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One Wild Night

Chapter 519 Live Video
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Harry looked around his apartment and he couldn't believe how rowdy it was. This was the first time he was having such a large gathering in his house and there wasn't even enough room for everyone.

He was having a headache. Everyone was talking at the same time, some seated, some standing, and people were just at every corner he looked in his living room.

Now that she had resolved her misunderstanding with Tom, there was no reason for her to leave the gathering since he wouldn't be in ludus at least until a couple of hours so she was busy talking with her parents about her mother's arrest, while Sonia was talking with Desmond and Evelyn.

"I'm hungry," Sonia complained, and Evelyn turned to her.

"Of course, you'd be. I doubt you've had anything to eat since you left the house, or have you?" Evelyn asked, and Sonia shook her head.

"Why don't we go to the kitchen and fix dinner for everyone," Jade suggested to Candace, and both Lucy, and Sonia joined them.

Harry silently hoped that they would clean the place before leaving. He didn't want to have to call in the cleaner on a weekend, and he definitely didn't want to have to do the cleaning himself either.

Inside the kitchen, Jade looked at Sonia and Lucy, "Now that you both seem okay, I think you need to know that your men are trending on social media because of you," Jade said, and Candace giggled while Sonia and Lucy looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Trending why?" Lucy asked, while Sonia wasted no time in taking out her phone to see what was happening on social media.

"You should see for yourself," Jade said before turning to Candace. "What do you suggest we fix for everyone?"

"Let's see what we can make out of what we can find," Candace suggested while Sonia and Lucy pored over the articles on social media.

"I can't believe he bought me flowers. It's the first time anyone is buying me flowers," Sonia said with a wide smile.

"I can count a number of guys that bought you flowers," Lucy said dryly.

"They don't count," Sonia said waving her hands dismissively.

"And he apologized publicly in a cinema. Isn't that so romantic?" Sonia asked with a girlish giggle and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Yes, it is. You can include all of that in your ," Lucy suggested.

"Everyone still thinks you stood him up," Jade pointed out as she and Candace rummaged through the refrigerator in search of food items that would be enough to prepare a meal for everyone.

"Well, that can be corrected easily," Sonia said as she went on her instagram page and started a live video, startling Lucy who quickly moved away from her.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked with a frown.

"Going live to let everyone know Bryan wasn't stood up," Sonia said even as people started to join her live video.

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"Your face don't look so good," Jade said, turning to look at Sonia.

"I'm live already," Sonia pointed out, and Jade quickly went around to join Sonia while Lucy stood beside Candace.

"Hello, everyone! As you already know, I'm Sonia Smith. Bryan's girlfriend...."

"And I'm Jade Hank. The most beautiful Hank sister," Jade said with a bright smile and they both giggled as they read some of the comments.

"No, I'm not gay. I assure you," Jade said when one person commented on how pretty she was saying she looked like a lesbian, while another person asked if the reason Sonia left Bryan was for Bryan's pretty sister.

"First of all, I want to publicly apologize to Bryan for misunderstanding him. Baby, I'm sorry, and I love you."

"Aww," Jade cooed, placing a hand on her chest.

"Secondly, I'm going to ignore all the hate comments I read last night from Bryan's fans. I'm ignoring it all because I want to believe you said all you did out of love for him and concern for his career. Now to the reason I'm making this video. I just saw the news online about Bryan being stood up by me. That's not true. I traveled all the way down to Ludus to surprise Bryan and make up with him only to find out he also traveled down to Heden to see me. I'm over here with his family waiting for him to return. So it's all love down here. I hope the gossip blogs would stop spreading unverified stories. Thanks for your time. I love you all. Goodbye for now," Sonia said, and ended the video.

"How was that?" Sonia asked with a satisfied smile as she looked at Lucy and Candace.

Lucy shrugged, "I guess it's okay."

"Good. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's talk about how the both of your are cousins," Sonia said pointing at Lucy and Candace.

"And how you are interested in her twin brother," Sonia said pointing at Jade and Candace.

"And how you are dating her brother," Sonia said pointing at Lucy and Jade.

"And how you are my best friend, and how we are dating her both brothers... don't you think we should just bring out knives right now and take a blood oath swearing allegiance to each other seeing how we are all connected?" Sonia asked, making them laugh.

"Oh! I left out how you are involved with her brother's best friend," Sonia said, referring to Candace and Jade once again.

"I'm not involved with her brother's best friend. Nothing is going on between Matt and I," Candace informed her stiffly.

"Nothing? But Matt is in love with you," Sonia said with a slight frown.

"You think so too, right?" Jade asked, while Lucy listened to them without commenting since she was the only one who didn't really know Matt personally and knew next to nothing about Candace's relationship with him.

"Not anymore. That's all water under the bridge now," Candace said dismissively wondering why everyone was talking about Matt today. She hoped they would drop the subject and let sleeping dogs lie.

"Love doesn't fade so easily.... Talk about the devil," Sonia said with a grin when her phone started ringing and she saw that it was Matt.

"That's Matt?" Jade asked, and Sonia nodded as she received the call while Candace pretended to be busy so she wouldn't focus on Sonia to hear what she was discussing with Matt.

"Hey, gumsdrop!" Matt greeted cheerfully making Sonia smile.

"Sup, sunshine!" Sonia greeted back and Matt chuckled.

"Do you sound this way because you are fine or are you trying to sound cheerful to make me believe you're good?" Matt asked making Sonia's brows pull together in confusion.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be fine?"

"I heard about your fallout with Bryan. Are you okay? Do you need a shoulder to cry on?" Matt asked with such a concerned tone that made Sonia smile.

"Aww! I'm so touched right now," Sonia said, genuinely feeling touched by his question.

"Don't feel so touched. I plan to snatch you from him. That bastard doesn't deserve a germ like you. Please, if you both ever make up don't tell him I said this," Matt pleaded and Sonia giggled making the others wonder what they were talking about as they went about fixing snacks for everyone to eat.

"Are you still at the Hank home? I could drop by with a box of ice cream and chocolate for you," Matt offered.

"That's so sweet of you. Do you have a social media account, Matt? Instagram? Twitter? Facebook?" Sonia asked in amusement.

"Sure, I do. Why?" Matt asked.

"When last did you go online?" Sonia asked curiously.

"Some time this morning I think. I'm not really a fan of social media. I prefer to spend my time doing other things instead of trying to see what other people are doing with their time. Besides, it's a known fact that most stuff posted online are lies. Why waste my time?" Matt asked, and Sonia laughed softly.

"You're so weird for a celebrity. Anyway, if you had gone online you'd have been updated on the current state of our relationship. Bryan and I are cool, or better put, we are on our way to being cool, so I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Sonia said, and Matt sighed in relief.

"I'm relieved you're both not breaking up," Matt confessed honestly.

"You are such a darling," Sonia said, and Matt smiled.

"Anyway, I told Bryan I was gonna stop by to check on you I still have to do that. So where are you?" Matt asked as he glanced at the wristwatch.

"Well, unless you are in Ludus or plan to fly down to Ludus, I'm afraid you can't do that. I'm in Ludus. Got here about an hour ago," Sonia explained and Matt raised a brow.

"Huh? Does that mean you are with Bryan right now?"

"No. He's in Heden. We both traveled to see the other," Sonia said, explaining the mixup and Matt burst into a peal of laughter.

"Serve y'all right. Alright then. Since you're good, I don't have to worry. Got to go now," Matt said wanting to hang up, but Sonia quickly stopped him.

"I'm at Harry's apartment right now. Jade is here. And Candace too. You want to say hello?" Sonia asked, and Candace stiffened at the mention of her name, while Jade walked over to where Sonia was and took the phone from her.

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"Give my regards to them. I have to go now...."

"Too bad I'm with the phone already. How are you?" Jade asked, and Matt sighed.

"I'm fine. Seeing how you're both there I guess things turned out well and Jero is dead," Matt said, resisting the urge to ask Jade about what Bryan had told him concerning Candace being Harry's twin sister.

"Yeah. Want to say hello to her?" Jade suggested, and Candace paused what she was doing to look at Jade with disapproval even though a part of her wanted to speak with him.

"Can't.I'm busy right now. On my way out on a date and I...."

"You're going out on a date?" Jade asked with a frown, and Candace also looked slightly surprised.

"Yes. Got to go now. Give my regards to Candace," Matt said, and without letting her say another word he hung up the call.

All eyes turned to Candace, and seeing the concern on their faces she flashed them an awkward smile, "See? I told you. There's nothing between us," she said before turning her back to them and started whisking the eggs.

Seeing how awkward the atmosphere was now, Sonia decided to change the subject, "How are things going with Harry?" She asked Jade curiously and Jade grinned.

"Better than I thought. I have so much to tell you. But first. Since you're all here, I need your help. Harry is going on a date and I need to spy on them," Jade said, and Lucy frowned.

"Why is Harry going on a date when you just said things are going well?" Lucy asked curiously as she sifted the flour.

"Well, it's Aurora. I matchmade them. Harry is being Chivalrous and doesn't want to go back on his words to her. But I'm not comfortable," Jade explained with a frown.

"So what's your plan?" Sonia asked with an excited smile.

"I told her it should be a double date but Harry doesn't want me to show up," Jade said, telling them all what Harry had said and what she planned to do.

"Harry has a valid point. I'd feel stupid if I were in her shoes and later found out you set me up with him yet ended up snatching him from me and not even telling me anything," Lucy said, and Candace nodded in agreement.

"Doesn't that sound like what happened between you and Anita? Trying to set her and Tom up and dating Tom afterward?" Sonia asked, and Lucy frowned.

"No, it doesn't. I was the one that was taken for a fool because Anita didn't tell me Tom was her ex or anything. I'm surprised you're even saying this," Lucy said annoyed.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you," Sonia said apologetically.

"So what do you suggest I do? Sit back and watch him go on a date with her? C'mon, Candace! You saw Aurora. You heard all her plans," Jade said, and Candace shrugged.

"But Harry said you should leave it to him. Trust him and do nothing," Candace suggested.

"I support that too," Lucy said, and Jade turned to Sonia.

"I understand it's not easy to stay still. But I see no reason why we can't have lunch together on that day at that venue." Sonia said, and Jade smiled.

"I always knew I could count on you."