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Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles

Chapter 123 - the decisive war(Ⅱ) (Part 2)
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Chapter 123 - the decisive war(Ⅱ) (Part 2)

Most Adernian soldiers had been farmers. In agriculture, teamwork is very important.

That’s why Adernians can keep order even in such a dangerous situation.

Instead, most Gallians belong to the nomadic society. Nomads have no fixed homes but move from region to region to secure their food supply.

They prefer to work alone.

“Should I have joined in the battle with the elephants?……No, I shouldn’t.”

Curiu looked at the elephants that ran back, with their dead beastmasters still on them.

It looked like all the elephants had fell into panic.

Imagine a troop of elephants charging towards the Rosyth army together with General Curiu. Once he lost control of the elephants, there was a high risk that the elephants would run back and trample their own soldiers to death.

It’s very risky.

So General Curiu ordered to kill the rest of the panicked elephants and then prepared to charge towards the Allied Forces once again.

“Well, the elephants were enough to break the enemy’s formation.”

Curiu thought to himself then turned back towards his troops and said:

“Soldiers, victory!”

A long speech is unnecessary. A single word is enough.


All of Rozel’s 30,000 soldiers roared and charged towards the enemy.

“Come on!”

I commanded our light infantry to retreat.

Although there were still a few elephants that remained, we had to first deal with General Curiu, who can’t be stopped by just the light infantry.

“Hurry up!”

Our soldiers reformed the formation in a flurry.

Can we make it?… No, a little late.

We need to do something!

“Ron, Gram, Muzio, go!”

“Yes brother!”

“Got it, my king!”

“Leave the support to me.”

I led the elites guards to the frontline.

We try to stop General Curiu and reform the formation during this period.

Maybe it’s a little dangerous, but we had no choice.


Raising my sword, I rushed towards General Curiu.

As far as I know, General Curiu is a really valiant soldier.

He is riding a strange monster. It seems to be a dragon.

But both I and my horse, Sakura, showed no fear against it.

“So you are King Almus. How young! But I’m sorry, you’re going to die at this age.”

Curiu said something. But unfortunately, I don’t know the Gallian language.

“General Cuiru! Today is the end of your legend!”

Our swords collided with each other again and again. My sword is made of Dragon Damascus. It’s strange that General Curiu’s sword still hasn’t been cut off in half. In other words…

“It’s made of Dragon Damascus!”

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We said something together.

Even though I didn’t understand what he said, he probably thought the same as me.

“Die! Curiu!”

“Go to hell! Almus!”

Our swords collided again.

“It looks like you also have a Divine Blessing.”

“Furthermore, the Divine Blessing is for strengthening combat power, right?”

It’s the first time for me to fight against someone with the same Divine Blessing.

However, General Curiu seems to be on a higher level due to having more experience.

But Ron and the others make up for my shortfall.

“Sheet! You’re really mean, King Almus!”

“Although I don’t know what you said but……there is no fairness on the battlefield!”

Ron stabbed with a spear towards Curiu. The two of us attack at a short range.

Gram ang Muzio attack with their bows and arrows.

But even in such a difficult situation, General Curiu could still dodge our attacks, probably with the help of the Divine Blessing.

However, he will surely reach his limit.

“Protect General Curiu!

“Support! Hurry up!”

Our elite guards also fight fiercely against Rozel’s.

Both sides had been strengthened by Divine Blessing.

It seems as if no side will be defeated.

But, after all, we have fewer soldiers. We will be surrounded at this rate…

“Hurry up!! I’m sorry, my King!! Please excuse me for coming late!”

“My King! Please take good care of yourself!”

With the arrival of Bartolo and Tony, it seemed like our strategy of buying time was successful.”

We have warded off the impact brought by the troops of Curiu.

Our 13,000 heavy infantry started fighting against 30,000 of Rozel’s troops.

The heavy infantry has a stronger defense than the Gallians.

“Forward! Kill the foocking Adernians!”

“Foock away, you Gallian son of a b*tch!”

The battlefield was full of swearing.

I won’t fail too!

“Die! Curiu!”

I swung my sword towards Curiu’s head, but it was defended by his sword.

At this moment, Ron stabbed his spear. In a spray of bright red blood, he left a deep wound in the waist of Curiu.

Staring at his clothes drenched by blood, General Curiu frowned.

Meanwhile, two arrows from Gram and Muzio flew towards Curiu.

One targeted Curiu’s head, the other towards his heart.

There was no space for Curiu to avoid.

“Let me help you!”

A blonde woman appeared and entangled the two arrows with threads from her fingers easily.

“Nice to meet you, King Almus. I’m Alice, the one who will kill you.”

I saw a flicker of light.

I lift my sword to guard against it.

Something hit it and fell on the ground, it was a needle.

“Not an assassination this time?”

“I was originally going to do that, but General Curiu was in danger.”

Hearing Alice’s words, General Curiu apologized.

“I’m so sorry! Alice-dono.”

“Never mind.”

Then they turned to me.

“Let’s move on.”

Alice said that in Adernian language and then she raised her knives towards me.

I parried her knives with my sword.

Immediately, General Curiu’s huge sword charged towards me.

I hurried to avoid it.

“Ron! You’re in charge of the blonde!”

“Got it! Hey, I’m your opponent!”

Ron tried to suppress Alice with his spear, which was entangled by Alice’s threads.

Soon the threads reached their limit and were cut off.

Alice tried to defend against Ron’s spear with her knife.

But it was also cut off easily.

“Well, it seems that your spear is also made of Dragon Damascus. So is mine.”

Alice pulled another knife from her sleeves.

It’s called a kukri knife.

The battle between us four intensified.

Although Curiu and Alice were more skillful, with the support from Gram and Muzio, we leveled the situation.

Curiu and Alice had to pay attention to the arrows and their rhythm had been disturbed.

We gradually had the upper hand.

While General Curiu was trapped in the middle, we Allied Force had the chance to reform the army.

During this time, our wings cavalry backed from flank and gradually surrounded the Rozel’s.

However, until finished the surround, we middle troops had to try their best to contain the main force of Rozel.

There’s a possibility that we will be annihilated before the finish of surrounding.

The war fell into a stalemate.

Water is full to then overflow.

With the war being fought so hard, more rain under the greater.

My clothes got drenched, my face also hard to tell was rain or sweat.

But even so, I still had to pay all my attention.

Or I will fail.


General Curiu collapsed first, due to his archery wound caused by Gram.

Meanwhile, my sword hit the shoulder of Curiu, blood is ejective.

His face showed an expression of agony.

“I won’t let you interfere with them!

Ron stopped Alice who was going to save Curiu.

Alice stared at him angrily and fought back with her tulwar.

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I pursed Curiu with sharp attack. For defending my sword, Curiu became more painful. Due to the severe blood loss, the result was a progressive decline in physical abilities of Curiu. At this moment, Muzio and Gram released their arrows again.

Good chance!



The two arrows were stopped by a balck haired woman.

I’ve met her before, in my monarchical succession.

Witch Marin.

She stood, with a short bow in left hand and arrow in right hand.

“Worried and come here. It seemed that you can do nothing without my support. How incompetent my son is…”

“Mo… mother.”

“Call me sister!”

Sister or mother, you must speak clearly.“

Marin and Curin spoke in Gallian language,

“Drink it. For analgesia, I added some drugs. Take it easy, a small dose.”

“Than…thanks… ok! Come on, fight together! Melon-dono.”

“Well, if you like.”

Marin smiled and started chanting

It’s Japanese!!

“Open the gate of hell. Come to the real world. You pain will be mine, my pain will be yours! You pleasure will be mine, my pleasure will be yours. You death will be mine, my death will be yours. Your life will be mine, my life will be yours. Your empty will be my revenge. The red wire between us will beyond the world.”

She is…a Japanese?!!!”

“Let fly together! Let’s conquer the world! We will be omnipotent in two. You’re the wolf and I’m the bailuyuan(white deer). We two is one, each one is two.”

Marin chanted. There is a cold nip in the air.

It’s the song of death, a song that cannot be sung be human.

For stopping her chant, I shortened the distance in a flurry.


“This road have closed.”


General Curiu swung his claymore. After the drug, he became excited than ever before.

“Gram, Muzio! Shot!”

The two released their arrows toward Marin.

She stopped arrows just with her right hand.

Her hand was run through by arrows.Marin frowned.


She pulled out the arrows without any pressure. And her wound self-healed in a second.

And she chanted again.

“Now here, God, I could sing of your love forever,”

After her chant, the atmosphere was changing.

Her eyes was sharper, just like someone into her body.

“I see, Almus, give in please. I won’t kill my town fellow. If we work together, there will be possible for us to find a way to come back to Japan.”

“I’m sorry but I can’t. I am not willing to come back. Moreover, I have killed so many people arriving here. Now I have no choice but to step forward.”


Marin seemed a little sad.

“It is a pity we have to part this way, although I have also killed many people like you. But I can’t stop here. For me dead husband’s sake, I had to keep moving forward. If you won’t be my friend, you will be my enemy.

Marin smiled and raised her short bow.

“I’m sorry but your archer still too young too simple.”