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One Night With My Alpha Professor by Eve Above Story

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161 Audrey The familiar facade of Claudia's estate cinto view, pebbled driveway crunching under the car's tires as Edwin pulled in. The windows glowed with golden-yellow lights, music spilling out into the night air. The driveway was packed with expensive sports cars, elegantly-dressed guests mingling in the windows with glasses of champagne in their hands. Despite the light coating of snow dusting the ground outside, the inside of the house looked warm and inviting.

But I felt cold inside, even in the white fur stole that Edwin had givento wrap around my shoulders.

I shivered as I looked out the windshield.

"I can't believe we're doing this," I muttered.

Edwin sighed and put the car in park behind a particularly expensive-looking red Miata and turned to me. "We can still turn around if you really want to." Swallowing hard, I quickly shook my head. "No. I said I would do it, so I will. It's just. I leaned forward to get a better look at the front door, where another couple was making their way inside. There are so many people here." My mate reached over and gripped my trembling hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You'll haveby your side. If you get nervous, just look at me. Not them." 1 nodded and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my racing heart, although it did little to help in the long run. I was terrified.

Ever since Edwin had toldabout his plans to attend Fiona's birthday, we had doubled down on my training. We had spent hours upon hours practicing, pushing my limits until I could slip into his mind with ease.

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The sessions had been exhausting, both m**lly and physically, but I knew they were necessary. My skills were still green, but it was much easier now to read a memory-not just to read it, but to live it as if I were there.

"What if I can't do it?" I whispered, voicing my deepest fear. My voice sounded small, even to my own ears. "What if I freeze up when I see her? Or what if she realizes what's happening and shovesout of her mind?" Edwin turned to face me, his gray eyes serious. The intensity of his gaze made my breath catch, even in the dim light of the car.

"That's why we've practiced, Audrey. You're tougher than you know. You can do it." His words, though designed to soothe me, didn't help much. But I knew that there was no going back now; Fiona was up something dark, and we needed information before it got out of hand.

I took a deep breath and pulled the fur wrap a little tighter around my shoulders. "You're sure this is the right move?" "We need answers about Coldclaw," Edwin said firmly, his jaw set in a hard line. "And she needs to answer for what she did to you. Pushing you off that balcony. She can't get away with attempted murder." I shuddered at the memory, the phantom sensation of falling making my stomach lurch all over again. It hadn't been attempted murder, She had killed me. I'd died for three minutes.

What if she tries something again?" I whispered. My voice shook despite my best efforts to stop it Edwin's hand tightened on mine, his voice low and fierce. "She won't. I won't let her near you. And once we reveal who you really are, no one will dare touch you." 08:35 Sat, Sep 21 & Chapter 161 I looked down at my outfit, smoothing the fabric of my simple pink dress. It fell to my ankles, paired with strappy silver heels that matched the silver locket that had belonged to my adoptive mother-I hadn't taken it off since Edwin had given it to me.

The metal felt cool against my fingers as I touched it. Then, my hand moved to the silver streak in my hair next, which was now carefully hidden behind my ear. The texture was different from the rest, c**ser somehow, Last night, I had carefully washed out all of the dye with Edwin's help. It had taken several washes, and it still wasn't entirely its original color, but... It was obvious now.

I kept it hidden beneath the rest of my hair for now, though.

"I feel so... exposed, I admitted, gesturing to myself. "All this silver. What if someone notices? What if" Before I could finish. Edwin leaned over and kissedsoftly. His lips were warm against mine, tasting faintly of mint. I relaxed instantly. "Stop it. You look beautiful," he murmured, his breath tickling my skin. "Absolutely stunning. And remember the plan-we won't reveal your silver streak or make your eyes glow until the tis right." I nodded, still uncertain. The idea of purposely drawing attention to the part of myself I'd hidden for so long felt terrifying, like a dragon exposing the soft flesh where one missing scale would normally be. "I've never embraced my silver like this before." "I know, love." Edwin pulledclose, his arms strong and comforting around me. I breathed in his scent, letting it calm me. "But you're the Silver Star. It's tto show the world your true self. Aren't you excited to not have to hide anymore?" "Yes, admitted, smiling slightly. "I guess I am." We sat there for a moment, just holding each other. The steady beat of Edwin's heart against my ear helped soothe my frayed nerves. Finally, I took a deep breath and pulled away. "Okay. Let's do this." Hand in hand, we walked up to the front door. The gravel crunched beneath our feet, the sound seeming unnaturally loud in the quiet night air. Before we could knock, it swung open to reveal Claudia, beaming at us. The warm light from inside. spilled out, momentarily blinding me.

"Audrey! Edwin! Oh, I'm so glad you could make it!" She pulledinto a tight hug, her familiar scent washing over me.

"It's good to see you, Claudia," I said, returning the hug. We hadn't seen each other in person since her birthday party, the night everything changed. The night I died. Our meetings had been over video call-and now that I was a werewolf, her scent was that much sweeter.

That much more.. familiar.

So, so familiar.

Claudia pulled back, her eyes widening as she tookin. I wondered if she felt that familiarity, too. But her gaze traveled over me, noting every change. "Oh my, Audrey! You look... different. More womanly somehow. Absolutely gorgeous!" 1 blushed, ducking my head. The compliment, while kind, madefeel even more self-conscious. "Thank you." "Cin, cin!" Claudia ushered us inside, still gushing. The warmth of the house enveloped us, along with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. A butler took my fur wrap, exposing my bare shoulders.

*I can't believe how much you've changed in just a couple of months," Claudia mused as we made our way inside. "You really look like you've cinto your own. You're glowing" Claudia turned to me, beaming, and gave my hand a squeeze. At that moment, my wolf suddenly perked up. A word echoed through my mind.

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2/8 08:35 Sat, Sep 21 Chapter 161 "Mother." D

I froze, my eyes wide. The world seemed to tilt for a moment, everything going slightly out Claudia didn't seently out of focus.

n't seem to notice, still chattering away as she huggedagain. But this time. I found it hard to let go. Something about her felt right. The softness of her embrace, the scent of her perfume...

As we pulled apart again, Claudia's gaze fell on my locket. Her hand reached out, touching ( Dgently m flinched worried she'd be upset about the silver. But to my surprise, she just smiled softly, a faraway look in her eyes.. "Funny," she murmured, tracing the heart shape. "I used to have one just like that."

Before I could process what that meant, Claudia was already moving on. The moment passed, leavingreeling. If she felt the sthing I had, then she certainly gave no indication. "I need to check on the cake. Make yourselves at home!" And with that, she was gone, disappearing into the crowd of well-dressed guests.

I just stood there, stunned, mouth hanging open. The noise of the party faded into a dull roar as my mind raced, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Mother... Mother...

How? It didn't make any sense. Surely my wolf was mistaken, but- Edwin touched my arm, yankingout of my reverie. "You alright?" his voice echoed in my mind.

I turned to him, my mind reeling. My mouth opened and closed, struggling to form words. "Edwin, I-" But before I could explain, a familiar voice cut through the air, just as cold and sharp as I remembered. "Ah, my honored guests." X Like RICH WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming these rich. women will persue you.