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Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 261 To Overlook The Obvious
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Rider chuckled with his hands on his waist as he walked over in her direction.

Gwen was quick to side step a bodyguard in front of her, snatch his gun and step forward standing her ground to aim at Rider's forehead. Her face was stone cold having taken offense to his comment.

"Well if you know who I represent, then you should know that that attitude will only send you running back to Hothead with your tail tucked between your legs like the little mutt of his you are." She chuckled in less than amusement when she saw his attitude quickly get replaced by a cold one. He was now in front of her and she boldly kissed the tip of her gun at his forehead. "That is..... if I my mood is good enough to spare the useless excuse you call your existence."

Being offended was one thing, but she expected him to flinch or show a hint of fear with her pointing the gun to his head, yet the man didn't budge. He slowly nodded, digesting everything she said.

"Hmm, now there's a famous saying that goes: it's important to know when you've been beaten", he nodded at his men for her to have a look. "And your other men have been caught already. Think about it, less crimes being added to your list means paperwork for me; it's a win-win. How's that instead?"

While she took in the armed men in uniform that had outnumbered them, Peter had long fallen mute from the fear he was facing. His life literally was in Gwen's hands. What would she do? Peter and the bodyguards all wondered the same thing.

"I'll take that", the team lead took the gun from her like it was candy from a baby and turned his back to walk away. "Arrest them."

He heard the men act on his command ad he walked going to the entrance where they had parked their cars. He had barely taken ten steps away from them and disappeared into a corridor with no one in sight to watch his legs give out and he slumped to the floor.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" He squeezed his eyes shut while his one shaking hand felt the rapid beating of his heart. "That was- ooooooooh shit!" He secured a connection with Henry.

"Give me some good news!" Henry's voice was full of urgency as it echoed in his ears.

"I almost peed myself! My hands won't stop shaking!" He looked at the one holding Gwen's gun and the free one. He dropped the gun, afraid his fingers would slip. "I can't believe I just did that!"

"You're afraid of Gwen? Then you wouldn't want to face the King right now!" A colleague answered in dread.

"Why?" He sat up, getting his attention caught by the remark. "What's happening over there?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


The sound was so sudden and so loud it almost made Rider's soul jump out of his body only to be followed by deadly silence. His heart now started beating twice the times than when he had been scared by his exchange with Gwen.

"Hello? Sir?"


"Can anyone hear me?" He found his strength and stood up onto his two feet, anxiety eating away at him as each second ticked by.


"Hello? What's going on over there? anybody say something?"

"Sir?" A colleague called out seeming disturbed and in disbelief.

"Oh! Thank God! What happened?" Rider asked anxiously.

"He's.... He's dead..... isn't he?" The colleague continued.

"He's insane...", Another one responded in the same tone.

"Who's dead? Who's insane? Can someone say something? What's going on over there?!!!" Rider wished he could teleport to the scene to get answers.

In that moment, the other agents were loading up everyone they had caught in the different vans. However, no one saw the sky smile playing on her lips....

Early on.....

When Hot Head had dispatched his team to take down the Dark Waters and their little scheme, he split the team into two with him leading one and the other by Rider. Their source had alerted them that The King was not there, the goods had left and Gwen and her team would soon be leaving the factory.

"Although the goods are set for distribution, I have a feeling that at least one of these will lead us to him", Hot Head mused.

"Would he be that stupid?" A colleague asked.

"Wouldn't he want us to overlook the obvious?" Hothead arched an amused brow at him.

He nodded though he seemed skeptical about it. Why did everything feel a bit........ too easy? Uneasiness was slowly seeping into his bones. But duty called, he brushed away the thoughts and let the adrenaline rush take over!

"Reporting to Hot Head, ten identical trucks have been sighted on the xxxx road."

"We're on our way and I need that road cleared. No civilians on site!" He barked!

He did not need to repeat his command because everything he said when communication was secure, it was automatically transmitted to his other men in the other cars.

The five black SUVs were all seen switching lanes and making a u-turn before increasing their speed going to their new destination. The civillains around the area watched in awe at this scene until the cars disappeared.

"Whoa!" One colleague said under his breath when the trucks came into sight as they gained up on them.They had taken up the space in the four lanes, all driving at the same speed

One colleague sucked in a breath as confusion settled on his face. "Is it... just me or are they..... slowing down?"

"What is this f*cker upto?" One of them grunted in displeasure.

Henry's brows were furrowed, he too was annoyed and confused. However, his face quickly turned expressionless. "Men, this is the King we're dealing with."

Everyone got the message: Anything could happen. Instead of getting too close, they also slowed down and maintained a safe distance.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Alright men- argh!" He quickly removed his earpiece like it was on fire.


"What is that ringing sound?" He looked at the thing in irritation.

"What ringing sound?" One of them asked mirroring everyone else's confusion. He leaned closer to Henry and hooked the little thing into his ear. "I don't hear anything."

"What?" Henry took it and hooked it back on. Total silence. The man confused. "Did you all really not hear any ringing sound?"



"I think.... I may have heard a signal disruption but I didn't think much of it."

The others agreed. Henry's brows furrowed in displeasure. What's going on?

"Sir, the others are waiting for your orders."

An unsettling feeling crept into his guts but he brushed it off. Aren't all missions nerve-wracking? However, that sound and signal disruption..... He needed to make sure everyone was on board and nothing changed.

"All teams report."

Silence. They all looked at each other before looking at the other SUVs.

"All teams report", he repeated. "Team-"

"Don't bother Hot Head, it's just you and me!"