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One Wild Night

Chapter 366 Restroom Gossips
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Chapter 366 Restroom Gossips

  One part of Lucy's menstrual cycle that she hated the most was the part that involved her having to use the restroom more often than was necessary because of her diarrhea. 

  As a result of this, twenty minutes before the close of work for the day, Lucy was seated in the toilet in the last stall of the restroom for the fifth time that day, trying to relieve her bowel before leaving. 

  Lucy smiled in satisfaction as she watched the video which Harry had sent her earlier. It was the recording of Tom and Anita's conversation, and attached to it were four simple words. For your eyes only.

  From the looks of it, she could say that Tom had handled it perfectly. She would never have imagined that Anita was capable of looking so embarrassed. 

  She replayed the video and giggled each time Harry made a funny sound, especially when she listened to his closing statement about people learning to have some pride. She forwarded the video to Sonia with a message reminding her once again not to forget to call her the moment she got home. 

  She had tried to reach Sonia after Amy left her office earlier, but her number had been unreachable, so she had sent a long text telling her how much she loved her and how happy she was that Sonia would be moving down to Ludus soon. She also told her that she would be forever thankful that she had an amazing and loyal friend like her. 

  Deciding that she had spent too much time in the restroom, she put away her phone and quickly cleaned up. After flushing the toilet, she began to adjust her clothes, ready to leave, when she heard the sound of feminine laughter followed by a statement she suspected was related to her, "Did you see the way she grabbed his butt yesterday?"

  Okay, maybe it wasn't time to leave yet, Lucy decided as she silently returned to her toilet seat. Although she knew the saying that eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves, she liked to believe that it was rude to interrupt an ongoing conversation by announcing her presence. Nah. She owed it to them to hear what they had to say about her, especially as they had come to her. She hadn't gone to them. 

  "Who didn't see that? She must think she owns the man now simply because he announced their relationship to the world," another said, sounding more annoyed than Lucy thought was necessary.

  Yeah, I own him! Care to know what I named him too? Lucy mused with a smirk.

  "I wonder what she's going to do today. I want to be outside to see them leave together," the first lady said with a giggle.

  I guess I'll have to give you a show. I shouldn't disappoint my fans.

  "What for? Please don't give them any attention. That relationship won't last, trust me," the second lady said with a scoff. 

  Don't bet on it!

  "C'mon! Don't say something like that. She's lucky, though. I can't believe she came here barely a month ago, and she hijacked the CEO from us who have been here," the first lady said.

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  Yes, I am. Lucy nodded in agreement. 

  "Luck? Do you really believe that luck has anything to do with it? I heard that she asked to be made the CEOs assistant, and that was how she seduced him," the second lady said maliciously.

  Asked who to be an assistant? Seduced who? I wish you knew half of it! Lucy thought with a roll of her eyes. 

  "I don't think that's what happened. Didn't you watch the interview? They met at a club before she even knew his true identity. And she even said she didn't know that her boyfriend was her boss." the first lady reminded the second lady, who seemed eager to say only the worst things about Lucy.

  Tell it to her, gurl! Lucy nodded in approval.

  "Do you really expect them to tell the world the truth that she seduced him? Of course, they came up with that story! What is this? A fairytale movie or a romance ? How naive can you be to believe that you would be in a relationship with a man and not know he is your boss? There will always be signs," The second lady countered. 

  Dumb ass thinks she's smart! Yes, bitch, it's my fairytale! Lucy thought and almost giggled when she realized she had thought of that in Sonia's voice. Sonia was such a terrible influence.

  "Not if he is pretending to be your driver and you've never seen your boss' face," the first lady reminded her partner.

  That's a smart girl! Lucy wished she could see the face of this wise lady.

  "You can buy that cock and bull story all you want. I'm not buying that shit!"

  Nobody wants to sell shit to you either, and that's why you're so bitter!

  "What is there not to buy? We all saw 'Tom', her driver, drop her off at work and pick her up daily. I even winked at him once, not knowing he was the CEO," the first lady said with a giggle. 

  You should stop being friends with her. She's going to infect you with her foolishness. 

  "As I said, I'm not buying it. I think they both acted a well-written script for the public. Did you see her this morning with Mr. Jonas? They seemed so friendly. It's possible this whole thing was a plan between her and Mr. Jonas to seduce the CEO, and now that they have succeeded, she convinced the CEO to make Mr. Jonas a Co-CEO."

  Lucy, whose legs were beginning to feel cramped because of the extra time she spent sitting there and listening to their gossip, decided that she had heard enough.

  Talking about her was something she could ignore, even though Sonia had advised her to face head-on anyone that so much as spewed nonsense concerning her relationship with Tom after she told her about Cora's nonsense the previous day. But talking about Harry like that? Nah. She wasn't going to stay still.

  She wasn't one to calmly listen to anyone talk about her loved ones or friends in that manner. Harry was her friend. A very good friend at that who had even become a videographer for her sake. 

  "What is this? Please don't start spreading such baseless rumors around the company if you don't want to lose your job. Why do you seem so bitter about it anyway? Loosen up. She is lucky!" The first lady scolded her friend as Lucy opened the door and stepped out of the toilet stall.

  The first lady gasped in surprise since she was the first to see Lucy, and her partner looked equally stunned when she saw Lucy, as it occurred to them that not only had they had an audience, but that the audience had been the subject of their gossip. 

  Lucy approached them with slow yet deliberate steps, not bothering to pretend like she hadn't overheard their conversation or like she wasn't affected by what they had said. Being an introvert and liking to keep to herself didn't mean she didn't have a quick temper or know how to confront annoying people.

  Lucy had a smirk on her face as she ignored them and went to stand in front of the mirror. She hung her handbag beside the mirror as she washed her hands while both ladies hurriedly packed their make-up into the bag, wanting to leave quickly. 

  Lucy waited until they had gotten to the door before speaking, "I hope you will be able to defend everything you just said before Mr. Jonas? I made sure to record every single statement." she lied as she watched them through the mirror, and to her satisfaction, their face paled, and they gasped in unison as they turned to look at her. 

  "I... We didn't mean any of that," the lady who had been badmouthing her rushed to say.

  "I'm sorry." The other pleaded, scared that she would lose her job like their colleague who, Tom had fired the previous weekend. 

  Lucy took her time to clean her hands with tissue paper and then dumped it in the trashcan before picking up her handbag from where she had hung it. And then she slowly turned to look at them, "You called one of the CEOs a liar, and you accused the other CEO of using the CEO's girlfriend to get a promotion," she said with a cool smile, but both ladies shook their head.

  "We didn't mean that," the first lady pleaded. 

  "I will let the CEOs be the judge of that," Lucy said as she brushed past the both of them, making sure to push her way through the tiny space between them. 

  "Please forgive us. Please, I have a sick mother to care for. I can't afford to lose my job," the second lady pleaded, beads of sweat already coating her forehead as they rushed after Lucy. 

  "You should have thought of her before speaking so boldly about something you know about," Lucy said as she reached for the doorknob.

  Once she turned it, she glanced over the shoulder at the second lady who had said her relationship wouldn't last, since from their voices, she was able to tell them apart, "Did you say my relationship won't last? I will have to make sure it lasts longer than your job," Lucy threatened before walking away while both ladies ran after her, begging for their jobs. 

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  While they were doing that, Tom drove into the company premises and parked the car in front of the office building.

  Harry turned to Tom as he unbuckled his seatbelt, ready to get out of the car, "I will meet you in your office after I..."

  "Nah, I'm not going in," Tom cut in before Harry could finish. 

  He didn't see any need to return to his office since it was just a few minutes before the close of work, so he sat back, relaxed in his seat as he waited for Lucy to finish up and join him.

  "Why not?" Harry asked curiously, and Tom grinned, knowing that his response was going to irritate Harry. 

  "It's almost closing hours, and my Jewel would be down soon. I'm waiting to take my Jewel home. I don't want to keep my Jewel waiting by going inside," Tom said, deliberately repeating his pet name for Lucy since he had noticed that Harry eyed him distastefully every time he did that. 

  As expected, Harry scowled, "You sure know how to overdo things. Do you know this is the twentieth time you've said 'My Jewel' in the last two hours?" Harry asked with a hiss, and Tom chuckled. 

  "I didn't realize you were keeping count. That means I mention her every..." He paused and closed his eyes briefly before opening them again, "Every six minutes? That's not enough. I should say it more often then," Tom said, and Harry eyed him distastefully, suspecting that Tom was doing it deliberately to make him envious so he would start seriously thinking about being in a relationship too.

  "Nonsense. You deserve Anita," Harry hissed, and Tom laughed. 

  "We both know you don't mean that," he said as he slapped Harry's shoulder, but Harry slapped his hand off. 

  "I do."

  "Don't hate on me, bro! It comes naturally with being in a satisfying relationship, but you wouldn't know now, would you?" Tom asked with a grin, and Harry hissed as he got out of the car and banged the door shut, making Tom roar with laughter.

  "You have become very annoying since you started dating Lucy." Harry glared at Tom, who also got out of the car and looked at him over the car's roof.

  "I hope to see you become this annoying sometime in the nearest future, my friend," Tom said with a chuckle.

  Harry ignored him as he turned to leave but stopped when he remembered something, "You remember dinner by 7 PM, right?" Harry asked grudgingly. 

  "I'm still thinking about it," Tom said with a grin, and Harry snorted as he walked away.