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One Wild Night

Chapter 430: Ahhhh
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Chapter 430: Ahhhh

Lucas called himself all manner of names in his head as he hurried outside the restaurant, after settling their bill, hoping to catch Amy before she went too far.         


Once he stepped outside, he looked around but there was no trace of her anywhere. He could see different cars driving in and out of the premise, but there was no trace of Amy around.     

He ran down the road to see if he would find her walking, but he didn't.      

He took out his phone from his pocket to check the text which Miley had sent him, and he dialed Amy's line.     

He frowned when he was unable to reach her, and after trying a couple of times he gave up.      

He made up his mind to return to Lucy's apartment and call it a night since he couldn't find her or reach her on phone.     

After he was well rested he would send her a proper apology text, Lucas decided, and just as he headed for the parking lot where he had parked Lucy's car, he saw Miley standing in front of the restaurant and looking around like she was trying to find someone.     

He stopped when he noticed the way she smiled when she saw him and quickly hurried over to where he stood.     

"Oh, Lucas! Thank goodness you are still here," Miley said with a relieved smile.     

"You changed your mind about hanging out with your friends?" Lucas asked, but Miley wasn't listening to him, instead, she continued to look around.     

"Where is Amy? Didn't you find her?" Miley asked as she returned her attention to him.      

"No. She was gone by the time I got out. Did she drive?" Lucas asked, and Miley's brows pulled together as she shook her head.      

"That means she probably took a cab or something. That is not good," Miley murmured as she looked down at the wallet and key in her hand.      

"Since she is not here, I will go home now. Please let her know that I'm sorry, and I will text her or call her tomorrow to apologize properly," Lucas said, but Miley shook her head.     

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"Did you come with a car? Please can you go after her? Maybe you can catch up with her before she gets to her apartment," Miley suggested, but Lucas shook his head.      

"No. I can't do that. I already told you I will give her a call. Her number is not going through right now else I would have done so alre..."     

"I already tried to call her too. Her number is not going through because her battery is dead. I just recalled her complaining about it on our way here," Miley said with a concerned frown.      

"In that case, I will make sure my text is the first notification she receives when she turns her phone on," Lucas promised, but Miley shook her head.      

"It's not just about the apology. I want to be sure she gets home safe..."     

"She is not a kid, Miley. And she is not drunk either. I'm sure she can find her way home. She won't miss her way simply because she is upset," Lucas said reasonably.     

"It's not that either. I was the one who locked the door on our way out so I'm with the key," Miley said as she raised the single key she was holding for him to see, "I just found it in my handbag," Miley said, and Lucas raised a brow.     

"I'm sure she has a spare tucked away under her doormat or flowerpot somewhere..."     

"That's not all. She will be stranded. She doesn't have any money on her. I'm with her wallet," Miley said as she raised the wallet in her other hand.      

"How can you be with her wallet when she left with her handbag?" Lucas asked in disbelief, as he looked at her incredulously.     

"We have a matching pair. I thought this was mine and I picked it from the table while leaving the apartment. I was startled to find both wallets in my handbag," Miley explained with an embarrassed smile.      

"And she didn't notice that she left the house without her wallet?" Lucas asked, thinking that it didn't make sense.          


"I'm sure she thinks it's in her handbag," Miley said with a concerned frown.     

"Then you should go after before she gets there."     

"That won't work. I can't go home right now. I already promised the lady inside that I would join her party before remembering that I was with the key," Miley said with a pout, and Lucas frowned.      

"So? You'd rather your best friend is stranded than disappoint a stranger?" He asked incredulously.     

"She is not a stranger. She is an ardent follower," Miley explained patiently.     

"Too bad you will have to disappoint her. Why did you let Amy leave when you..."     

"Seriously? Did she leave on my account?" Miley snapped at him, startling Lucas who hadn't been expecting that.     

"I already said I was sorry," Lucas said defensively when Miley glared at him.      

"I'm not the one you should apologize to. She will get even more mad at you when she ends up getting embarrassed because she can't pay for her cab, and stranded because she can't get into her apartment," Miley said as she extended the wallet and key to Lucas.     

"Are you going to take it to her or not?" Miley asked, and Lucas silently swore at himself before taking the key and wallet from her.      

Miley smiled at him, "You have her home address. I'm sure it won't be difficult for you to locate. Goodnight, Lucas," she said as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek before walking away.      

Left with no choice, Lucas got into Lucy's car and dropped Amy's wallet and key on the passenger seat before checking for Amy's address.     

Although he wasn't too familiar with the environment, he relied on Google assistant to give him the right direction to Amy's apartment.     

Unfortunately, he realized that Google Maps wasn't always reliable when he ended up getting lost twice. He couldn't tell if he was the one who didn't understand the direction, or if it was his google assistant who didn't know the direction.     

As Lucas tried to find the way he took turns cursing himself and everyone else who had a role to play in his present predicament.     

Why did he let Lucy talk him into going out with Miley? Of all people to take such advice from, why did he listen to Lucy, who had only just recently started to mix up with people? It wasn't like she had any real relationship experience with people before now, outside of their immediate family, Sonia and Tyler. So why did he listen to her?      

Why did he leave Lucy's apartment where he had been spending the day watching movies and playing games on his phone to meet with Miley?     

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Why did Amy come out with Miley? He was sure things wouldn't have happened this way had he met with just Miley alone.      

Why did Amy have to get so angry that she had to leave that way? Shouldn't she have just calmed down after emptying her glass of water on him and yelling at him like that in public?      

Sure, he was wrong. He was a jerk for saying what he said when he knew just how much she had cried when she arrived that night. He had realized how badly he fucked up the moment the words left his mouth, but she had also reacted too quickly, and before he had a chance to recover from his shock and apologize, she had walked away.     

Why didn't Miley stop her? If she had stopped her from leaving or gone with her he wouldn't have to be on this blasted road trying to find his way to her apartment.     

Why did that damned Instagram follower have to show up and take Miley away from the table? If she hadn't appeared from nowhere Miley wouldn't have left and he wouldn't have talked to Amy at all or argued with her, and even if that had happened, Miley would have been the one going after Amy right now not him.     

Why did Amy's battery have to be dead right now? Why did she have to leave her wallet and key behind? And why did she leave so fast like she was being chased? Why couldn't she have just walked away so he would chase after her and find her instead of...     

He stepped on his brake pedal abruptly when he drove past someone dressed in a white dress, and the car came to a screeching halt.     

He looked through the rearview mirror, and sure enough, there was Amy walking down the road barefooted with her sandals in hand.          


She was walking in the opposite direction and didn't take note of the car that has driven past her or the fact that the car had stopped.     

Immediately, he picked up the wallet and car key from the passenger seat and got out of the car. He walked after her in quick steps, wanting to call out to her, but he slowed down when he realized she was speaking to herself.     

"Lucas? Sounds more like Look Ass to me," Amy hissed to herself angrily, not caring about the fact that she would look like a crazy person to anyone who saw her talking to herself.      

"What an ass! Dr. Hottie my ass! What ever nonsense made me think he was cute or calm? I must have been out of my mind!" She said with a humorless chuckle.     

"Senseless idiot! Little wonder he ended up with a stupid bitch like Rachel!" Amy hissed to herself angrily as she continued to walk.      

"Water is too good for him. I should have poured the spicy sauce on him instead," Amy said muttered angrily, and then suddenly stopped walking when she noticed another shadow beside hers and realized that she wasn't alone.     

She clutched her handbag tighter and swirled around immediately using her handbag to hit him right in the face before she could make out his face.     

"Ahhhh!" Lucas cried out as he raised a hand to his face.