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One Night With My Alpha Professor by Eve Above Story

Chapter 190
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Chapter 190 Audrey "Wait, what?" I dug my heels in, my shoes scraping on the marble floors of the museum, as Edwin usheredtoward the exit. "I don't want to go." "I'm sorry, but we have to," Edwin insisted. "Fiona cannot be trusted. I don't want to risk you getting hurt by her again." "But Edwin-" "No buts. We're leaving. Now." I felt hot tears p**k at the backs of my eyes as we got back into the car and drove. away from the museum. The beautiful dresses, the inspiration I had been feeling, the brief moment of normalcy-all of it was slipping away.

So fast. Too soon.

"I promise we'll go on another date soon," Edwin said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. "Somewhere safer." I was too upset to respond, turning to stare out the window instead. The city lights. blurred as we sped through the streets, although whether from the speed or the tears in my eyes, I couldn't tell.

Back at the apartment, Edwin locked the door tightly behind us, the multiple clicks of the deadbolt echoing in the quiet space. He moved through the rooms like he was on a mission, checking and securing all the windows even though he normally left them open to let in the fresh air.

"Edwin," I said as I followed him from room to room, "why are you acting like this? Fiona had guards with her. She has a tracker in her phone. She's under constant surveillance. It's very unlikely she's a threat anymore, at least until her sentence is over.

Edwin turned to me, his eyes dark with worry. "We can't be too sure of that, Audrey. I think Fiona might be up to something. She might still be in communication with Coldclaw. Showing up like that, out of the blue.. For all we know, she's feeding them. your location as we speak." I sighed as I watched him run to another window, lock it tightly, and snap the curtains shut. "Don't you think you're being a bit paranoid?" I asked. "We're back in the city now, not 1/4 12:37 Mon, Sep 23 Chapter 190 CH 69%0 like before when I walked through the woods alone. And I still do combat training four times a week with you. Sure, I can't shift yet, but I'm not a child. I don't need to be locked away." "Audrey, please." Edwin said, his voice softening as he approached me. "I'm sorry for ending our date carly. I just... I worry about you. Can you promiseyou'll stay by my side for a while? Just until we're sure everything's okay? I'll send Charles out first thing tomorrow to survey the area. It won't be long!" For a moment, I just looked into his eyes. There was nothing but concern there, concern that thrummed down our bond as well, hot and heavy. I had to physically resist the pull of his memories, knowing that I might accidentally be thrust back into his head. from the night I had fallen.

"Okay." I finally said, throwing my hands up in the air. "I'll stay by your side." Relief washed over Edwin's face, and he pulledinto a tight hug. "Thank you," he murmured, pressing a warm kiss against the top of my head. "I promise it'll be quick. Just a week at the most." "Okay." But I wasn't sure how true that really was.

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Over the following week, Edwin stayed true to his word. He remained by my side at almost all times, droppingoff and pickingup from every class I attended. The only tI was out of his sight was when I was actually in class.

At first, I tried to understand. I knew he was worried-terrified, even, that I might be taken from him again like the night of Claudia's birthday. I knew that the visions I'd had of silver arrows terrified him as well, as if they would suddenly ctrue.

But as one week turned into two, I began to feel stifled. The constant supervision, the lack of personal space-it was all adding to my already high stress levels. Even simple tasks like going to the library or grabbing coffee between classes beccomplicated. ordeals. I didn't see my friends, hardly even had a moment to myself. Friday night of the second week arrived, and Edwin prepared a special dinner, setting up candles on the table. The apartment smelled like delicious food and wine. He said he wanted to helprelax, to make everything up to me.

I should have been happy, and on the surface, I was. I put on a smile and sent love and affection down the bond. But deep down, I wasn't happy at all.

We had dinner and watched a movie, snuggled up together beneath a blanket on the 12.38 Mon, Sep 23 Chapter 10 couch. As the credits rolled, Edwin leaned in to kiss me, his lips soft and insistent against mine. His hands roamed my body, leaving trails of heat in their wake. We began to make love on the sofa, our clothes quickly discarded.

I tried to lose myself in the sensation of his touch, to forget about the stress and tension. of the past week. For a moment, it worked. The feel of his skin against mi, the familiar rhythm of our bodies moving together, the sensation of his warm member fillingand hittingin all the right spots-it was comforting. Exciting.

But just as I was about to reach my peak, something happened.

Or rather, nothing happened. Like turning the faucet and nothing more than a drip coming out.

My back had been arched, lips parted in pleasure. But I stopped, unable to hide the crease between my brows. "Cfor me," Edwin murmured into my car, oblivious to the loss of my climax.

"Edwin," I said, gently pushing at his chest. My voice sounded strained even town ears. "I'm sorry, I need to stop." He immediately pulled back, concem etched into his face. His chest heaved as he caught his breath, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" I shook my head, avoiding his gaze. The room suddenly felt too warm, the blanket too close around our bodies. "No, it's not that. I'm just... tired. I don't think I can come." I knew what the truth really was: I was stressed and unhappy and it made it impossible to finish. But I couldn't bring myself to tell him that. I didn't want to hurt his feelings or start an argument.

So I stuck with the simple explanation: I was tired.

"Oh. That's okay," Edwin said, although I could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice. He gently pulled out ofand planted a kiss against my lips. "I understand." "Are you sure?" I asked, glancing down at his still-hard member. "I can make you-" "You're tired," he said softly, sitting up and reaching for his boxers. "Let's just get ready for bed." And we did just that. Maybe sleep was all I needed, I told myself as we slipped into bed. and Edwin draped his arm protectively over me.

12 38 Mon, Sep 23 CG.

Chapter 190 But sleep cluded me.

Edwin was fast asleep behind me, his chest rising and falling gently. Normally, I would have been content to just lay there and listen to his breathing until sleep took me, too. But not tonight. Tonight, the closed curtains felt restricting, as if the walls were closing in on me. His arm felt heavy across my waist. I needed to breathe.

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Nothing bad had happened all week. Surely, a short walk wouldn't hurt anyone. Just a few minutes alone...

Avis didn't live far. She was only two e blocks away, and she was a night owl, so I knew she would still bem awake, likely working on client orders. That was what I would do; I would walk over there, chat for a bit and chome. Edwin wouldn't even know I left, and if he did wake up...

He'd understand. Because everything would be fine. Nothing bad would happen.

I was just visiting my friend, that's all.

Carefully, I extricated myself from Edwin's arms, holding my breath as he stirred. slightly before settling back into sleep. The s was dark, but my eyes had adjusted enough to make out the shapes of furniture. I dressed quickly and novelenglish.net! Read the latest quietly. The content is on chapter there! With one last glance at Edwin's sleeping form, I slipped out of the bedroom and made. my way to the front door.

My hand hesitated on the doorknob for a moment, guilt temporarily taking over me. Maybe I shouldn't- No. I needed to. Otherwise, I might explode.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the k**b and stepped out into the night.

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