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One Night With My Alpha Professor by Eve Above Story

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154 Audrey As autumn break approached, I found myself finishing up my midterm exams and preparing for a much-needed week off of classes. The campus buzzed with excitement, students eagerly discussing their plans for the harvest feast.

I, however, felt a bit less enthusiastic. Especially after visiting my parents a couple of weeks prior, who hadn't reached out since then. Not that they ever contactedanyway, but I supposed a tiny, hopeful part ofhad imagined that they would at least want to know more about my new life as a werewolf.

"Are you sure you won't chwithfor the feast?" Tina asked as we left our last exam.

Her voice was hopeful, just like every year.

I sighed, adjusting my bag on my shoulder. "Thanks, Tina, but you know how I feel about the harvest feast. It just remindsof what I never had growing up. I'd rather stay here." "With Edwin?" She c**ked her head.

A slight blush colored my cheeks, but I shook my head. "Even if we weren't together, you know I'd still avoid the harvest feast." Tina sighed, looking exasperated. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd come, she insisted. "I'm... I'm planning on coming out to my parents. I can't do it alone, Audrey. Please?" I felt my stomach drop. "Oh, Tina." "Ask Edwin if he wants to come, too, if that would make it easier on you," she added quickly. "I just really need. Please, Audrey. I don't think I can face them without you." you there.

Looking at her pleading face, I knew I couldn't refuse my friend. Not with something like this. "Okay, okay. I'll come. But only because you need me." Tina threw her arms around me, squeezingso tight I could hardly breathe. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I made my way to Edwin's office after that, where I found him finishing up sgrading before the break. I perched on the edge of his desk and watched him work, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt as his pen scratched over the paper.

"What is it?" He shotan amused look. "You're going to wreck your shirt if you keep pulling at that thread." Blushing, I quickly stopped my fidgeting and clasped my hands in my lap "Would you like to cto Tina's house for the harvest feast this weekend? She invited both of us." Edwin leaned back in his chair, frowning slightly. I'm sorry, love, but I have sbusiness matters to attend to. I won't be able to make it." Disappointment washed over me. Without a word, I slid off the desk and into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes, and I felt myself relax against him. "I wish you could come," I murmured.

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"I know," he said, kissing my forehead. "But we can have our own harvest feast when you get back." He paused, those gray eyes flickering the briefest golden as they wandered my body. "Clothing optional. He winked, smirking.

I whacked his shoulder, but we both laughed. He pulledcloser, kissingdeeply, "It's a date, then." 1/3 Chapter 154 П The next day. Tina and I loaded our bags into her car and began the two-hour drive to her parents' place; they lived further cast in a little suburb tucked into the hills.

I'd visited a few times over the summers, and it was nice. Tina had a big room that we could both share for nights on end, and a htheater in the basement where we watched movies on the big screen and stuffed ourselves with popcorn.

But I doubted it would be like that this time, if Tina's parents reacted to the news in the way I expected them to.

"I can't stress enough how much it means that you're coming with me, Tina said as we drove through the winding hills. "I know it's not easy for you, but..." I offered her a small smile. "I guess we're both doing things that aren't easy for us this year." "We sure are," Tina said, leaning forward to turn up the radio. "But we've still got a few hours before we have to. Until then.." Grinning impishly, she blasted the raon max volas we sped-through the hills. We sang and laughed until our throats. were raw and our faces were sore.

A couple of hours later, we were pulling into the perfectly-manicured driveway. The sky was dark already, and the golden glow of the lights from inside were a welcsight At least, normally they were. But tonight. I knew how homophobic Tina's parents were. How much they cared about appearances.

And I knew how tonight would go down.

Tina's parents burst out of the house before we could even get out of the car. Her mother, a bubbly woman with Tina's red hair, immediately engulfed us both in a hug.

"Oh, girls! We're so glad you're here!" she exclaimed. "Audrey, honey, I've heard about... You know. I can't believe you're a werewolf!" I felt my cheeks flush. "I still can't believe it, either." Tina's father, a tall man with a stern face, helped us with our bags. "Good to see you again, Audrey," he said with a nod. His nostrils flared slightly, as if picking up something... off about my scent. But whatever it was, he didn't say anything.

As we settled into the bedroom, I could feel Tina's nervous energy. She kept pacing and chewing her nails until they were almost nubs. Downstairs, the sound of pots and pans banging in the kitchen and a sports gplaying on the TV floated up to us, the scent of roast meat and potatoes making my mouth water.

I hadn't asked Tina why she thought that the harvest feast would be a good tto broach such a sensitive topic until now. "Tina," I said softly, "are you sure you want to do this? Tonight? On a holiday?" She stilled her pacing, her back to me. I could see her shoulders tense a little more. "I have to do it, Audrey, I can't keep living a lie." I let out a small sigh and flopped back onto the bed. "Well, I'm here for you. Whatever happens." After we got settled, we headed downstairs to help. Tina's mother put us to work in the kitchen, and I found myself elbow- deep in pumpkin pie filling before I knew it.

"So, Audrey," Tina's mother said as she rolled out pie crust, "any special young man in your life!* I nearly dropped the bowl I was holding and glanced at Tina, who gavea shrug behind her mother's back. She hadn't told her about Edwin, it seemed.

2/3 2/3 08:58 Fri, Sep 20 Chapter 15: "Oh, um, actually.."I wiped my hands on my apron. "I met my fated mate." Tina's mother's eyes turned into saucers. "So young!" she whirled then and jabbed a finger at Tina. "You know, Tina, it's about tyou start looking for your own fated mate. There's a nice man out there for you somewhere, you know. And you're not getting any younger.

saw Tina's knuckles turn white as she gripped the kitchen counter. Her mouth opened as if she were about to tell her mother everything now, but then she seemed to stop herself.

Finally, she just squeaked out, "I'll find someone. Maybe someone you don't expect." If her mother noticed the implications in that sentence, she certainly didn't show it.

Finally, we all sat down to dinner. The table was laden with dishes: roast turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and of course, the pumpkin pies we had made earlier. It all smelled delicious, and my new ravenous appetite still hadn't been quelled, but my stomach was in knots. It was just the four of us around the table: Tina and I and her parents. They didn't have a large family. Right now, I was glad for that because when the truth finally cout, at least we wouldn't have an audience.

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Tina's father raised his glass. "Before we begin, I'd like to say how thankful I am to have my family bramy greina, we're so proud of you and all you've accomplished at university. And Audrey, you're always welcin our home."

We clinked glasses, and for a moment, everything felt normal. But as we started to eatyl @uld seem Tina's resolve building- could practically smell it on her scent. She barely touched her food, pushing it around her plate. Tina, dear, aren't you hungry?" her mother asked.

Suddenly, Tina set down her fork and took a deep breath. I braced myself.

"Mom, Dad... there's something I need to tell you." The atmosphere in the room shifted instantly. Tina's father stilled, swallowing a gulp of his wine hard. Her mother's hand froze halfway to her mouth, a forkful of turkey suspended in the air.

I could tell, in that moment, that they knew. They had suspected, likely, for stime.

And they knew that their fears would be solidified tonight.

"What is it, sweetie?" her mother asked, her voice tight.

Tina's eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I nodded encouragingly. She squared her shoulders and looked at RULE #1 her parents.

choose married "I'm... I'm g***y.

The words hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. Then, with a clatter that seemed to echo through the silent room, Tina's father dropped his fork. SEND GIFT women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.