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One Wild Night

Chapter 396: Who Is Harry?
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Chapter 396: Who Is Harry?

"Tell me, Lu. Did something happen while you were in the bedroom with Aaron?" Tom asked again when it seemed to him like Lucy was taking too long to answer his first question.         


Lucy bit her lower lip as she contemplated telling him the truth. Although she was trying to be fair to Aaron, but putting herself on Tom's shoe as well, she knew she would definitely want him to tell her the truth if he was the one that heard Sonia's father say something in his sleep that might help Sonia understand what was going on with her father.      

"He was crying in his sleep and calling out to someone named Sara," Lucy said, deciding to tell him the truth, and immediately Tom stepped on the brake pedal abruptly causing the car come to a screeching halt.     

His sudden action made Lucy's heart skip a beat, and the car behind them, which almost rammed into theirs honked at them angrily.     

"What exactly did he say?" Tom asked, ignoring the angry blares of horn behind him.     

Lucy called out an apology to the driver who was swearing at Tom as he drove past them, before looking at Tom, "Are you trying to get us killed? We are in the middle of the road," Lucy reminded him, alarmed by his action.     

"I'm sorry," Tom said as he drove away from there until he found a safe spot to park by the side of the road. Once he parked the car, he turned it off before turning to look at Lucy.     

"Did he say anything else?" Tom asked, and when he saw something flicker in Lucy's eyes, he frowned.      

"You weren't going to say anything about this had I not asked?" Tom asked, not pleased that she had been planning to withhold such important information about his best friend's father from him.     

"I wasn't sure it was in my place to say anything. I'm still not sure I'm doing the right thing either. I don't think Aaron would be pleased to know that I was there while he slept and I heard whatever he said in his sleep. I know I wouldn't be pleased to know someone eavesdropped on my private thoughts while I slept, and not only eavesdropped but told others about it," Lucy said, and the edges around Tom's eyes hardened.      

"I am others to you? You consider me on the same level as others?" Tom asked, and Lucy frowned at him.     

"That's not what I meant, Tom. Don't twist my words or try to misunderstand me. If you were in Aaron's shoes would you want this?" Lucy asked, and Tom took a deep breath.      

"Let me ask you a question. If Harry was Sonia, and you were me, how would you want me to handle this? Would you be pleased if I kept something like this away from you? No explanations. Just a yes or no would do," Tom said, and Lucy sighed as she looked at him.     

"No. I know what you mean. I understand."     

"Good. If you do, then tell me what you heard. You can't keep whatever you heard to yourself, Lu. This is not only important to Harry, it is important to me too. If something affects Harry, it affects me as well. And I like to believe you consider my problem as yours in the same manner. If you heard anything in Aaron's bedroom that might help us understand what is going on with Aaron, you should say so," Tom said, and Lucy took a deep breath.     

"You don't think this is the same as breaking into Aaron's phone? I heard Harry tell you that he wants to trust his father and hear whatever it is directly from him," Lucy said, and Tom shrugged.     

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"That is Harry. I'm not Harry. If it affects Harry, it affects me and I have to find a way to fix it. Harry would do the same for me," Tom said, and Lucy sighed.      

"I don't have to tell Harry anything about it. I will find a way to fix it for both Harry and Aaron," Tom promised, and Lucy gave him a nod.     

"I don't think it's as easy as you think. I'm confused. I heard you and Harry talking about a Sara that has been calling Aaron. I'm not sure it's the same Sara that Aaron was talking about in his sleep," Lucy said, and Tom raised a brow.     

"What do you mean?"     

"I think the Sara, Aaron was talking about is Harry's mother or maybe Aaron was married to someone else before they had Harry. And that Sara bore a daughter for Aaron," Lucy said, and Tom frowned as she relayed the words to him exactly the way Aaron had said it.      

"Maybe it's not the same Sara. Harry's mother died when Harry was a baby. Besides, Harry's late mother's name was Bella, not Sara," Tom said thoughtfully.     

"It depends. I couldn't tell if he was heartbroken because she died or she left him. Let's assume she left him. If that's the case, it could be the same Sara who is calling him now. Maybe she is an ex who he knew before Harry's mother, and she is trying to come back to his life?" Lucy suggested instead.     

"But according to Aaron, Harry's mother was his only one true love," Tom countered.      

"That doesn't mean he wasn't romantically involved with other women before he met her. After all, you can say that I'm your one true love, but you have also been involved with other women in the past before me," Lucy reminded Tom, and although he wanted to argue, he knew that she had a point.     

"But if that is the case, and she is just his ex trying to reunite with him, why is he trying so hard to hide it from Harry?" Tom asked no one in particular.         


"On second thought, he could only have been this hurt if Sara was his first love. He cried and begged in his sleep for her not to leave. What if he lied about Harry's mother being his first love and this Sara lady is actually his first love and that's why he's hiding her from Harry? Maybe he doesn't want Harry to find out that he lied about Harry's mother being his first love. That could be why he was apologizing to Harry in his sleep," Lucy said thoughtfully.      

"It doesn't make sense. Why would he lie about something like that? And why does she keep calling when he doesn't want to speak with her? Or does it have anything to do with the daughter he mentioned?" Tom asked, and Lucy sighed.      

"Why don't we continue this conversation at home after dinner?" Lucy said when she glanced at her wristwatch, and saw that the time was almost 8 PM already.      

"You're right. Jamal needs to go to bed by ten," Tom said when he suddenly remembered that Jamal was probably still waiting for them, and he resumed driving.     

As expected, Jamal was waiting by the foot of the stairs when they got home, and immediately he saw them he ran up to embrace Lucy.     

"I kept trying to convince him to have his dinner, but he insisted on waiting to eat with you both," Samantha said as she joined them.     

"We kept you waiting, didn't we? I'm sorry," Lucy said with a bright smile as she crouched down in front of hims and kissed his cheek.     

"It's fine. I'm glad you're here now," Jamal said with an embarrassed smile as he raised both hands to his cheeks.     

"I guess only females receive hugs from you," Tom said dryly, and both Lucy and Samantha laughed as Jamal looked up at him and went to embrace him.     

"Are you going out after dinner? Or can we playing games tonight?" Jamal asked hopefully.     

"We can play games after dinner," Tom assured him.     

"When are you calling my mom? You promised to call her," Jamal reminded them, and they exchanged a look.     

"We can do so now," Tom said before looking at Lucy, "You can go in to freshen up while I call his mom. If I don't join you by the time you're done, then come down for dinner," Tom said, since he knew Lucy still needed privacy to change.     

"Alright. Why don't I take those to the bedroom?" She asked as she took his suit jacket and the documents he was holding from him.      

Tom tugged off his tie and handed it to her too, "Thank you."     

"I will be back shortly," she told Jamal before walking away.     

"I will set the table," Samantha said as she left, and Jamal and Tom also walked over to sit at the Den. Once they were seated, Tom dialed Jade's line.     

Away from there, in Aurora's spa, Jade tried not to grit her teeth as Aurora went on and on about Harry and her plans to capture his heart when she meets him again.      

"How about you accompany me shopping this weekend? I need to get some new clothes for my trip," Aurora said, but Jade shook her head.      

"Can't. I will be busy with work," Jade said as she glanced at the wall clock in Aurora's office, wondering why Candace wasn't out yet.      


She couldn't believe that Aurora had been chattering endlessly for over an hour already and all she was saying revolved around Harry. She wished she could shut the woman up or change the subject, but every time she changed the subject, Aurora always found a way to take it back.      

"Oh, that's such a shame! So when can I get his t-shirt from you? He says it's his favorite t-shirt and he can't sleep without it," Aurora said, and Jade was almost tempted to snort at that. Favorite shirt my ass.      

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"Now that I think about it, I don't think the t-shirt is in the closet. I had them clean up his suite yesterday, and I didn't see anything in the closet when I moved my stuff into it. You know I'm staying in his bedroom," Jade said wanting to get a rise from Aurora.     

Aurora raised a brow, "You're staying in Harry's bedroom? Is he aware of that?" Aurora asked, and Jade smiled sweetly.         


"Sure, he is. We were staying there together alone the last time you visited, remember?" Jade asked, hoping that would turn Aurora off, but Aurora smiled.     

"Harry must really adore you as a little sister to be looking out for you this way. It's a very attractive attribute," Aurora said, disappointing Jade.     

"When next he calls you, help me tell him I had them to throw it out already. I didn't know the shirt was so important to him," Jade said with a bright smile.     

"You asked them to throw it out? That's so sad. I don't think Harry is going to like that. Can you tell me what the shirt looks like? Maybe I can get him a new one. That might just help me score a brownie point with him," Aurora said with a thoughtful smile, and Jade tried not to scowl.     

"Do you love him that much?" Jade asked, wanting to see if it would be possible to discourage Aurora from trying so hard to win Harry's heart.      

Aurora giggled, "Love? C'mon, Jade! You don't expect me to have fallen in love so easily with him already, do you? I'm not that naive. From all I heard from you and from what I've read about him on the internet, he's a very decent guy. I confirmed that the last time I met him so I think he will make a great partner for me. He's someone I know I can grow to love. I'm trying to make things work between us, but for now it's solely physical attraction on my part," Aurora said, and Jade almost sighed in relief.      

"Oh, that's great! It's always a good start," Jade said with a nod.     

As long as Aurora wasn't in love with Harry yet, that was a good enough for her. She knew for a fact that Harry wasn't going to touch Aurora or have sex with her even if she seduced him, so there was nothing to worry about in that regard.      

Fortunately for Jade, before the conversation could progress any further, Candace returned looking more relaxed than she had been earlier, "I'm done," she told Jade, and immediately Jade stood up.      

"Great! We can leave now," she said excitedly before looking at Aurora.     

"We need to leave now. And don't forget to deliver my message to Harry," Jade said, and Aurora smiled as she escorted them out of her office.     

"Of course. By the way, I noticed you no longer refer to him as old uncle Harry," Aurora pointed out, while Candace listened to them with interest.     

"Maybe that's because I no longer see him that way. He's too young and cute to be called that don't you think?" Jade asked with a giggle, and Aurora laughed too as she agreed with her, while Candace's lips twitched in amusement.     

Once they got into the elevator, and Aurora left them, Jade let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God we are out of there. If we stayed there for an extra five minutes my jawbone would most likely have fractured. My jaws ache from smiling and laughing so hard when I didn't want to," Jade said as she rubbed her jaw, and Candace giggled.     

"Who is Harry?" Candace asked curiously.      

"Harry is Tom's best friend. Why?" Jade asked, and Candace raised a brow.     

"You are in love with your brother's best friend?" Candace asked, and Jade giggled when she heard the concern in Candace's voice.     

Had she been that obvious? How did Candace know she was in love with Harry? Before Jade could respond, her phone started to ring and she took it out from her handbag and received the call when she saw that it was from Tom.