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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

When Valerie heard that Abigail was about to purchase a house, she was totally against the idea. "There are so

many rooms at home—Greg can't live in all of them at once. Why does Abigail have to spend all that money for a

new place?"

"This isn't her own home, after all, Mom. You can't stop her from buying a house," Greg replied. He clearly knew

what his mother was implying, and his mother gave him a fierce glare upon hearing his words. This brat! He doesn't

notice it now, but he'll regret it when he finally realizes that he actually likes Abigail. I'd like to see how he'll deal with

things then.

Greg simply pretended not to notice Valerie's glare. "I think it's good since we're just next door. The kids can come

over anytime, and it'd be safe for them."

"How is this sh*tty plan good?" Valerie, who was usually a well-mannered woman, was so annoyed at her son that

she began to swear. All of a sudden, Abigail felt an urge to laugh. "This is my decision, Old Madam Buckley. You

should let him be," she uttered.

"This guy's an idiot, Abigail!" Valerie was furious. Greg didn't say anything more—he simply excused himself and

returned to the study. During noontime, Greg and Abigail went out to meet Cody. After a brief introduction, Abigail

found out that Cody was a doctor too. She was pleased to hear that. "I look forward to learning from you, Mr.


"It's my pleasure to be friends with the best surgeon in the world." Cody shook her hand politely. Both of them

quickly went through the procedures to have his property transferred to her. Abigail didn't bat an eyelid as she

transferred the huge sum of money to Cody, but Cody gazed at Greg thoughtfully after seeing her make the

payment. "Are you letting the woman pay? You're getting more and more impressive nowadays, Greg."

Greg felt his face burning. "It's not that! I—"

"I'm the one who wants to buy a house, so it makes sense for me to pay. Furthermore, Greg and I are just friends,"

Abigail said. Greg felt somewhat displeased after hearing her words. He didn't want others to know about his

relationship with Abigail, so he was secretly glad when Abigail offered to move out. That way, Genevieve would no

longer misunderstand his relationship with Abigail.

However, when Abigail spoke to Cody and verbalized the fact that she was only friends with Greg, he felt an

uncomfortable feeling in his chest. How could Cody not realize the mix of emotions that had surfaced on Greg's

face? "Hmm, friends! Indeed, friends shouldn't pay for their friends," Cody commented.

Greg felt more dejected than ever. "Do you have nothing better to do recently?"

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"I do! I'm spending time with my wife," Cody replied before letting out a smug chuckle.

"Do you think you're all that great just because you have a wife?" Greg hissed.

"Of course! If you think it's easy, why don't you find a wife for yourself?" Cody's words came as a direct blow to

Greg. Abigail couldn't help but feel envious of their close relationship. Ever since she was young, Abigail never had

close friends because of how Philip and Sasha treated her. However, she only realized this aspect of failure in her

life after seeing Cody and Greg together.

"You guys can continue chatting. I'll go buy some stuff," she said.

"Let me go with you," Greg offered. His words made Cody laugh instantly, and Cody's laugh felt especially annoying

to Greg at that moment. "What are you laughing at? Abigail just returned to the country, so is there anything wrong

with me bringing her around as a friend?" Greg grumbled.

"Did I say anything?" Cody put on an innocent look, which only made Greg feel like losing his temper even more.

Abigail figured that it would be better if she left, so she quickly interjected, "It's fine. It's not my first time in Harrion

—I was born here. I can buy things myself. Furthermore, it'd be inconvenient having you around if I wanted to buy

any personal, female items."

Greg appeared rather down after Abigail rejected his offer, but he no longer insisted on following her. After Abigail

left, Greg looked toward Cody. "It's not what you think it is. She and I…"

"You don't have to explain things to me. You should cherish the people by your side, Greg." Cody patted Greg on the

shoulder before standing up and leaving. Greg froze for a moment as he realized what Cody was trying to say, and

he felt rather infuriated. "What's up with you and Genevieve? You're a married man, yet you spend so much time

with Genevieve. Aren't you afraid that your wife might get mad?" Greg asked.

Cody's footsteps came to a halt. "Did you say I spend a lot of time with Genevieve? What do you mean by that?"

Greg pulled his phone out to show a picture when he saw the confused look on Cody's face. "Look. Isn't this you?"

Cody's gaze darkened when he saw the picture. "That is me. But that's a picture of me shopping with Gillian, so I

don't know how Genevieve ended up in this picture. You should know that I've never been interested in Genevieve in

that way."

Greg was stunned at first. Cody was a bad liar, and he had no reason to lie, so Greg thought about it for a while

before frowning and nodding. "I'll run an investigation on this."

"Greg, Genevieve is a really manipulative woman, and her feelings for you aren't genuine. You're not going to find

happiness with her. Hear me out—Abigail is a good woman and she already has two of your kids. You should

seriously consider her," Cody uttered patiently.

Greg knew that he had a clear preference all along. Ever since he began spending time with Abigail, he hadn't

thought about Genevieve at all. However, he didn't want to give up after holding on to his previous relationship for

so long. "I'll deal with it myself," Greg finally said before leaving.

After getting in the car, Greg ordered Troy to run an investigation on the picture, only to find out that Genevieve

had gotten someone to edit it. The original image was a picture of Cody and Gillian shopping on the streets, and

there were many CCTV cameras around them that could prove it. In other words, Genevieve had used unethical

methods just to make others think that she was with Cody.

Cody and Gillian had a hidden marriage, so only a few people knew about them. However, Genevieve had been

curating the tweets on her Twitter account, so there were many people who thought that she was a couple with

Cody. If the news of Cody and Gillian's relationship went out, others might even think that Gillian was the third party

in the relationship.

Greg felt a surge of anger and hatred. This wasn't what Genevieve told me back then. She had cried and said that

she had given up on Cody so that she could stay with me forever. I trusted her lies. Greg felt like he was the largest

idiot then—he had been working so hard to achieve an outcome that was impossible.

In a bout of rage, he lit up a cigarette and puffed on it while thinking about Abigail. Abigail wasn't the usual weak

and gentle woman—it was unlikely for her to even cry in his arms under normal circumstances. When she

encountered issues, she would solve them on her own. She's the complete opposite of Genevieve. I never thought

that I would like a woman like her, but I have to admit that I don't hate her. I even feel a sense of care and concern

for her. This isn't good. I should come up with a clear decision. I have to pick between Abigail and Genevieve.

However, Genevieve was a target he had since he was 13, which made it harder for him to give up since it was

something he had been chasing after for so long. However, Abigail had given birth to his two daughters and worked

so hard to be a good mother. If Greg didn't marry her out of love, then it would be extremely unfair toward Abigail.

It might even come off as an insult to her. On top of that, Abigail wasn't the type who would appreciate his acts of

providing for her. Greg only grew increasingly frustrated as he thought about this matter.

Meanwhile, Abigail had no idea what was going on. She headed back to Allie's Garden, and she was shocked when

she bumped into Emma there, but she quickly ignored Emma before driving through the gates. Emma chased after

her while shouting, but the guards held her back as she didn't have clearance to enter. "I'm her sister! Seriously!

Let me in!" Emma cried and wriggled her way out of the guards' grip, but the men were strong, and they dragged

her away from the entrance.

"You b*stards! One day, I'm going to enter this place. I'll see if you guys will look down on me then!" Emma growled.

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However, the guards only ignored her, which made her even angrier.

Abigail was thankful that she had purchased a lot in Allie's Garden. The security there was good, so she could

conceal the things that she didn't want the public to see. Emma continued throwing a fit outside for a while more

before someone finally dragged her away. Abigail didn't feel anything about this.

When she saw her new place, she decided that she wouldn't renovate anything else as it fitted her preferences.

After checking through the place, she figured that there were quite a lot of things she had to buy. She placed some

of her items in a safe box before she headed out once more.

Right then, Abigail was jealous of those who had best friends. At least she'd have someone to shop with her that

way. Meanwhile, after Emma was chased off, she hid by the sides and waited for Abigail to come out. When she saw

Abigail, she instantly followed behind Abigail all the way until they arrived at the mall. Then, Emma stepped forward

to stop Abigail.

"Stop blocking my way!" Abigail didn't show a hint of friendliness in her eyes. Emma was furious, but she put on a

smile after thinking about it for a while more. "I'm here because Dad told me to pay you a visit, Abigail."

"What do you guys want this time?" Abigail didn't wish to talk about Philip at all. Philip had never cared about

Abigail's well-being, so he must want something from her. Furthermore, since Emma had shown up at Allie's

Garden, it meant that she had been stalking her. Perhaps Dad is planning to ask me for money after seeing that I

bought a place in Allie's Garden.

Although Abigail didn't want to think of her father that way, she was pretty certain that she was right. After seeing

how rude Abigail was, Emma no longer bothered to act nice. Her face sank into a frown as she spoke. "How should I

know? He mentioned something about your mom. I don't care if you go—my job was just to pass the message,"

Emma said before turning to leave.

Abigail frowned. Did she say it's about my mom? Stanley hasn't given me the information I wanted yet, but is Philip

more anxious than I am? Or could he be thinking of using this as a means to blackmail me? Abigail's eyes

narrowed. He played a good move this time, she thought. The one thing I want to know the most is where my

mother is. After giving it more thought, she packed her items and returned to Allie's Garden just in time to bump

into Greg.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with the place?" Greg asked.

"It's good. I have to leave now, so please take care of the kids until I'm back. Call me once Alissa is awake, okay?"

Greg nodded in response. "Where are you going? Is it a dangerous place? Do you need me to get a few men to go

with you?" he asked.

"No need. I'm just going to Kain's Residence," she uttered. She didn't have to tell him anything, but for some

reason, it slipped out of her mouth.