. "But the one who accused her of theft is Mr. Fraser's fiancée herself."

"I don't give a f*ck who she is! Even if it's Jonathan himself! In fact, if he shows up, you're going to

arrest him, you hear me? You just crossed the best doctor in the world! Unless you can guarantee that

you and your family will live your lives as healthily as gods do, you might end up needing her help! Not

to mention she saved the mayor's wife! Crossing her means crossing the mayor! Am I clear enough?"

The officers knew what they had to do. After he hung up, he quickly turned to Abigail, but his attitude

changed. "I'm very sorry, Dr. Kain. This is a major oversight on my part. How do you wish to handle this


The ladies were surprised that the officers' attitude had changed, but more importantly, they were

surprised that they called Abigail a doctor.

"What is going on?"

"I have no idea, but for some reason, this lady seems really familiar."

"Yeah. I think I've seen her before."

The ladies had a little hushed discussion among themselves.

Emma was surprised that the officers had changed their attitude. "What is going on? Officer, she is a


"Arrest her!" the officer ordered. He didn't care whose girlfriend Emma was anymore, and his men

cuffed Emma up.

"What are you doing? Do you know who I am? I'm Jonathan's girlfriend! Are you blind?"

Abigail shook her head. "You're an adult now, Emma. You have to take responsibility for your actions.

This is a mall. They have security cameras around. I know you'll find out what the truth is, officers.

Please handle this case according to the law."

"Of course, Dr. Kain." The officer snatched the card back from Emma and handed it back to Abigail.

Emma kept staring even after Abigail had kept her card. She screamed, "That's my card! Mine!"

Abigail ignored her. She bought her stuff and left the mall right away, but after she was gone, the rich

ladies finally remembered who she was.

"Oh, I remember now! That's the best doctor in the world, Abigail Kain! It's the one Greg Buckley is

hunting down! I heard she stole his stuff, and anyone who provides him with a clue about her

whereabouts can ask for anything in return!"

"What? Greg? As in Greg 'President of Global Inc.' Buckley?"

The ladies were excited. If they seized this chance, they could become even more successful in life.

Emma was petrified. The best doctor in the world? Her? Impossible! "This must be a mistake! She's

just someone who's still in medical school! She can't be the best doctor in the world!"

Everyone ignored her.

"Quick! Tell Mr. Buckley about this! Does anyone have his number?"

The ladies got even more excited, while Emma was ignored. Frustrated, she wanted to say something,

but the police took her away.

Abigail knew nothing about that, of course. She thought Greg had taken his bounty down, and now she

even taught Emma a lesson. Even if the Kains wanted to take revenge, she would have left with Alissa

by then. Her mood soared, and she went to the girl's fashion corner to pick out some clothes for her


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Greg didn't see Abigail when he came home. When he found out that she still wasn't home yet, his fury

mounted. Alissa kept pestering him, telling him to take her to the gym, and Greg obliged. There was a

lot of equipment in the gym, so Greg introduced some that would fit the girl before he went to the

treadmill to vent.

Alissa thought Greg's gym looked great. After she did some stretches, she noticed that Greg was

running quickly on the treadmill. "Wow, your stamina's great, Daddy," she praised.

"Of course," he answered proudly.

Alissa suddenly hopped onto the treadmill. "I wanna run as well."

Greg was shocked. He wanted to turn the speed down, but Alissa said, "It's fine. I run at this speed

back at home too."

That stunned Greg. "What did you say?"

"Mommy's been training our physique ever since we were kids. I'm used to it."

Alissa was referring to her and her sister, but Greg thought she was talking about her and Abigail, and

he imagined Abigail running on the treadmill. "Your mother does this as well?"

"Yeah. Mommy's super awesome. You guys can spar if you have time."

Alissa didn't even look out of breath even at this speed, and Greg was speechless. She's been running

at this speed for a while now, but she's not even tired. What kind of monster is Abigail? It's not enough

that you train yourself, but you want to raise your daughter to be a brute as well? Once more, Greg

knew that he had to keep Alissa by his side.

The moment he had that thought, he received a call from Troy. "Sir, someone has provided us with Dr.

Kain's location."

"What?" Greg was surprised.

Troy answered, "Sir, your bounty is still up. There are a lot of people out there who are keeping an eye

on her. I've been receiving a hundred calls at this point. You can't possibly grant every single one of

them a favor, right?"

Greg was reminded of the bounty he had put up. He massaged his head, then he looked at the girl who

was still on the treadmill. "Give me her location," he whispered. "And handle the people who gave you

the clue yourself."

"Sorry?" Troy couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"The location, quick!"

He hung up right after that. When he saw that Abigail was in a mall, he gnashed his teeth. You

scratched my car, punctured the tires, and now you're out there shopping? Well, aren't you relaxed?